29. Can I be your Luna?

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Chapter twenty-nine:

With wobbly legs, Tiara walked over to her mate, feeling the unbeatable need to comfort him. He wouldn't even look away from his mother and honestly, nothing could have scared her more than his stoic face. Placing her hand on his shoulder, she stood beside his kneeling form. She noticed how he became aware of her presence when he jerked slightly but didn't look up.

Not wanting to disturb him with sudden actions, she too knelt down beside him and didn't know for how long she sat there, hearing the other boys sob for their mother while Christian and his father were as still as death itself.

Like as if only then Mason had realised that his Mate truly was gone, he stood up, backing away from her—probably hoping that if he didn't see it, then it wouldn't be true. "No," his heavy voice suddenly broke the silence. "No, she can't be dead. She can't leave me. She had promised not to ever leave me!" He almost yelled, cradling his burning wrist.

"Dad," Max said through broken voice, not knowing what to say further.

"No!" He yelled loudly, making some of the people around him flinch in both sudden movement and pity. And just like that, the first of his tears fell and after that, it wouldn't stop until he was hysterically crying while his body shook and in the blink of an eye, a black wolf with patches of grey replaced Mason and went off speeding.

Even the Pack could see how physically weak Mason appeared and they were all pained to know that they couldn't offer him more than sympathy.

In a few seconds, their silence was again disrupted by howls and Tiara along with many others grew uneasy thinking about Mason's unstable state of mind at the moment.

"I'll go after him," Alec announced and within a few seconds, another dark brown wolf sprinting off in the direction in which Mason had just disappeared.

Beside her, Tiara was growing increasing anxious as she could see from the corner of her eyes Christian clenching and unclenching his fist as his jaw was painfully tightened and kept twitching. Not wanting to annoy him, she kept her distance and resisted the urge to take him into her arms.

Suddenly, without any warning, Christian stood up. Tiara immediately followed suit and watched carefully as Christian's eyes were a dangerous shade of her black. She always found it almost unbelievable how those beautiful grey eyes that always had a certain charm and endless amount of emotions in them could turn so black and so void that it could probably put even a blackhole to shame.

"Christian?" She timidly called out. But instead of replying to her, he took a step back as he too shifted into his golden-brown Wolf; and this time, he took off in a direction completely opposite to the perimeters of Packland, where his father had gone off to.

Panicking, Tiara called after him but when he was no longer in her sight of vision, she rushed to her car. At times like this, she felt so disabled. She couldn't even go after her Mate or know what was going on in his mind just because she was a human. But realising that this wasn't the time to squander over her self-pity, she started driving in the direction in which she had seen Christian go.

Not knowing which path to take exactly, she looked at the familiar surroundings and prayed to God that she was right as she took the path on the left. Driving for another few minutes she finally reached her destination and after trying to find him among the huge trees, saw him sitting on a huge rock overlooking the lake which she knew he found peaceful. Thanking her lucky stars, she ran towards him.

Seeing him sitting there so still nearly scared her until she saw his heaving bare chest that rose and fell heavily with every breath he took. Walking slowly towards him, she stopped in her tracks a few feet away from him. When his steel gaze was still fixed ahead of him, she quietly asked, "Do you want me to leave you alone?"

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