Chapter 8: Personal troubles

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With graduation just a week away, Jess started to pack his stuff for college. He didn't reach so any research on the college that Leslie was admitted to so he was quite bewildered when he learnt that it was all the way in California. At first his mother was reluctant after learning the location, but after much persuasion from him and her husband, she agreed. Besides, it'd be a waste if he didn't go to college with a scholarship at some fancy school.

"How come he gets to go to California?" Brenda pursed her lips after Jess told his admission at the university with Leslie. She and Ellie were only attending the local university so they spent their time at home, unlike Jess who was going to leave home.

"In California..." Ellie said with a gasp. She looked accusingly at Brenda. "I told ya we should've studied harder!"

"Oh shaddup, Elle'. Think of it this way, we wouldn't have met our boyfriends if we went to some place else." Brenda added positively and then stuck her tongue out. Jess was quite surprised at his sisters' level of maturity now. Maybe they had grown. How interesting, he thought as he took a sip of the water.

     "Jess, Jess, you're leaving?" Joyce Ann tugged his shirt, looking at him with her big brown eyes. Jess caught May Belle rolling her eyes and then making a gagging sound.

"Of course not," May Belle snorted and crossed her arms defiantly. "California's like 2,000 miles away from here. Jess can easily get there in like 30 minutes if he stays here. Yeah, he's definitely not leaving town, Joyce." Her tone was full of sarcasm and Joyce Ann was fully aware of it.

Even with May Belle and Joyce Ann being on more friendly footing and Joyce Ann becoming princess of Terabithia, May Belle's sarcastic remarks at Joyce Ann never stopped. Joyce Ann furrowed her eyes and then stuck her tongue out to May Belle as she hugged Jess.

Hearing May Belle say those things, Mrs Aarons sharply told her to apologize to Joyce Ann which she reluctantly did after, causing Joyce Ann to smirk and Jess to hold his laughter in.

     All was normal during school, except girls were being emotional about graduating. Mandy Jenkins was one of the emotional girls that were suddenly being sweet to everyone, even Leslie. Jess could tell that there was still prissiness in her voice every time she spoke to her, but her assaults and mocking were way toned down. Even Leslie seemed to not be bothered with the sudden change. Jess and every guy in the school thought that it must've been a girl thing or something.

He asked Leslie about it, about why girls were being so emotional about graduation. It wasn't as if they were never going to see one another anyways. "Must be because of hormones," he joked once. But Leslie came up with an answer that bedazzled him. "Girls are just like that. We're more emotional than usual nowadays because we know that our friends will be far away from us after high school ends. Believe it or not, you guys are actually more emotional than us. You're just better at covering 'em up." She said with a grin.

     Guys, emotional? Really? It made him laugh just thinking about it. But then again, maybe she was right after all. He did read it somewhere once before.

Once class was over, everyone got out of their seats and hurried out of the room. It was the same daily routine as usual and like always, Jess and Leslie were the last ones to leave.

"Why don't we do something today? In Terabithia," Leslie suggested happily.

"Do what?"

"Well obviously we won't be coming to Terabithia for a long time after we graduate so I thought that maybe we should do something like a leaving celebration or something like that." She explained to him patiently.

Jess nodded. "OK," he said with a grin. "But let's race going there. We haven't run together for a long time. I'm sure that I can beat ya now."

Leslie laughed and then punched his shoulder. "Save the talking for later when you actually win." She grinned and then began walking to the girl's room. Jess was about to follow her in to tease her but she shut the door right in front of his face before he could enter.

"Should've expected that..." he chuckled as he rubbed his nose.

Thirsty, he decided to buy a drink from the vending machine just down the hall. As he turned around the corner, he saw Sonia Tylers angrily kicking the vending machine.

He paced himself quicker and approached the girl who was clearly upset. "Woah woah, the machine didn't do anything to you do why're you kicking it?"

Sonia Tylers looked up, her face stained with tears and her eyes puffy. Jess could instantly tell that she had been crying. He was appalled. He had never seen her cry before, at least not face to face.

     "What's wrong?" He asked softly. He was surprised at his own self for asking her that because of all people, she didn't deserve such kindness from him.

     Sonia Tylers kicked the vending machine again. "Everything's wrong! This stupid vending machine, my family, this school - "

"If you keep doing that then I won't be able to buy my drink."

"Stupid machine's broken." She hissed and then retreated to the wall, crossing her arms to her chest as she glared at the floor.

Jess ignored her comment and put the coins in and then pressed the drink he wanted. Seconds later the drink dropped. He took it out and then popped it open. Sonia looked up in disbelief. Just a few minutes ago that machine ate her money.

Then, Jess put another set of coins in and bought another drink. He tossed it to her.

Sonia Tylers stared at the drink in her hands. There was an awkward silence between the two. "Do you wanna go somewhere private?" Sonia asked, finally breaking the silence.

Jess followed her outside to the hill where they usually ate lunch at. The area was pretty much secluded when there weren't any people around, giving the place that secretive quiet vibe. He really wasn't sure what he was thinking when he agreed to go with Sonia.

"I'm not graduating." Sonia announced suddenly in a rather dry tone.


     "I'm gonna be held back for a year cause I didn't pass. Like I said, this school's stupid."

     Jess began fiddling with the grass. "Is that why you were crying earlier?"

     "What do you expect me to do? My parents call me a disgrace for being held back, everyone's graduating while I stay here - "

     He didn't exactly know why he did it, but he just did. Probably just to make her shut up or something. And it did make her stop whining. Only thing that was wrong was that they continued, and Jess didn't even falter for a single second.

     Leslie had waited outside the girls room for at least 10 minutes before Jess came back. When he did, she couldn't help but notice his red cheeks and him avoiding her eyes for some reason.

     "Hey, where did ya go?" She gave a chuckle as he walked over.

     "Um, I just went to buy a drink."

Bridge To Terabithia 2: The Last Time - Part 2 || ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang