Chapter 39

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"I feel like such an idiot... The signs were there, Ty faced constant abuse and I was to young and naive to see it. His mother probably did to but she passed away around the time he turned ten if I'm not mistaken. That man had neglected them both for years. I guess she could no longer take it. Mother always said she was a whore, a dirty palace servant that was knocked up but from the few times I met her, I could tell she loved him. She was completely and utterly devoted to him. Tyron respected him to some extent due to his mother for this reason I suppose, but being the bastard of a royal family has it's consequences... Neither of our cousins, Prince Henry or Prince Edward treated him differently although he was not allowed to step foot into the palace. He never met the Queen herself." Vorn had a very deep frown edged into his face.

"I remember him telling me that he planned to join the ranks of the royal army. He would make a name for himself, just like his idol, Gerard of the Iron Soul. He would give everyone a reason to let him step on palace grounds... All he wanted was to be accepted... Gosh why did that asshole have to die?!" Vorn teared up. Something completely out of character.

I looked at the ground below me. I was failing to hold back my own. I agreed with Vorn, why the fuck did you have to die Tyron?!

He lived a horrible life and was met with a horrible death. The man deserved so much more. I wish I could have gotten to him on time. I wish I could have saved him. I will carry this burden with me for the rest of my life.

After that we did not speak to each other for a while as we weaved our way through the all to familiar streets and alleyways. It was a comfortable silence. We were both trapped in our own thoughts and dared not to disturb each other.

I had lost three people in these past few days. Commander Tyron, Warren and Alice. Each of their deaths has added onto the loss I feel.

This was not the plan. It never was. I was never supposed to form bonds and attachments to anyone. I was suppose to only be in the army for a day or two and leave but instead I just got stuck in, tangled into a larger web.

One day Patrick will pay for everything he has done. Even if it is not by my own hands, I will make sure of it. I will get my revenge.

I know they always say that revenge is for fools. Two wrongs do not make a right. Well I do not care. I will let the ugly monster of revenge consume my soul and guide my path if it results in that bastards undoing. I want to see him suffer.

"Wait here. There should be a palace supply cart coming in soon. That's our chance, but be careful and stay hidden at all times." I finally spoke ushering Vorn into an alley similar to the one that I waited in like before.

"I will, but what makes you so sure that a supply cart is scheduled today?"

"I am not at all sure really. I'm kind of just hoping," I guiltily replied scratching the back of my head, "but think about it logically, supply carts must be in constant route to the palace, I mean the kitchens need to freshest produce to serve your family. Only the best will do. Besides last time, I got through the gates by latching onto the bottom of one." I purposely excluded the part that Patrick had a man involved, I had help.

Honestly I could not think of another way best suited to get into the castle walls. I hated to admit it, but Patrick had brewed up the perfect plan back then.

"You better be right about this..." Vorn remarked.

We waited for a few hours, four to be exact. The sun had just sunk below the horizon, making way for the moon and the stars to decorate the sky.

A wide supply cart pulled up. It had a slightly wobbly wheel but I was certain it was headed to the palace, there was no other place it could be going to in this direction.

The cart was moving at a casual pace, two strong horses steadily pulling it. I motioned Vorn to move.

We stuck to the shadows both extremely quiet, careful not to make a single sound. We were we as silent as the wind. Honestly, Vorn's level of skill never ceased to amaze me.

In a quick dash I shot between the two wheels on the side, a manoeuvre with high risk. If I hadn't timed it correctly I would have been completely crushed by the back wheel.

I latched onto the bottom of the cart making sure to shift up and leave space for Vorn who arrived not a moment later.

Vorn had gone about it in a safer manner. A way that I felt stupid for, for not thinking of it myself. He had jumped quietly onto the back of the moving cart and manoeuvred his way down from there.

I have him an irritated look to which he responded with a closed eye innocent smile.

"What now?" he mouthed.

"Do exactly what I do." I mouthed back.

He gave a nod.

Soon we had arrived at the gates. Again, exactly as before, questions were asked from the guards on duty as it was standard protocol.

I took it as my chance to drop and roll into the gutter. Vorn following my movements exactly.

I did everything as exactly as before, only this time, I did not have a distraction like I did before but it was a massive risk that I was willing to take.

In those five seconds I had when the gate opened, I shot swiftly forward, grateful that Vorn was hit on my heels.

We did it.

We got in undetected. I breathed out a soft sigh in relief.

The guards were not the brightest and were momentarily distracted with the cart like a bunch of idiots. The shadows also helped play a major roll in hiding us like they did before.

I should seriously tell Prince Edward about this issue of getting into the palace through these idiots. He seriously needs to tighten up his security although at this moment, I'm truly joyed that excellent security was not our issue.

"I can't believe that actually worked." Vorn mouthed looking very relieved. I noticed he had evident signs of previous stress and nervousness visible on his body.

I bit my tongue, forcing myself to hold in a laugh.

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