Chapter 34

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"It was Lord Patrick's doing."

There was silence. Tension stiffly filled the air almost making it to hard to breathe.

"No. Father... He would never. I know he resented Tyron but not to the point of killing him." Vorn looked enraged, beyond pissed off.

"Listen to me Vorn, I fucking saw it with my own two bloody eyes as that man decapitated your beloved half brother, my Commander! He is a traitor, an enemy to the kingdom! I don't care if he is your father but he betrayed us and is working with the enemy!" Jessie spoke harshly. I got a little intimidated. It was completely opposite from his soft, friendly goofy mood that I was so used to. I know he has been greatly affected by Warren's death.

Nothing was said for a while after that. Jessie move the still unconscious enemy solider and tied him onto the back of his horse. He then motioned for me to get on one of the other two horses. We needed to move.

Both him and I mounted and I gazed back down at Vorn who seemed to be glaring daggers at the ground. I looked back at Jessie who just shrugged, turned away and began galloping off.

"Are you going come with us? I'm assuming we are heading back to the camp..." I looked back at Vorn unsure of what his response might be.

"You go on. I will keep up. I need to cool off anyways." I was a little confused at his response but turned around and caught up to Jessie anyways.

I was startled when I heard the rustling of branches beside us. We were moving fast yet Vorn was definitely keeping up.

He was moving incredibly quickly as he launched himself from tree to tree with such precision almost like a monkey and every now and then he would land on the ground and run until gaining momentum and swinging himself over obstacles. It was a sight to see. Just who is this guy. He was like some sort of highly trained acrobat with his rapid  flexible movements. Just who is this kid?

After a while I guess he seemed to 'cool off' or something because before I realised it, he had launched himself onto the back of my horse landing with a soft thud.

"I hope you don't mind." He spoke softly. Panting slightly.

I wasn't to bothered. I was more concerned about Jessie's current emotional state and I was still heavily mourning. We all were I guess.

It took a while but we did eventually reach camp again well off into the late afternoon. When we arrived, it looked like the camp was packing up, the patrol let us pass. Jessie, Vorn and I immediately dismounted and headed into the direction of one of the main tents that was still up. Jessie was pushing along the prisoner who had just recently gained conscious and wouldn't stop laughing like a mad man. It was annoying and rather creepy.

Jessie shoved him through the opening of the tent with his boot. The man didn't stop laughing as he roughly hit the ground but instead laughed harder if anything. It was drawing attention from the soldiers running about around us.

"What the hell happened?" I recognised that beautiful voice immediately. Prince Edward. His majesty stood behind a table and was currently folding up a map when he was interrupted with this intrusion.

"Dearest cousin, is it true? Tyron I mean." Vorn walked in getting straight to the point. He still looked pissed off and unwilling to accept reality.

Jessie slammed his foot down onto the enemy soldiers jaw shoving his face further into the ground and effectively shutting him up.

Prince Edward frowned and looked away as a saddened look passed his eyes.

"I'm sorry Vorn... We were betrayed. Your father did this; I did not want to believe it either."

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