Part 17

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I do my best guys. I hope you like it.

When Cas woke up, he had Dean's strong arms around him. He smiled to himself and pressed a few kisses to Dean's hand and arm. He then felt the urgent need to use the toilet and tried to free himself, but Dean's grip was too strong. "No, Cas. Let's stay in bed forever", Dean mumbled drunk on sleep. Cas giggled. "Sam will notice sometime", he told Dean and tried to turn around in Dean's embrace. "Damn", Dean whispered and opened his eyes, looking at his boyfriend's face. "Well at least I get this beautiful sight in the morning", Dean said and Cas blushed a little. Dean leaned in to kiss Cas. The kiss was slow, both men still tired, when Cas suddenly pulled back. "What's wrong, baby?" "Dean I....", Cas started really shy. Dean's alarm bells rang. "Is something wrong? Did I do something?", Dean asked nervous that something happened, fearing that he might lose Cas. "No", Cas nearly screamed "no, Dean. Everything is good. I love you", Cas leaned in again and kissed Dean. "Then what is it?", Dean asked still a little nervous when they parted. "I need to pee", Cas mumbled. Dean satrted laughing. "Why didn't you say so?" "I was ashamed" "Why? It's a natural thing to do? I mean, yeah it's not something you talk about notmally, but..." "Dean?" "Yeah?" "I really need to go now" "Alright, out with you", Dean laughed and Cas stormed out of the room. Dean also got up and put on some clothes and laid some out for Cas, who returned soon after, teeth brushed, still in boxershorts and a t shirt. "Feeling better now?" "Very much so", Cas nodded. "I got you some clothes, your suit is in the laundry, so this will have to do." "Thank you, Dean", Cas said and pulled his shirt off. "Damn it, Cas. Don't do this to me. Looking all good", Dean frowned playfully. "Just because we don't have sex yet", he emphazises on the word "doesn't mean you can't enjoy the view." " What has gotten into you?", Dean asked surprised by the answer that his boyfriend gave him "You are not possesed by Lucifer again, are you?". "Of course not! Why can't I say things like that? You do it all the time" "Oh, you definetly can, baby. I was just surprised. You know we can also enjoy other things...", with that he closed the gap between them and pulled Cas into a kiss. Cas hand wandered to Dean's neck, while Dean's rested on Cas' hips. They opened their mouths and their tongues were fighting for dominance. Dean stopped fighting and let Cas explore his mouth, getting a little turned on by the new sensation. He let one of his hands wander from Cas' hip over his belly up to his chest and Cas let out a little moan at the sensation of Dean's hand against his bare skin. They pulled away, mostly for oxygen, and Cas looked down ashamed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." "No, Cas. Don't be sorry. It means you enjoyed it. A little more than I expected but still, it's a good thing, really sexy by the way". Cas looked up at that comment. "Really?", he asked. "Definetly. Haven't you heard yourself?". Cas blushed a little but smiled at Dean. Dean pecked him on the lips and Cas got dressed. When they headed to the kitchen for breakfast, Dean noticed something. "You know, I really love you in your trench coat or with my clothes on but I think you need some of your own clothing", he said to his boyfriend. "But I don't know what clothing I have to buy", Cas said as if he feared the idea of shopping. "It's okay, I'll help you", Dean said and kissed Cas' forehead. When they entered the kitchen, Sam had already prepared breakfast for all of them and sat on the table with Kevin, chatting. "Oh the both of them", Sam said as they sat down. "Morning Sammy", Dean said "we're going shopping later, wanna join?". "Why would you go shopping?" "Cas needs his own clothing. He has only one outfit and my stuff". "You mean he wears your underwear,too?", Sam's eyes got wide. Kevin started coughing, Cas blushed and Dean glared Sam. "Yes", he said stone cold. "We need to take him shopping, dude" "That's what I just said", Dean said laughing. "I'd like to join. Christmas is not far away, so I can start shopping presents", Sam announced. "Who is coming over for christmas anyway? I mean it's a few weeks away but still", Kevin asked. "The four of us and Bobby", Dean said. "I invited Eileen", Sam said quietly. "Happy to see her again", Dean said truly happy. "My mom's coming, too", Kevin said. "Of course, Kev. And I think we will be killed if we don't invite Charlie", Dean laughed and Sam joined in. "Uhm...", Cas spoke up. "Yeah, Cas?" "I was wondering if we could maybe invite Claire?" Sam and Dean smiled at him. "Of course we can. Maybe Jody and Donna could join, too", Sam suggested. "Sorry guys who is Claire?", Kevin asked interested. " She is the daughter of my vessel, Jimmy. But since both her parents are dead because of me, I feel responsible for her", Cas explained. "It wasn't your fault, Cas", Dean demanded. "You have a daughter?", Kevin asked shocked. "No she is not my daughter technically" "Has anyone else hid a child from me?", Kevin asked jokingly but Sam and Dean fell silent. "No way", Kevin burst out "You have kids?" "Had", Dean corrected. "What?" "I had a daughter. Emma" "What happened to her?", Kevin asked, feeling a little uncomfortable. "I killed her", Sammy whispered. Kevin looked at him in shock but Dean lay a hand on Sam's shoulder and smiled at him, knowing that Sam just did what he had to do. They explained the whole thing to Kevin and he nodded in understanding. "That's heavy, man.I'm sorry". "Thanks. So we have us, Mrs. Tran, Bobby, Charlie, Eileen, Claire, Jody and Donna", Dean said trying to change the subject. Everyone nodded. "I am already excited. Last time I celebrated christmas I was 3 I guess", Dean said. "That is not fair. I celebrated christmas with you before you went to hell", Sam started laughing. "Oh yeah, that was pretty nice actually. This year you will get something better than a porno magazine for christmas I promise". They all started laughing and ate their breakfast, preparing for a long day in the shopping center.

I am doing my best to update again soon, but I can't promise anything. Thanks for reading.

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