Part 12

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Here comes Part 12. I don't know how often I will be able to update because I am working on my bachelors degree so yeah I don't have that much time. But I will try my best! Thanks for keeping up :)

They didn't make a movie day that day because Bobby called and needed help on a case. Dean and Sam went to help him, since Cas was hurt and Kevin was slammed into a wall, they went alone. It was a bunch of werewolfes but they handled it in 4 days. Dean had missed Cas a lot these days, but like this it was even better coming home from a hunt. Every night he spent in the bunker, Cas slept in Dean's room with him. His shoulder was getting better with time, but it still hurt him. It wasn't until 2 weels later that they had the time to do a movie day. "So what shall we watch?", Kevin asked. "Definetly not a chick flick", Dean said rolling his eyes. "Yeah, we figured that much, Dean. Romance is not your thing. It's no wonder you never had a functioning relationship", Sammy whispered that last part and immediatly regretted saying it. And he had to regret it because Dean heard him. And it hurt him very much. Cas looked at Dean who had tears swelling up in his eyes but tried to supress them. He hastily stood up. "I'm not feeling very good. I'm gonna go...", with that he stormed off to his room. "Shit...", Sam said and dropped his head in his hands. "Sam, I'm sure he knows you didn't mean it like that", Kevin tried to reassure him and patted his back. "Cas would you look after him? I don't think he wants to see Sam now and you're closer to him than I". Cas nodded, happy to have an excuse to go to Dean. He went to his room and knocked at the door, not surprised to find a crying Dean when he went inside. "Dean...", he sat down next to him on his bed and pull him in his arms, not minding that it still hurt a little to move his left arm. Dean's face was wet from the tears. "Dean, Sam didn't mean it, he regret his words immediatly." "I know. But he is right. I have never been able to have a relationship. Why would it be something else now. I will just destroy everything like I always do and then I will hate myself because I hurt you, although i swore to never ever hurt you because I love you so damn much", he couldn't srop crying. "That's it Dean", Cas said and Dean looked at him "You love me and I love you,too. More than you can imagine. And I will never let that change. Dean you never talk about feelings but you did with me. You never had feelings for a male, but you did now. You never had a good relationship, but we will make it now." Cas smiled at him and wiped away his tears. Dean had stopped crying, processing Cas' words. "Thank you so much", Dean's voice was broken from crying. He lifted his hand and put it on Cas' cheek, lent forward and kissed him softly. Just in that moment the door slammed open, to show a now really perplex looking Kevin. "Guys...what the hell?" Dean and Cas let go of each other. "When I told you to go look for Dean because the two of you were closer, this was not what I expected". "Ummm...", Dean started,  trying to explain, but knot knowing how. He took a deep breath and looked at Cas who nodded at him reassuringly. " me and Cas we are... a couple", Dean said and Kevins eyes got a little wide at first. "Wow", he got out after a while "I didn't expect that. Friends with benefits maybe but that...", he thought out loud. Dean let himself fall back on his bed. "Why does nobody think I can have a relationship", he whined. "I am sorry, Dean. I didn't mean that. I just... you didn't seemed like the guy who liked guys you know?", Kevin tried to explain. "Actually I am a celestial being", Cas clarified. "Yeah, I didn't saw you as the guy who likes celestial beings either...", Kevin said confused and Dean laughed. "It's okay, Kev. I just got frustrated", Dean sat back on the bed. "So that is why you reacted like this to Sam. He doesn't know", Kevin looked at Dean emphazising. Dean just nodded. Cas lay his hand on Deans and tried to calm him. Kevin looked at their hands and then back at their faces. "I will need a while to get used to this", he motioned towards them "but I am really happy for you guys". He smiled at them and Dean let out a breath he didn't knew he was holding. "Thank you", Cas said to Kevin, then turned to Dean and smiled at him. "I was really afraid of what you might think of us, you know. And since the incident from before, I just can't tell Sammy yet. Can you keep it a secret with us, please?", Dean asked Kevin. "Of course, Dean. So tell me, how long is this going on behind my back?" "Two and a half weeks. Actually the day after our hunt", Dean explained. "What? How couldn't I notice. You two are good in hiding things. But honestly I am glad I know." " Me, too", Dean said and stood up to hug Kevin. He closed his arms tight around the younger boy, who hugged back. "You know, you two deserve to be happy", he smiled at the couple. They let go of another and Dean got down to meet Cas' face. "I am gonna go to Sammy now. Even though I don't wanna tell him about us just yet and he really hurt me before, I just don't wanna fight", he said to him and pecked him on the lips. "Dean?" "Yeah?" "I love you" "I love you,too, baby". Dean left his room smiling brightly. Cas was happy that he wasn't sad anymore, so he too smiled, until he met Kevin's shocked look. "What is wrong with you, Kevin?", Cas asked honestly concerned about the boy. "Did Dean just say that he loves you?" "Yeah...", Cas didn't understand. "You know, when you left for Dean before, Sam explained me why he said what he said. And he told me that Dean never said 'I love you' to anyone. For the simple reason that he never truly loved anyone except his family.", Kevin told Cas, whose eyes went wide. Slowly a smile widened on Cas' face and also Kevin smiled. "He really means it", Kevin said and motioned for Cas to stand up. "Come on man, I want to watch a movie since 2 1/2 weeks. And if you deserve that kind of happiness, I deserve a movie", Kevin slowly went towards the door. "Yes, you do", Cas chuckled and followed Kevin out of the room. Meanwhile Dean was back at the kitchen. "Hiya, Sammy", he said. Sam looked up to face Dean. "Dean, I'm so so sorry. I don't know why I said that. But I didn't think you would react like that. Anyway it was my fault and I am sorry", Sam begged. "It's alright, Sammy. I overreacted, too. I knew you just wanted to make a joke, but after this whole thing with Lisa, you know", he didn't even have to lie. Making Lisa forget him was one of the hardest things that Dean ever did. It hurt him till today. Even if he didn't love Lisa, he cared for her. And for Ben. Letting them go was awful, but it was better for them. Sam nodded sadly. "Ah, come here", Dean opened his arms and Sam got up from the table to hug his brother. "It's okay, Sammy, alright?". Sam nodded and they let go of each other. Then Cas and Kevin entered the room. "Can we finally watch that movie now?", Kevin said a little exhausted. Everybody laughed, but nodded and they made their way to the living room.

That was that. Kevin knows about the two of them now. I wrote part of that at the airport, but still I hope you liked it. Please vote and leave comments if you did. Thanks for reading!

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