Chapter 6: young innocence

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The next day in the stronghold where it was perfectly private and secluded, they decided to discuss the matter.

"So have you talked to May Belle about yesterday?"

"She won't say nothing." Jess sighed.

"Well obviously something's upsetting her in school that has something to do with Dylan. And they got into a fight because of it yesterday."

"What's your point?"

Leslie was grinning. "Do you think you can get Dylan to come to the house again?"

"I've tried calling but he hasn't returned any of the calls yet so no."

There was a sudden hope in Leslie's voice. She gave a mischievous grin. "Make sure you can convince your parents about the parents-teacher-meeting day, OK?" Jess lifted an eye brow at her curious statement but he half heartedly nodded.

      March was when parents were going to have to discuss about their children's academic performance with the child's homeroom teacher. Meaning, Mr and Mrs Aarons were going to May Belle's school later in the week. The only problem though was that they actually forgot about the day so they had planned to go on a little trip to North Carolina for whoever knows what reason, and because of that, no one could attend the meeting.

    There were however two other 'adults' in the house. Brenda and Ellie. Jack was planning to let them take care of the matter but with Leslie's plan at the back of Jess's mind, he prompted that it'd be wiser if he goes instead. He even told them that Leslie would come just to give them a sense of relief.

     And so it happened. Just two days before the meeting, Mr And Mrs Aarons went on and drove to North Carolina, leaving their five children to take care of themselves.

     Right after their school ended, Jess and Leslie headed straight to the elementary school and since it was just a few blocks away, they walked their way there.

    Walking through the halls that they used to go by, memories flooded Jess's mind which made him give a sigh of relief for some reason.

     A bunch of young kids ran past them, happy smiles on their face as they giggled.

    "Wow," Leslie chuckled. "I miss our Elementary days."

    "Elementary or pre-school?" Jess grinned.

    "Both." Leslie answered happily.

    He was a bit puzzled by her response because as far as he could remember, her elementary days weren't that happy. "Why both?"

    "Well first it's because we were all still so innocent when we younger. No kid ever bullied someone or made them cry... except maybe a few..." Leslie trailed on, her smile slowly fading but later regained it back after continuing, "My Elementary days weren't good back in Arlington, still had bullies when I moved here but at least I had you."

    Jess blushed. He should be used to this by now so why does he get so red whenever she uses that dreamy voice of hers? He grinned and intertwined his fingers with hers. Oh, what a lucky guy he is, he thought to himself.

     There were a number of parents in the room when they came into the classroom that was ironically Jess and Leslie's classroom back in the day. Some kids were with their parents who were probably the one who actually actually cared about school while the others were conversing with they friends.

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