Devil's Night (Chris Motionless X Reader)

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This one shot is based off Motionless In White's music video for their song Devil's night.

You were running. Running in the dark. Running in the fenced area that resembled a junkyard almost. You couldn't really see where you were going, but your body moved on its own, guiding through the obstacles.

The tight masked blinded you. The only sounds you could hear were 'Obey' 'Submit' and 'Comply'. Even though you were trapped in yourself, you still held on to the last bit of memory you had before you became brainwashed.

Chris. He was the last bit of hope you clung onto. You truly believed that you would one day see him again. He held you close and told you that everything was gonna be ok and that one day he'd save you.

That was the last time you had seen him. Before it all went wrong. Before you lost all hope for yourself and blindly did what society told you to do. It was the worst mistake you ever made.

You thought you were gonna get the help you needed, but you were tricked. Blocking out what you see. Blocking out your own voice, but worst of all, you blocked out Chris..

Your thoughts came to a stop when you felt some0ne grab you. Your body struggled but whoever grabbed you was much stronger. You felt a weight on your face mask.

It began to dig into the mask. Until it reached your skin. Whatever it was, it was really sharp. The blade slid across your face, causing you to struggle even more.

But nothing you did worked. Parts of the mask were being peeled off your face. The part around your mouth had been peeled off and for the first time in a long time, you screamed.

But you weren't screaming from the pain. You were screaming for your freedom. The last part of the mask to be removed was around your eyes. Your eyes squinted and your vision was blurry.

Those holding you down released you. When your vision cleared, you see a man standing over you. In his left hand was part of your mask. In the right was a blade. The blade looked like a shaving blade from Sweeny Todd.

You looked up at the one holding the blade. Your eyes widened and began to water. "C-Chris..." Your broken voice croaked. "I told you that I would save you, darling." He says in a hoarse voice.

He dropped the piece of mask and held out his hand for you. You reached for it and felt the tingling sensation of someone else's touch. Chris pulled you up to your feet and hugged you.

Your frail arms weakly hugged him back and you cried into his chest. "Chris... I'm so sorry. I was such an idiot for letting this happen to me..." You sobbed. Chris rubbed your back in attempt to calm you down.

"That doesn't matter anymore, y/n. All that matters is that you're free. You're free and I won't let them take you again." He says, lifting your chin up so he could look you in the eyes.

"Chris, I-" He interrupted by kissing you softly. "That doesn't matter." He said, in between kisses. You broke your heated kiss when Ryan cleared his throat.

You looked behind Chris to see, not only the rest of his band, but all the other people who once threw away their freedom. They were either snickering, or looking away from you guys.

"Come on, y/n, let's get the fuck out of here. Let's go home!" Chris says. He pecks your lips one last time. You follow him to a gate with sign that says 'Do not exit'. Chris broke the lock and opened the gates.

Everyone scrambled out, leaving you with Chris. He smiled softly and took your hand in his. "Let's go home." He repeated. You nodded and reached up to peck his cheek.

A small blush made its way onto his face. You both walked on, hand in hand. You missed his touch. You missed the fresh air. Now... You were free!

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