The Last Of Us (Andy Biersack X Dying! Reader)

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This will be a lot like the video game The Last Of Us, except for the end. Enjoy.

You sat in the back of the truck. Your back was bleeding from your wings being torn. Your boyfriend, Andy, had been in the drivers seat, driving as fast as the truck would go.

You cried from the pain. "Andy... It hurts." You whimpered. "I know, babe. I'm driving as fast as I can. I promise, I'll get you out of here alive."

Andy replied, looking at you from the broken rear view mirror. You groaned and laid down on your stomach. Suddenly, as Andy turned a corner, another car came crashing into the truck.

The truck was flipped over. You landed on your back and screamed. The blood that was on the seat dripped on you. "ANDY!!!" You screamed.

You used what little strength you had to pull yourself out from the truck. The front door was pushed off as Andy crawled out.

"Oh god! Y/n!" He panicked. He helped you up and you whimpered. "My leg hurts!" You told him. "Is it broken?" He asked.

"I think so.." You replied. Andy picked you up bridal style and carried you out of the city. You were ambushed by a fallen angel. "Princess y/n! I've come for you!"

He growled. His teeth consisted of rows of sharp teeth and he had claws that were dripping with blood. "You can't have her!!!" Andy sneered, balancing you with one arm so he could aim his gun at the anti angel.

He laughed. "A weak ass human like you doesn't stand a chance against me!" The angel lunged at Andy and tried to bite him.

Andy struggled to shoot the bastard. "Damn it!!!" You shouted before plunging your hand into the fallen angels chest. You grabbed his heart and squeezed.

He gargled and screeched. As soon as you. Destroyed his heart he turned into ashes. Your body was limp after using all that energy.

"Hang in there, y/n!" Andy whispered and kissed your cheek. He kept moving. It felt like you were moving up a hill. "Halt!" You heard a voice.

Your heart raced. No! Please! Not a solider!!! You screamed in your mind. "Please... Don't shoot." Said Andy. "Drop your weapon!" The solider screamed.

Andy glared at the solider and dropped his gun. "Sir, I've got two civilians here. One is a human, but he's carrying a fallen angel."

He said, holding something to his ear. He had noticed the black bloodied feathered nubs sticking out of your back. "No! You don't understand!

She's not like the others!" Andy yelled. The solider ignored him and began shooting! Andy got shot in the arm and you both went rolling down the hill.

You got separated from Andy. You could feel a sharp pain in your stomach. You looked down to see your shirt had fresh blood on it.

You had been shot. You screamed as the pain caught on and you sobbed. "OH GOD!!! NO, Y/N!!!!" Andy screamed. He ran over to you and propped you on his knee.

He turned to the solider, glaring daggers at him. "You sick son of a fuck!!! YOU SHOT Y/N!!!" He screamed. Andy was so full of rage. You had never seen him so angry.

"Freeze!" The solider ordered as Andy stood up, not before gently putting you back down. "I said freeze!!!" The solider barked. Andy ignored him and kept approaching.

The solider shot Andy once more, getting him in his shoulder. Andy hardly flinched! Andy let out a scream in rage as he lunged at the solider, grabbing and breaking his arm!

"I'LL MAKE PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!" He screamed. He yanked the rifle out of his hands and aimed it at him. You gasped.

Was Andy really going to kill this man?! "Go ahead if you have the guts!" The solider squealed. "No! I'm not like you and the rest of this damned military!

I'm not a murderer! But I will make you pay with your blood!" Andy replied before shooting the guard in both of his knees and his broken arm.

Andy then snapped the gun in half against his knee. He then rushed over to you. "Y/n...!" He muttered. "A-a-Andy!" You somehow managed to get out as you spat up blood.

You cried as Andy held you close. "Y-y/n, please don't go! Please don't leave me." He silently begged as tears ran down his face, smearing his eyeliner.

Your eyelids became heavy. "No! Don't close your eyes! I promised I'd get you out alive!" He cried. "An_dy!" You chocked. Your heart beat slowed down.

You could feel yourself go limp. "I-I-I-I l-lo-love you...." You managed to say one last time. With tears streaming down his face, Andy leaned down and softly kissed your lips.

"I love you too, y/n." He whispered, tucking a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ear. He watched as the life in your eyes faded.

Andy closed your eye lids and cried. "Goodbye, y/n. I will always love you..."


Andy... Even though I am gone, I will always be here with you. I'll be watching over you. But not as a fallen angel. But as your guardian angel. I love you, Andy Biersack.

This one shot will also have a continuation. The next one shot will start from how you and Andy Biersack met. I can't wait to write that :3

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