Part 16

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Another update. I am trying my best!

"Dean, why are you smiling like that?", Sam asked his older brother, who had a big smile plastered across his whole face. "Just thinking,Sammy" "About what?" "How beautiful my baby is", Dean said smirking, knowing Cas would get that reference. Cas started smiling and Kevin let out a little "awww". Sam looked at him confused. "You do know it is a car, dude, right?", Sam asked the young man. Kevin just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. Sam shook his head laughing. Suddenly Dean's phone rang. "Yeah. Sure I am coming", Dean said and ended the call. "Where are you going?", Cas asked immediatly, fearing that Dean was about to leave for a few days. "Heading for the door. Bobby is waiting outside", Dean smiled and got up. A smile appeared on Sam's face and Kevin was a little nervous since he would meet the older hunter for the first time. "You really don't have to be nervous, Kevin. Bobby is one of the best humans I met in my life", Cas said noticing Kevin's nervousness. Kevin tried to smile and nodded. Soon Dean and Bobby appeared in the kitchen. "Bobby", Sam got up to give him a big hug. "Good to see ya idjits", Bobby said looking through his little family, suddenly noticing a new face. "Did you adopt a child without telling me?", he asked. Dean started laughing. "No. That's Kevin. He's a prophet of the lord. He's family though", Sam explained and Bobby nodded. Kevin hold out his hand to Bobby, who gave him a hug. "Their family is my family", Bobby told Kevin who relaxed. Soon they all sat down around the table. Dean poured everyone a cup of coffee and Sam and Kevin went back to slicing fruit. "How have you been, boys? How is being human, Castiel?", Bobby asked. "Everything is pretty good", Dean said. "Yeah, I am handling being a human good I think", Cas told Bobby. "Yes you do", Dean said looking at Cas proudly. They got a little lost in each others eyes, just smiling. "Jesus Christ, ya idjits finally got your shit together", Bobby exclaimed, which brought Dean back to reality immediatly. "What?", Sam asked confused. And just in the moment when Bobby wanted to speak again, Kevin cut into his finger. "Oh shit", he screamed, blood running over his finger onto the kitchen table. Sam got up to search for the first aid kit. "Kevin is everything alright?", Cas asked concerned. "Yeah and your welcome by the way", he smiled at them. "You did this on purpose?", Dean asked confused. "Couldn't risk Sam finding out like this", Kevin explained "but I think you three have to talk". With that the younger boy left the kitchen to search for Sam. "So...umm...Bobby...Cas and I we", it sounded like a question. "I'm glad ya finally got together ya idjits. You know Rufus and I had a bet...", he thought about the friend he lost. "Wait what?", Dean asked shocked. "I mean you just had to watch carefully. It was all over your faces. Rufus didn't believe me, but he was a stubborn idjit. Ellen on the other hand... " " Ellen too?", Dean let his head fall into his hands. " Ellen and I have seen this look on your faces so many times, there was just no denying. In the most fucked up times , when you two looked at each other, there was hope, there was happiness in both of your eyes", Bobby said and smiled at them. Suddenly his face changed and he looked a little pissed. "And now tell me why the heck Sam doesn't know, ya idjit". "It's because of Dad. I mean you knew him. He was homophobe, to be nice. I just fear that Sammy won't accept us. Give me a little more time, I'll tell him." Bobby nodded at Dean's explanation. "I am happy for the both of you", the old hunter said and stood up to hug Dean. Dean pulled Cas into the hug as well until they heard a voice coming from the hallway. "Thank you, Sam. Let's return to the kitchen", Kevin said extra loud, so the others knew they were coming. They chatted with Bobby about this and that until his phone rang. "Gotta go, boys. Was good to see you", he said and went to the door. "How about you come around for Christmas? I mean it's in a few weeks and I thought we could maybe celebrate with some people", Dean suggested and everyone agreed on the idea. "See you on christmas, ya idjits", and with that he was out the door. "It was nice seeing you too, Bobby", Dean said to a closed door. "He is already gone, Dean", Cas said and everyone else started laughing. "I know ba-", he started coughing, sensing his mistake. "It's just something humans do", Sam explained being totally oblivious to what Dean nearly said. "Talking to furniture?", Cas asked confused. "No it's like... expressing that... I can't explain this. Just forget it", Dean said. "You wanted to talk to Bobby, but he was gone already so you spoke to where Bobby was", Cas concluded. "Yeah that's pretty much it", Sam said. "That's stupid", Cas stated. "No, it's human", Kevin told Cas and patted him on the shoulder. Cas squinted his eyes but nodded at the boy. They spend the rest of the day searching for hunts, but it was quiet in the supernatural world. They were all reliefed to have some peace at last. Cas and Sam disappeared for a run, while Dean prepared dinner and Kevin looked after the cut on his finger. It wasn't really late that day, when they all went to their rooms to sleep. Cas and Dean headed to Dean's room together like every night. "You look really tired, what did you do out there, run a marathon?" Dean laughed. Cas didn't bother answering and slipped out of his shoes and his trenchcoat. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom", Dean announced and headed out the door. When he returned he found Cas fast asleep on their bed. He smiled at his sleeping boyfriend, going over to peel him out of his suit and tie and putting some sweatpants on. He lay down beside him and covered both of them with a blanket, then kissed Cas shoulder, while snuggling up behind him. "Good night, Cas", he mumbled and a little smile appeared on Cas' face.

I am ill but I wanted to write. I hope you all like it. Thanks for reading.

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