Chapter 9

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Dark and cold. That is what i feel. My body is uncomfortable; I am sitting in an upright position.

My head pounds as a head ache makes its unwelcomed presence known. I gently open my eyes only to almost regret it immediately.

The room is dark and dreary. There is a small barred window near the top that lets a small part of the moon light shine through giving the room a some what eerie glow.

A few torches line the other walls giving light to the room. I notice I am sitting on a wooden chair and an identical one sits opposite me only separated by what seems to be a scruffy looking wooden table.

My hands are bound in front of me loosely with a piece of old worn rope. I then feel like I am being watched. I feel a pair of eyes on me for barely a spilt second.

I turn my head around so quickly that I am surprised that I did not get whip lash although the only unfortunate thing that happened was that the pounding in my poor head got harder. I meet the dull brown eyes of what looks to be a guard as he peeks through the small barred gap near the top of the door.

Just as soon as the eyes appeared they disappeared followed by shuffling of feet against the cold stone floors. Not a second later the door opened revealing someone I really wished not to set eyes on ever again...

That bloody bastard Lord Patrick.

"My, my, my look who got caught. Stupid little thief you are.." He gazed at me with such evil amusement raking those putrid eyes of his. I wish I could just stab them out with a fork. The look he gave me soon transformed into one of anger.

"You tricked me you piece of scum! How dare you?!" As he said that, his fist came flying to my face giving it a nasty punch that is sure enough to leave a mark.

I spit out a bit of blood once I realised that I had bit my tongue as he punched my cheek.

"You tricked me you sick bastard, you called the guards... Guess I was right to pull that on you." I looked up slightly smirking. I just through his words right back in his face.

"No worries my dear, there are other ways to get the throne, Edward just needs a little accident to happen then Henry will just have to silently follow after." Wait is he bipolar or something... He was angry not even like two seconds ago and I cant believe this guy, in fact no I think I can. He is like a poisonous beady eyed toad or better yet a shady jackal that only cares for power not even blood.

Patrick watched me for a bit, an evil smirk gracing his dry lips before he upped and left leaving once again alone in this small room. A sharp stinging sensation continued in my cheek where he punched me before it became numb. I have a strong feeling that it is going to leave a nasty bruise.

The room is silent with the only sound being my now soft breathing that was not only a few minutes ago loud and coming out in pants. I start to become aware of my leg with its open wound that also starts to sting. I fear what I will see if I look down however, so I don't.

The silence is interrupted however once again as someone opens the door.

The guard is back I see and he is that bloody bastard from earlier who yanked my hair and pushed me roughly to my knees. My head aches in memory. He catches my disapproving gaze and sends a small cocky smirk in my direction. I don't know who I currently dislike more at this moment, this cocky bastard or Lord Patrick.

The guard accompanies the general also from earlier who motions for him to leave and takes a seat on the chair in front of me.
I did not notice this earlier since the general had a helmet on that covered more than half his face but he is quite easy on the eyes if I do say myself.

His armour differs from the others clearly showing off his rank which is why I could identify him as general so easily. He looks to be around my age which is odd to be at such a high rank for someone so young.

Shortish blonde hair sticks out all over the place showing that he has just recently taken off his helmet but it rather suits his handsome face. He has soft yet sharp features that somehow mix perfectly. He has greenish blue eyes and thick dark eyebrows that go along well with his soft plush pink lips.

His armour made him out to have strong broad shoulders which I am certain he does and is well built but in a lean way. Overall he is actually gorgeous. I would certainly not mind waking up to someone like this every morning but I can only wish I suppose.

He cleared his throat letting the deep sound resonate passed his lips obviously trying to catch my attention.

"Are you done ogling me?" He gave me the tiniest of playful smiles, if I had not been studying his face so carefully I probably would have missed it.

"Sorry.." I slightly blushed somewhat embarrassed. Since when do I blush?

"You know your escape plan would have been effective had it not been for that girl... What's her name again? Natania, no that is not it... Nathalie. Yip that is it Nathalie." He leaned back in the chair with his arms raised behind his head bending as he rests the back of his head on his hands.

"What did you do to her?!" I sat straighter now fully alert.

"Relax would you. She is alright, quite a nice lady if I do say. Very cooperative. Told me all that she knew about you which wasn't much and since you passed out for 3 hours straight I couldn't question you. And to answer your question I did nothing to her. Sent her back but she has strict orders not leave the capital until further notice." He spoke with a bored tone but looked far to comfortable in that chair.

"Now that that is cleared you are going to tell me exactly how you came in possession of the royal gems?" He dropped his arms and leaned forward intently balancing his arms by his elbows on the table in front of us and resting his chin on his hands.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." I trailed off. It was true, Lord Patrick himself declared that so.

"Try me, I am sure you will be rather surprised and I cannot seem to contain my curiosity on how a low life scum of a street thief got herself into this mess and why you bothered to return the gems."

"What makes you think I am a street thief?" What I really wanted to ask was how did he know.

"Oh I have my ways and you have caused quite an up roar with many petty cases of missing wallets giving me a head ache and having to get guards and soldiers to try and catch you. Plus an added bonus is a street artist saw you in action and drew this," he pulls a piece of paper from his pocket showing a drawing of a girl who looks a lot like me "you match the description quite perfectly don't you think?"

I don't get this guy. I know I have stolen many purses and wallets but there is no way I am the only thief in this city who does that. There are many pick pocketers here. I get that the girl in the drawing is me which kind of scares the hell out of me because of the punishment for thieves in this kingdom is rather unpleasant but he cant pin point every case of Susie's missing purse on me...

"I am kind of fucked aren't I?" I cant help but chuckle slightly. In my brain I knew this was bound to happen someday.

"You couldn't have put it any other way darling, " he gave me a cocky smirk "Now let us start from the very beginning from the night your family died 5 years ago Skyler..."

Wait what?!!

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