Chapter 21

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I shut my eyes slightly as the wind met my face causing a few strands of my short hair to tickle my forehead and brush over my eyebrows.

I couldn't help but wonder where the Commander was taking me. He had not once slowed his stead's fast pace. I could also no longer see the marching soldiers as we passed though the canopy of trees further into the forest.

I peered over Tyron's shoulder through the slits of my eyes trying to figure out where we were headed but all I could see was trees, trees and more trees, oh look a bird...

I was a little wary of our headed destination but Commander Tyron seemed to have a fixed idea of where we were going and he was adamantly pushing on. As I was about to voice my thoughts as to question him, we came to an abrupt halt causing me to knock into his back slightly creating a slight clang as my armour knocked into his.

He dismounted signalling me to follow. Sliding off the horse, I walked up to him noticing the gigantic tree before us. It could easily pass as the the tallest tree that I had ever set my eyes upon.

The Commander stood in front of, it gazing up towards the top before shifting his grey eyes to me.

"I am sure you must be confused as to why I have brought you here, but to put it simply, I need you to climb it." he pointed to the tree.

"I'm sorry, but I am rather lost. Why do you need me of all people to climb this tree for whatever reason?" I watched him expectantly, waiting a reply.

"Well as I'm sure that you have noticed, this is the tallest tree here. I need you to climb it in order to scout the area for potential threats. These woods are on the outskirts of the Western territories where I'm certain that you are aware of the fact that we are currently fighting a neighbouring kingdom that has been trying to seize control of this area. For all we know, we are not alone here."

"Fair enough but you did not answer why you need me, why can't you climb this tree yourself?" I asked slightly annoyed at why he dragged me all the way out here to do something that I was sure he was completely capable of doing himself.

"I figured that because you are a thief, you have more experience in climbing and scouting areas."

I had a strong feeling that there was another reason, sure I was good at climbing but you do not need to be an expert to climb a tree, well maybe you need a little experience to climb one of this caliber, but still.

"There is another reason, isn't there?" I voiced my thoughts.

He looked a little uncomfortable, perhaps embarrassed as he scratched the back of his neck what seemed almost nervously.

" You see, I'm kind of afraid of heights." he looked away somewhat shameful of his confession.

I was a little shocked at this. He didn't peg me as someone to be afraid of heights or anything for the matter but I suppose at the end of the day he is human and all humans are bound to be afraid of something and now that I think about it, acrophobia is actually rather common.

"You could have just started with that you know instead of acting all weird." I shrugged it off showing him that I was not phased in the slightest. Truly he needn't be ashamed of his fear.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Just get on with it." he huffed slightly causing me to let out a small chuckle.

I began removing my armour. There was no way I could climb with it on. Commander Tyron seemed to understand and didn't bother questioning me.

Now that I was unconstricted I walked up to the tree. Hoisting myself up to the first branch took a little effort as it was rather high off the ground but once I managed that bit, the rest of the climb was pretty simple.

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