Chapter 11

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The hallways were dark and cold much like the room I was just in. The only difference is that this time I am being dragged by two thugs that call themselves guards since I can barely walk myself and a hot general walks in front of me giving me a lovely view of his well toned back and cute butt...

Snap out of it! I scold myself. There are other more important matters at hand. Suddenly it was like a bucket of cold water was thrown on me. I need to get out of here, I know exactly what will happen in the court.

Why take the word of a common thief over the uncle of the soon to be king? I will be trialled and sentenced to death most probably a public hanging or beheading.

I am dragged quite roughly may I add through about three solid steel doors and passed a few holding cells some which contain a few prisoners... Crooks and criminals just like me.

A sudden shot of pain strikes my leg and I let out a soft gasp but it goes ignored. Before I know it we reach a set of doors leading outside and I get a glimpse of a cloudy grey sky matching my mood for a split second until I am shoved through another door. The general stays back as I enter.

The court room. There are a couple of faces of unknown people and a large podium at the front where a old looking judge sat. I was pulled to the middle of the room and knocked to my knees. I watch as a thick metal pole is lifted and placed behind me and my hands are cuffed to it. I could stand again but it would cause to much pain to my leg and be of great difficulty.

The few people present accounted to about 20 odd faces. The two princes were there along with Lord Patrick who was smirking at me evilly from his place near the back. The others were of officials who I did not know. Most talked among each other in hushed whispers as they stared in harsh judging glares at me. They quietened down when the judge however cleared his throat.

"Skyler Black, convicted of the theft of the Royal Jewels. Do thee accused admit to such forsaken crimes?"

I stare at all the faces watching me intently but my gaze stops for a moment on Prince Edward himself. His face was wiped clean of emotion, his eyes staring back at me blankly.

"Yes..." The word feels like blades cutting across my tongue but I know either way if I lied or not, my sentence wouldn't change.

"Evidence states that you have had inside assistance on this matter for as a common lowlife street thief would have no record of the layout of the palace and the location of said Jewels."

There was a bit of chatter again before the judge speaks once again.

"Who was your informant?"

I turn my head back towards the bastard who was to blame for this. He still holds his smirk that I just want to rip off his face however his eyes are narrowed into tight slits as if to dare me to mention his name.

"Lord Patrick." I almost spit his name out when I turn my head to face the judge again with my menacing gaze filled with hatred at just the sound of it on my lips.

I hear a small amount of laughter from a few of the officials present. Prince Henry however holds a small amount of shock at my harsh accusation while his brother still remains stoic.

I started to wonder why Prince Henry was present at such an event for it is not required even for such a crime as my own but I suppose curiosity may have gotten the best of him or he was ordered on behalf of his brother to be here.

"Harsh accusation scum. How do you intend to back it up?" This time it is someone from the crowd who spoke.

"Silence." The judge demanded.

"Ms. Black, my Lord was questioned earlier when you first stated this. He has a valued alibi and is most importantly of royal blood. Such a harsh accusation will not go unnoticed. His Highness Prince Edward will now decide his verdict on your behalf." As the judge spoke he bowed his head slightly in the direction of the Prince.

This is the end for me. I did not even managed to give my side of the story but like I have always known even if I did, I would still face the death sentence.

"My most trusted general has informed me about the story of the accusation behind my uncle's said plans but who is to trust a thief of nature even if she once was the step daughter of a Baron and Baroness. The fact is she helped conspire such a crime even if her informant is or is not my uncle. I condemed her to death by hanging later this afternoon." His words came out coldly with no hint of emotion. This is unlike the man I once danced with.

He sees me in a new light compared to that of the night of the ball. He sees me as a thief, as a criminal... A low life filthy piece of scum desperate to survive. He holds no pity, no understanding. It is understandable however somewhere deep inside I was hoping I would be let off without such a harsh ending as I did after all return the Jewels.

The prince turns to leave followed closely by his brother and the rest of the members present at the royal court through a different set of doors to the one I was brought in through and are about to be dragged back through once again as I was uncuffed from the pole and lifted by the same thugs from earlier. The general doesn't tag along this time. He seemed to have disappeared during the whole ordeal.

My mind wonders to how I have lead such a pitiful life these past 5 years. In fact it leads to before that when I was young and naive only worried about pretty things and who I would one day wed.

I guess it is in a way a good thing that I am to die. I have accomplished nothing in this life and only cared about myself and no one else. I have stolen and taken things that are not mine. I am nothing but a dead beat lowlife thief. My death would relieve this world of my pitiful presence. There is nothing for me hear anyway.

I came to this acceptance as I was thrown roughly into a cell. My injured leg sent jolts of pain as I landed however I did not react to it. It was almost as if it did not bother me anymore. Nothing did in fact.

I myself would have thought I would cry or scream and beg for mercy to those who may be listening in my final hours before death but all I felt was numbness.

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