Chapter 12: Moving in

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They arrived in California in a couple of hours after leaving the state of Virginia. Unlike Lark Creek, the buildings here were tall, and there seemed to be a lot of people with cameras around. Leslie told him that they were near Los Angeles so it wouldn't be surprising if he sees a celebrity walking around the streets with sunglasses and all that.

     When they arrived at the university, they went ahead to get their slips to see which room they had. Coincidentally, they shared the same room. They were room mates.

     "So... which bed are you taking?"

     "Does it really matter?" Jess shrugged his shoulders to her response. Leslie sighed. "I guess right."

     Jess opened the door and went in, setting his stuff at the left side of the room as he stared in awe at the room. It was much much bigger than his one back at home. He looked at the door that was at the right side. He opened it and went inside, expecting a normal sized bathroom with its basic necessities but no, it had a freaking bathtub and it was almost half the size of the bedroom.

     The thought of living here excited him and also made him feel weird. He was finally going to live an independent life without his parents nagging and setting rules. That excited him. The part that made him feel weird was that he was going to share a room with Leslie.

     Sitting at the edge of her bed, she patted the mattress to feel it and then looked at the widow. There were several booths lined up outside and people were going there. She wasn't really surprised or amazed or anything. Her room was bigger than this but at least now she didn't have to walk out of her room to go to the bathroom.

     "OK. Let's set some rules here." Leslie began and cleared her threat. Jess came out of the bathroom and sat on his bed.

     "No going in the bathroom when one of us is using it." Jess nodded his head. Of course. That was an obvious one. "..." Leslie stared at the ceiling, trying to come up with more rules. None. Jess lifted an eye brow after she didn't say anything for a while. Leslie sighed and looked at him. "Yeah, that's about it."

     "Okay?" Jess said in a puzzled tone.

     "Okay." Leslie showed a small smile. She prepped up and placed her hands to her hips. "Now how about going around the campus for a tour?"

They left the dormitory and headed to where the booths were and dozens of people were at. It seemed like a high school fair, except the people here wore more conservative clothes. There were still some girls wearing rather revealing clothes but at least they weren't showing 80% of their skin.

     After they decided to separate, they went on their own ways and told each other to meet back at their room when they were done.

Along the way, Jess found a new friend who was a freshman just like he was. Jake Elliot was his name and he and Jess shared the same interest in music and art. Jake said that he wasn't going to join any organization because he wanted his life to be hassle-free. He would have more time to himself if he didn't have so many commitments at once.

Jess met some of Jake's friends and found them to be quite interesting. There was Damien who was addicted to gaming, a nerd in high school and Sally who was majoring Arts like Jess. If this was high school, these 3 would never be in the same group but this was college and people have matured.

"So which teacher did you get?" Damien asked, pushing his glasses up.

"Hmm... professor... Beatriz Deltronomevult?" Jess couldn't help but chuckle as he tried to pronounce the name. "Deltronomayvult? Deltromivult? Seriously how do you pronounce her name?"

     The 3 of them suddenly laughed. Jess raised an eye brow. "It's Deltronomvult, and she's actually a he." Sally remarked.

     "What kind of dude has a name of Beatriz? That sounds like Beatrice." All of them began to laugh. After a few moments, Jake, Damien and Sally stopped laughing and their eyes went wide for a moment before they stared at the ground with their hands behind their back. "What?"

     Jess looked at them, confused and then realized that there was someone behind. He turned around and faced a middle aged man with glasses and hair combed all the way to the back. He looked at his ID that he was wearing. Beatriz Deltronomevult it said.

     "Oh um sir!" He blurted and gave a nervous laugh. "Well oh look at the time," he said, pointing to his phone and beginning to retreat. "It's past curfew so uh yeah, um bye!" And with that he hurried out of the professor's sight and went back to his dorm.

     It was a really bad first impression to give to someone who was going to determine your future for the rest of your life. Jess's life was literally in that professor's hands and he just killed his chance to be the kid at the back who was going to be ignored, or perhaps the kid who was going to be the teacher's pet. He was joking when he said the last part.

     He opened the door with a sigh and found Leslie laying on her bed while reading a book. She had changed into her pajamas. Jess sulked as he made his way to his bed and groaned.

     "What'sa matter with you?" Leslie asked, amused by his sudden mood.

     Jess raised his head up from the pillow and bit his lip. "Well let's see, I just destroyed my entire future just a few minutes ago by making fun of a name."

     "Who'd you ran into?" Leslie seemed interested as she sat up and leaned on the wall with a grin on her face.

     "This Beatriz Deltronomvult professor..."

     "Oh, what about him?"

     Jess looked at her, shocked. "You know he's a guy?"

     "Uh yeah. Isn't it obvious?" Leslie said in a matter-of-fact tone as if everyone in the world knew that Beatriz was a guy's name.

     He sighed and groaned in his pillow. He could hear Leslie giggling and trying to stop herself.

     "I mean, it's Beatriz! That's a guy's name! If he was a girl than his name should be Beatrice." She added and then after a few minutes, she could finally suppress her giggles in. "But tell me that you at least found someone to talk to."

     "That I did." Jess lifted his head from the pillow and grinned. "3 of them too. What about ya?"

     "Well I met this one girl who's a freshman like I am and she's quite different."

     "How so?"

     "Well... she's actually a daughter of someone we know."


"Does beautiful Julia Edmunds ring a bell?" Leslie gave a smirk like the way she did when she saw Jess staring at Miss Edmunds while they were taking the instruments.

"Miss Edmunds has an illegitimate child?! But she's so young! She couldn't possibly -"

"What? No!" Leslie crinkled her nose and threw her pillow in Jess's face. "She's the niece of Miss Edmunds, dummy."

     "Right, of course I knew that, I was just kidding earlier."

     "Suuure you were..." Leslie rolled her eyes and then laid back on her bed. She rolled her sleeves up and then pulled her blanket up, lying on her side with her back facing Jess. "Good night."

     Jess showed a small smile and rolled to his side. "Good night."

Bridge To Terabithia 2: The Last Time - Part 2 || ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें