Part 9

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So here comes Part 9. I hope you like it. Please let me know in the comments.

Dean went to his room as fast as he could. He quietly locked the door and went to his bed to sit down. A few tears ran down his face, as he sat there alone, always replaying the situation in his mind. The look on Castiels face was burned into his memory and it broke his heart into a million pieces. He should have known that Cas couldn't love him. Not because he was a guy. He didn't think that this was something Cas would mind. He himself was freaked out at first when he noticed he was in love with a man. But what could he do? He loved the man, so why fight against it? But he should have known Cas didn't want to be with a man who was as broken as him. He took a deep breath and tried to stop the tears from falling. Dean hated crying, it made you look weak and everyone can see it afterwards. So he wiped away the tears from his cheeks and got his headphones from the nightstand. He put the volume up and started playing "Carry on, wayward son". He liked the song. It gave him strength in times when he didn't think he could carry on. Hope for better times. Exactly what he needed right now. He tried to sleep but he was just to upset for that. So he just sat there a few hours and listened to some music. Sometime he heard a knock at the door and went to open it. It was Sammy asking if he wanted something to eat but Dean wasn't hungry. "Is everything alright with you? I thought you would be happy if Cas woke up", Sammy asked him concerned. His name stung Dean's heart but he shook his head. "Nah, Sammy. I'm just not feeling good". Sam left after that and Dean didn't lock the door again. When Sammy returned to the kitchen he told that Dean wasn't feeling good and wouldn't eat with them. Cas looked broken, but tried to hide it. They decided to get Pizza. It was late when they finished eating. "Let me help you to your room", Kevin offered to Cas. "No, thank you, I got that", he smiled at the younger boy. At least it was just his shoulder and he could perfectly walk by himself. Kevin nodded and went to his own room, just like Sam. Cas didn't go to his room. He wanted to talk to Dean. No, he needed to talk to Dean. So he slowly walked up to his room and knocked at the door. "I'm still not hungry, Sammy. Go away", he heard a voice from within the room. He smiled at this typical Dean behavior. He was scared to talk to Dean but he still opened the door slowly, surprised to find it unlocked. "It's me, Dean. Can I come in", he asked , waiting in the doorway. Dean sat up on his bed. He looked angry and sad, but still nodded his head at Cas' question. "What do you want?", his eyes were fixed at Cas. "I need to talk to you" "Cas, please I don't want to talk about it." "Dean...", Cas closed the door and walked towards the bed to sit down. In the moment he sat down Dean stood up, not able to be that close to Cas. "I'm sorry", Cas said looking hurt. "What for?", Dean asked trying to hold back the tears. "For not answering you this morning. I shouldn't have kept quiet." "It's okay", Dean said through his teeth. "No, its not" "It wouldn't have changed a thing, Cas" "That's not true" "Why do you say that?", Dean asked. He couldn't stand looking at Cas and watched the wall instead. "Because I feel the same", Cas confessed looking at Dean, who turned around to look at him with wide eyes. "Cas, please don't say that if you don't mean it I couldn't handle that...", he stammered, unable to hold his tears back anymore. Cas stood up to stand in front of Dean. "I would never lie to you, Dean", he promised, watching him in the eyes. Dean let out a breath. Cas lifted his hand up to Deans face to wipe away his tears. They smiled at each other, happiness in every cell of their bodys. Dean put his hand on Cas' neck pulling him closer until their lips met. It was the best kiss Dean had ever had in his whole life. His chest was full of heat and he couldn't help but smile into the kiss. Cas felt the same and the kiss lasted a long time till they had to part to breathe. "I can't believe this", Dean admitted, smiling. His hand wandered from Cas' neck to his shoulder. Cas took in a sharp breath from the pain. "Sorry",Dean said pulling his hand away. "It's alright", Cas smiled at him " You know I jumped in front of you for the same reasons you wanted yourself in my place right? I couldn't stand living without you, too", Cas told Dean. "I know now", Dean said and his whole face lit up, as did Cas'. "God, I am so happy I didn't lock the door earlier", Dean laughed and pulled Cas into a tight hug.

Sooooo... that was it, part nine. I thought it was time to let them figure things out since they deserve to be happy. I hope you liked it and there is more to come. So stay tuned. Also thanks for reading voting and commenting. I really appreciate it!

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