Groupies (Gerard Way X Reader)

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You sat in the passengers seat of your friends old mini van. He/she had the radio blasting. It was another My Chemical Romance song. Helena you think the song was called.

Speaking of the band, your best friend, (friend's name), had dragged you along on his/her crazy adventure of being My Chemical Romance's groupies.

(Quick authors note. This takes place in early 2000's. So years before MCR broke up)

He/she was obsessed with these guys. You on the other hand didn't know them all too much. "WHAT'S THE WORSE THAT I CAN SAY?!!! THINGS ARE BETTER IF I STAY!!!

SO LONG, AND GOODNIGHT, SO LONG AND GOODNIGHT!!!" (Friend's name) loudly sang along with the CD. You had been following this band for about a week now and they've already discovered you both.

They were nice enough to let the two of you continue being their groupies, but in exchange the two of you had to help them unload and reload their equipment during tours.

(Friend's name) was obviously way too overjoyed to help, let alone get to talk to them. You on the other hand were just meh, ok. Even though you hardly knew them, just being in their presence made you feel extremely shy and insecure.

Though, that could just be from (friend's name) acting like a nutcase which embarrassed the hell out of you. "Omg! Mikey is soooooo cute!!!" Your best friend squealed.

"Which one is Mikey?" You asked. He/she gasped. "Mikey! You know? That cute boy with the glasses! He's Gerard's younger brother!" (Friend's name) answered. "Which one is Gerard?" You asked again.

Your friend laughed hysterically. "He's the one with the long black hair! The one you've been fawning over!" He/she tease. Your face heated up. You smacked your friend across their chest. "I do not fawn over him!" You yelled.

He/she laughed. "Oh come on, (nickname)! I see the way you look at him and how you go red in the face every time he smiles at you! Nothing gets passed me, kiddo!" (Friend's name) laughed. You crossed your arms and glared.

He/she called you "kiddo" yet you're older than them. By two years. "Ha! See? You even glare the same way as Gerard! You even have your arms crossed! Heehee!" They giggled. You rolled your eyes and leaned back in your chair.

You closed your eyes and decided to take a quick nap. You didn't like the thought of being dragged along this whole groupie thing. But at least you were away from your abusive parents.

In all truth, you and (friend's name) are just running away from home. You fell asleep, having nightmares about the relentless abuse.


You woke up with a gasp from rapid knocking on the window. You looked out the window to see who was knocking. It was Gerard. You had also noticed the van was parked and it was nighttime. Also, (friend's name) was gone.

You grabbed the handle and rolled down the window. "Hey! You alright?" He asked. You looked at him confused and nodded. "Well, I see you're crying, so.."

He said. Crying? You felt around your cheeks to find they were damp from tears. "Oh.." You muttered. "Just... A bad dream." You quietly answered the emo singer.

"What were you dreaming about?" Gerard asked, tilting his head. It seemed really cute to you so you had to look away so he wouldn't see the heat that was rising to your cheeks.

"My parents." You quietly answered. You were so quiet, Gerard almost didn't hear you. "Oh. You miss them, huh?" He asked.

I wish I had the heart to... "Sort of. I miss how they once were, if that makes sense." You muttered. You hated talking about your parents. The only person you've ever opened up to was (friend's name).

Yet it's still hard for you to open up to him/her. Gerard had a concerned look on his face. "Ohhhh. I see." He muttered, scratching the back of his head.

You nodded. "Well, anyways. We're here!" Gerard told you, quickly changing the subject when he noticed how uncomfortable it was making you. You looked up at the large building where MCR was playing.

"Don't worry about having to help unload the equipment. We already took care of that. But, I do need you for when we have to pack up again." Gerard explained.

You nodded and got out of the car. He placed a lanyard around your neck. "Here's your pass to get in. Oh, also, I bought you a margarita." Gerard said with a smile.

He had handed you a glass of margarita that you didn't notice he was holding. He has such an adorable smile..~ You muttered a thank you before taking the glass.

Gerard gently patted your shoulder as you both headed into the building. Gerard had walked you to the main exit, but soon left to go in from the back where the rest of My Chemical Romance was.

"Come back stage after the show!" He called out to you. You looked over at him and could just barley make out the goofball smile he was giving you. "Ok!" You called back, blushing at the smile before going into the building.

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