6. Date night and thunderstorms

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Chapter six:-

It was five by the time Tiara was shutting down her laptop and putting it in her bag. On her way back to her flat, she already had in mind what she could wear this evening. That quickly changed when she tried the dress on and it didn't look remotely as good as it did in her mind. After a while of her trying on every other article of the clothes that she owned, she settled on a blue dress.

Thankfully for her she was ready just in time as her doorbell rang, the shrill sound echoing throughout her flat.

"Hi," she smiled at the extremely good-looking man standing in front of her in a tailored suit, which Kristen had helped him pick out.

"Tiara, hello," he paused as he took in the woman standing in front of him with her mouth slightly open, staring at him. "You look... stunning," he said. And for once he wasn't forcing himself to be polite to her. Blue suited her; he printed that to his subconscious memory.

Realising that she was openly staring at him, she scolded herself and smiled at him. "Thank you. You look quite good yourself."

He was secretly pleased with himself as he gave her a small smile. Maybe this night won't be as bad as he had first anticipated?

Tiara turned to look at him after locking her door shut. "Shall we go?" she asked, dragging him out of his thoughts.

He nodded his head and led the way out.


After driving in complete silence, except for the soft music playing in the background, they reached their destination after almost half an hour.

"Wait," Christian said as he got out of the car and opened Tiara's door for her. Sure he might not particularly be fond of her, but that doesn't mean he has to throw all the manners that his Mama had taught to him out of the window.

She smiled at him for his chivalry to which he returned with a nod.

After the valet took his keys, he walked in and was greeted by the familiar host. "Mr King, your table is ready. Have a good evening," she politely smiled.

"Natalie," he nodded at her as a greeting. "Thank you."

It seemed to her like he knew his way around as he, once again, led the way to the elevator up to a secluded third floor. There was only one table in the entire floor that was adorned in white cloth upon which a few candles stood proudly in the candlestick that was equally beautiful.

She tilted her head up to see a big chandelier hanging over the table, casting a nice, soft glow throughout the place. The glass roof supported by metallic rods gave them a clear view of the starry sky as the place was decorated with plants and bright, colourful flowers.

"Wow," Tiara gasped, "this is a beautiful place."

"Thank you," Christian said as he pulled out a chair for her.

She arched her brow at him, before taking her seat and muttering a silent 'thank you'.

Deciding to answer the unasked question swimming in her eyes, he said, "My family owns this restaurant."

And it was just then she noticed the words written on the menu— King and sons.

"Oh I didn't see that before," she said. "Well, Mr King your family owns a beautiful restaurant."

"Thank you."

A waiter discreetly cleared his throat. "Hello, I'm David. I'll be your waiter for tonight," he said.

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