Chapter 4

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In the bag lies four gems. Four of the most valuable gems in the world. I am not kidding.

They are known as Royal Jewels. One forest green emerald that comes from the rich earth far of East. It symbolises nature and growth, how our kingdoms land has rich soil allowing the growth of strong crops and enabling life for livestock making sure not a soul goes hungry.

One blood red ruby that was mined in the South near an active volcano symbolising the strength and will that our kingdom has with weapons powerful enough to destroy a nation made by the greatest blacksmiths in all four parts of the kingdom.

One bright blue sapphire found West, washed up on shore from a ship that wrecked over 400 years ago. This symbolises the rich clean water that runs throughout the kingdoms lands.

And lastly, one jet black onyx mined up north symbolising strength and power. This shows that our kingdom is ruled under the strong leadership of the royal family who I just stole from might I add...

I heard that if these are lost, whoever finds them will be the new king but alas, that hasn't happened for the past four or so centuries leaving the current royal family in rule for a while but know it seems they have a traitor amongst them.

Thinking back as to why I stole, I remember that I stole to get my dagger back... I feel so alone without it after all it is my most prized possession. I have to get it back but how?

Lord Patrick will be here any second expecting the royal gems. Shoot! Think Skylar think... I mentally yell at myself.

Then it hit me, I knew what to do...

Lord Patrick came not long after in a carriage. He swung the door open and held out his hand waiting expecting for me to place the pouch in it.

"My dagger first, then you get this." I was the one who held out my hand now.

"How do I know you even have it, you are a thief after all?" He chuckled softly. I held the pouch up near my face indicating that what he requires is here.

"My dagger, that was the deal." I watched him reach back to grab something behind him. Not long after he held what belonged to me up.

I moved the pouch up towards him while he moved my dagger towards me. Soon I was touching the tip of my dagger and he was touching the tip of the pouch, I looked him straight in the eye then gently started to loosen my grip and reach for my dagger fully. Once it was in my hands I let out a breath of relief.

Lord Patrick held the pouch firmly in his hands with a creepy grin plastered on his face. "It was a pleasure working with you but you are no longer needed. I can't trust that you won't go tattle tale now about me because you know the truth, I am so sorry for this, no wait let me rephrase that. I most certainly am not," he darkly laughed. That son of a bitch, he better not do what I think he is planning.


Oh shit! That son of a bitch! How dare he!? Just as I was about to confront him, I heard the running of armoured feet coming my way and as I looked up, there were a bunch of palace guards heading my direction.

"That is her!" Lord Patrick pointed at me. This was now the perfect time to run. With that thought I sprinted as fast as my two skinny, long legs could carry me in the opposite direction to the guards.

I took a quick turn down an alleyway accidentally bumping a few people on my way. It wasn't long until I came out into an open area filled with a few people walking around.

"There she is, lets get her!" I heard someone scream. I looked up only to see more guards but one was on a white horse heading toward me much faster than the others.

The guard riding it drew his sword. This is my chance. He was nearing me quickly. As he swung his sword aiming for my head I quickly ducked. It just missed me by the hair on my scalp.

Just after he had swung it I stood up as quick as lightning and pulled him off the horse successfully throwing him to the ground. I wasted no time in getting on the horse as the others were so close. I made the horse bolt forward and out of the capital city without stopping even to fix my stirrups to the right length until I got to the room where my stuff was. I wasted no time. I ran quickly into the room got everything and then out again getting straight back onto the horse.

My dagger was still in my hand while I held onto the reigns of this magnificent creatures bridle. In no time were we rushing through the gates and into the country side. I knew I had to get off the paths as they would be looking for me so after passing a couple of barns I jumped over a fence and headed straight towards one.

Once inside I checked to see that it had stables in it, a few of which that were occupied by other sleeping horses who were know alert because of my presence. I got off and stuffed the dagger into my bag and quickly unsaddled the horse before placing it in a stable with fresh water and hay. I am sure the farmer won't mind. After all most farms have spare stables meant for travellers who need to stop and rest for the night.

I sat down on a hay bale and opened my bag to reveal the piece of cloth that I ripped from my blanket. It was wrapped around something. I opened the cloth relieved that my plan worked for I had the gems right here and all Lord Patrick had was some dirty old rocks that I had found lying next to the road. I stuffed the gems back into my bag.

I found a small bottle lying in the corner and I rinsed it out then filled it up with water from the tap. I took a quick drink from it then replaced the water back from the tap once more before stuffing it into my bag.

I pulled out my blanket and used it to cover four square hay bales so that the grass wouldn't prick me while I slept on the temporary bed. Tonight was a warm night so I wouldn't be too cold. I lay down and soon shut my eyes welcoming sleep from my long day or should I rather say my long night.

I had approximately six hours until dawn. I would sure make the best of it. I want to be gone just as the sun rises.

What am I going to do now? Was the last thought that passed my mind before I fell into the dark haven of sleep.

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