Chapter 13: After curfew

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     It was perhaps around 2 AM when Jess woke up from hearing something. The noise was actually coming from outside the door and when he looked under the door, there were people standing outside and clearly they were using a flashlight. Jess grunted as he got out of bed, rubbing his eyes and peered through the peephole. The faces were familiar, so he slightly opened the door but quickly squinted his eyes when the person shone the light to his face.

"Lord, stop that!" He hissed and pointed the flashlight to the floor instead.

"Glad you're up." The person chuckled and then patted Jess's back.

Once Jess's vision set in, he stared at the person, and the rest behind him. "What are you three doing up so early...?" It was none other than Jake, Damien and Sally.

"No time to waste, c'mon, let's go!" Damien whispered and grabbed Jess's arm.

"Woah woah hold on, I'm only wearing my boxers!"

The three burst into laughter at Jess's comment and stayed outside to watch while Jess went back to his room, now more quietly so that he wouldn't wake the sleeping girl on the bed. As he opened the door of the closet, it made a squeak, causing him to stiffen and look over to Leslie. She moved a bit into a more comfortable position but didn't seem to have woken up. Relieved, he breathed more easily and proceeded to opening the closet. When he threw on a jacket and some pants, he gently closed the door.


Jess couldn't help but be slightly irritated as he closed the door because it kept making that annoying creaking sound and he only hoped that it wouldn't wake Leslie.

"Jess? What are you doing?"

Nope, she was awake. Surprised by the voice, Jess bumped his forehead into the door and cried. "Stupid door..."

Leslie then turned on her lamp shade and then looked at Jess who was rubbing his forehead. Still sleepy, she rubbed her eyes and let out a yawn before asking Jess again. "Seriously, what are you doing?"

A few minutes later, Jess came out of the room with Leslie next to him. He explained to her what exactly why he was up and awake and told her that it wasn't his idea and that it was actually his friends. When they left the room and locked it, the three friends were both in different directions but after seeing them out, they assembled back.

Jake shone the flashlight to Leslie which caused her to react the same way Jess did. He lifted an eye brow. "She is...?"

"Leslie Burke." Leslie introduced herself and gave a small smile. She put a hand on Jess's shoulder and grinned. "I found him closing the closet earlier and he explained to me why he was awake and all. Thought that I should tag along, too. That's fine, right?"

"Well I'm not really sure if we can include a girl... oof!"

Sally who had been quiet for sometime, elbowed Jake in the ribs and then told Leslie that she could tag along if she'd like.

Jess and Leslie didn't really know where they were going but they did know that it was waaay past their curfew and if a faculty member caught them, they'd probably be punished severely, and that wasn't a good thing for Jess who was there on a scholarship.

     As they passed by the dean's office where there was a glass view inside to see the students walking about, Leslie speculated that there'd probably be someone still inside and told everyone to get down. Her speculation was proven right when a flashlight was pointed their way but fortunately they were crouched down so they weren't caught. After the light disappeared and they heard the door close, the three dashed and Jess and Leslie followed after them.

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