Awkward (Drunk! Gerard Way X Reader)

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Already into part three of the Gerard Way X reader series! I hope your enjoying these one shots as well as the others too! The year is set to early 2000's. Before MCR broke. Way before.

It has now been a month since you and (friend's name) became groupies for MCR. You had actually gotten to know the band a little. They act so much different than how they are portrayed in their music videos.

In their music videos, they act all serious and pissed off. But they're actually major goofballs that act like teenagers. They actually made you laugh yesterday! You haven't laughed in years!


"Come on you queers!" Bob called out in a joking tone. You and (friend's name) stopped reloading the equipment real quick to see what was going on.

Your eyes widened when you saw Gerard making out with Frank! (Friend's name) grinned from ear to ear. He/she let out a fan girl/boy squeal. You didn't really understand.

Mikey nudged you slightly. "It's called bromance. They always do that shit. Sometimes I can't believe I'm related to him."

He whispered as he helped you load up the last of the equipment since your friend was too busy taking pictures of Gerard and Frank.

They both quickly stopped their little make out session and laughed. Mikey shook his head but couldn't contain the smile that had started to form on his lips before laughing.

Bob and Ray soon began laughing with him. Frank had picked up his beer can from the floor and walked towards the tour bus. "Next stop, Narnia!!!" He randomly blurted. 

"Let's go burn the witch!" Mikey shouted. "And get presents from Santa!!" Ray followed. "Sexy lions!" Bob followed. (Friend's name) looked at you and laughed, shrugging his/her shoulders.

You looked over at Gerard, expecting him to say something. But instead he walked over to you. You gasped when he suddenly picked you up and put you over his shoulder.

"To Narnia!" He shouted and walked around with you slung over his shoulder. You started to laugh. "You goof!" You laughed. You actually laughed... For the first time in years!


Right now you and (friend's name) were settled into your hotel. "Ah! What a day!" He/she said, flopping down on his/her bed. You sat down on the bed next to his/her's.

"Yeah." You responded, smiling to yourself. MCR's hotel was the penthouse which was two floors above from you. You got dressed in some pajamas and laid down.

It had been a long day and you were ready for bed and sick of sleeping in a car seat. It was really late. Gerard was drinking.

Unaware to Mikey and the rest of the band, Gerard had wandered off from the penthouse and had made his way to yours and (friend's name)'s hotel room...

~the next morning

You had slept fairly well last night. You cracked your eyes opened but then quickly shut them due to the light from outside and snuggled closer into your bed.

And whatever it was that was comforting you. That was until you felt it move and tighten its grip around your waist. You opened your eyes and looked down under the covers.

Two skinny arms had a firm grip around your waist. You turned your head and was face to face with a sleeping Gerard Way! His breath reeked of alcohol. You turned back around and plunged your nose.

Your face turned red as tomato and you began to hyperventilate. Oh god oh god oh god!!!! You panicked in your head. You looked over at your friend to see they were still sleeping.

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