35. I took the bullet for you

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Chapter thirty-five:-

A few days had passed by and Christian was in his study, looking into his monthly paperwork for the Pack when he was interrupted.

"Alpha! We found the rogues!" Williams loudly exclaimed before he even got into Christian's study.

"Great! Where are they?"

"They were up north," he said. "Alec is trying to get them to come near our perimeters. They'll be here by day after tomorrow, max."

"Williams, I leave you in charge. I have some things to take care of before they get here," Christian hurriedly said. "Tell Tiara that I'll be back as soon as possible."

Calling Max and a few of the Pack warriors through their mindlink, they assembled in front of the Pack house. "We have found the rogues. We need to gather more Wolves to take down the rogues. We need to go to all the Packs that have merged into ours and get warriors from there right now before the rogues get here. We should return by tomorrow," he briefed his men. "Now, let's go. Time to take these rogues down!"

All the Wolves growled aggressively in agreement and Christian ripped through his clothes as he too shifted and together, the pack of Wolves charged towards their destination.

WHEN they reached the Packs, the Wolves patrolling the boundaries recognised their Alpha and bowing their heads in respect, escorted the Wolves into the Packland.

"We have a threat looming over our heads. We need to stick together to kill the rogues and end this once and for all. We cannot stand aside and let them kill more of us. I need all your help. I need volunteers to come with me to bring the rogues down. We have lost so many of our members; I don't think we are strong enough to lose anymore. But we are strong enough to kill those mutts! Who all are with me?" He yelled as he could see the Wolves too looked pissed and ready to kill.

When they made their own sounds of approval, Christian grinned at them. "Good. Now half of you must stay here, guard the perimeters. We are expecting these rogues to reach here the day after tomorrow. They can attack anyone—those spineless brats kill men, women, children alike. Show them no mercy. The other half will come with me."

He proceeded to make all the arrangements and after two more stops, he found himself running back home with about a few hundred Wolves as the darkness surrounded them.

WHEN he was in the Packland, he saw the Wolves from other Packs had come there too like the Alphas had promised.

"Alec will bring the rogues by day after tomorrow. When they come here we must be prepared. We mustn't give them time to think, to predict our strategy, to react. They think they're brutal—they haven't seen brutality yet," Christian growled to the house full of well-built Wolves who looked like they could kill with their bare hands. The Wolves growled back, feeling just as pumped and raged as the Alpha talking in front of them.

THE first stream of daylight fell upon them, warming them with its bright bath of light. "You all rest now. We will discuss the plan after your rest and breakfast," Christian dismissed after he looked at the tire in all their faces. We have plenty of rooms in the guest house behind the Packhouse and some spare rooms in the Packhouse," he told them.

He doubted if the two otherwise enormous houses could fit so many people, but he knew that having enough comfortable beds was least of all their concerns. They all had one motive in their minds, and one motive only—kill the rogues.


"Christian, what do you have on your mind, son?" Mason asked.

"Before Alec and the rest of the wolves come tomorrow with the rogues, we need to move half of the Wolves here to Alpha Sean's Pack. When the time is right, they will get here. Once they have finished their breakfast, gather them outside, Williams," he told the commander of his Pack's warriors. "I have to go meet someone. I'll be back in about half an hour."

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