Chapter 6

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My heart is pumping frantically through my rib cage. My ears are ringing from lack of oxygen reaching them as nervousness rakes through my body.

The beautifully designed interior of the gorgeous stage coach suffocates me. The girl who sits in front of me also in a beautiful ball gown holds a loose smile on her lips but deep within her beautiful green eyes a look of concern passes through as she stares at me.

"Are you okay Skye?" She asked. I have not seen this girl for over few years so it was quite a surprise when I was riding Frosty down the road to be stopped by a girl leaning aimlessly out the window of the carriage. It took me a while but I finally recognized her. Nathalie is her name.

She simply insisted that I travel with her. I couldn't decline her offer so after freeing Frosty of her harnesses and saddle I let her go and run free then got into the carriage.

Nathalie told me that she was on her way to her room which she had booked and offered me a place to get ready with her for the ball. I was most grateful for her kindness and hence the fact how I ended up in my current position with her on our way to the ball.

The coach pulls to a stop in front of the palace gates and i cant help but to wipe my sweaty hands on my dress, the fine material sinking between my fingers. I have a the small satchel strapped tightly to the inside of my left thigh holding the gems safely, it is not near my womanly parts but it is high enough where no true gentleman would even dare look without my given permission.

Nathalie takes my-or should I say the girl that I stole it from's invitation along with her own and hands it to the guard who reaches through the small window.

After a quick inspection of it he hands them back to us and signals for the coachman to continue.

In less than a few seconds we come to a stop again. I can hear laughter and beautiful classical music along with a slight chatter coming from within the palace.

A footman opens the door and holds out his hand which Nathalie gladly takes as he helps her out. She truly does look extravagant tonight with her soft peach ball gown with slight beading along the front which fits her perfectly and looks like it cost an absolute fortune but what can I expect from someone like her. She comes from a very wealthy family that is quite far up on the social ladder with her father being a member of the queens council.

So in better terms her family is absolutely loaded. They live in a village near the outskirts of the capital but had a holiday home near my village where I grew up in and to cut a long story short we met and become friends but it was such a long time ago which made me quite surprised when she recognised me.

I had briefed Nathalie not to call me by my real name tonight other than the exception when we were alone. That brought up a few questions which I simply shrugged them off with my answer being its personal. That dropped the topic almost instantaneously but I know she is still curious.

The footman returns shortly to help me out. I take his hand and gently step out the carriage taking a deep shaky breath in the process of doing so. Once I am out the coach leaves from behind and the footman leaves my side leaving me to face my nightmare by myself.

Nathalie had already entered and I heard them announce her name loudly to the crowd. Two guards stood at the door and gladly opened once I approached with my blood red gown that trailed behind me. I know I should feel bad for stealing it and I do but I needed it more than her as the kingdom is at stake and I need to return the gems.

The music and chatter is louder in the magnificent room that is brightly lit up. Maidens from all over the kingdom are present here along with a few gentlemen who grace the occasional one or two's side.

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