Part 26

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Hey guys! Finally Part 1 of the christmas chapter. I hope Part 2 is coming soon. Enjoy.

It was christmas morning and Dean had Cas in his arms. He left little kisses all over his neck until Cas awoke and turned around in his arms. "Good morning", he whispered and smiled at his boyfriend. Dean smiled back and leant down to kiss Cas. It was a soft and tender kiss. "I've got a present for you", Dean said excited and got out of bed. "Won't we give each other our presents later?", Cas asked. "Yes, but you have to open this one now", Dean said and gave Cas his present. Cas unpacked it slowly and couldn't believe his eyes. "Dean...", Cas eyes got wide and he looked at his boyfriend with love. In his hands he was holding the sweater with the penguin that they saw in the store some time ago. "But these boys said that it was gay...", Cas said sadly. "And? So are you", Dean stated and it made Cas smile. The longer Cas looked at the sweater the bigger grew his smile. He practically jumped at Dean and peppered him with kisses. "Thank you soooo much. I love it. I love you", he kissed Dean with all the love he felt for him. "Try it on", Dean said smiling. It fit him perfectly and Cas looked so adorable that Dean had to smile. But he took it off again and Dean looked at him questioning. "I need to take a shower and I was thinking that you might want to join me?", Cas asked blushing a little bit. "That's not really a question, Cas", Dean said and got up. They went to the bathroom together, quickly undressed and jumped into the shower. After a few minutes of showering and making out they heard the door open. Lucky for them they had a non transparent shower curtain. "Shit I forgot to lock the door", Dean mumbled and looked out of the shower to find Claire. He held Cas back, so he wouldn't look out. "Oh, sorry!", Claire said and turned to go but then asked "Do you know where Castiel is? Sam wouldn't tell me where his room was and I can't find him in the bunker". "I think he showered before me. I bet he'll show up soon. He's addicted to breakfast", Dean explained and Cas glared him for the comment. "Thanks", Claire smiled and left the bathroom. Dean let out a breath. They showered quickly and dressed. Then Cas went first into the kitchen, so Claire wouldn't notice. Dean went five minutes after him. Claire hugged Cas and wished him a merry christmas when she saw him. Dean smiled when he saw his boyfriend in the sweater he got him. "Stop making heart eyes and start making breakfast", Sam said and laughed. "A merry christmas for you too, bitch", Dean said. "Oh come here, jerk", Sam said and grabbed his brother in a moose hug. After that Dean started making breakfast and the family sat down at the big map table. "Finally. I am starving", Cas said and Claire laughed. "What's so funny?", Sam asked. Claire explained what Dean had said earlier when she had met him in the bathroom. Sam laughed too, guessing that Cas had been in there with Dean. They heard a knock at the door and Sam went to open it. Everyone started eating breakfast when suddenly a voice broke the silence. "Merry christmas, Sam. Alright now where is my favourite couple?", Jackie entered the room and Dean's face fell at her words and he tried shaking his head for a sign. "Oh, there you are. Nice sweater, Cas. Did Dean get you that? God, you two are so cute together. Dean, is everything alright?". He looked at her in shock then over to Cas then to Claire. "Wait, what?", she raised her eyebrows. "You are a couple? Are you kidding me?", she stood up and stormed to her room. "Fuck", Dean said and lay his arm around Cas, who had tears in his eyes. "You said everyone knew", Jackie said quietly defending herself. "It's not your fault, Jackie", Dean said and got up to hug her. He introduced her to everyone and Charlie's eyes might have lingered a little too long on her. After breakfast Cas and Dean went to search Claire. She was in her room, door unlocked and after they had knocked, she told them to come in. "Claire, we wanted to apologize. It wasn't right to keep it a secret from you. We're sorry", Cas said. "You shouldn't be", Claire said and looked at them "Look, it is just weird. My father is dead, but everytime I see you, I see him. And now you are with a man. I mean, I am just confused. It's just much to process", she said and Cas nodded. "If you are uncomfortable with it, we could...", Dean started but Claire cut him off. "God, no! I mean yes it is confusing. But my father chose to say yes to Castiel. It was his decision and therefore his fault that he died early. I know that and it's not fair to let Castiel think it was his fault and let him suffer. If anyone has to be sorry then it's me. All those years I hated you for a decision my father made. And now that you are finally happy, I make you feel uncomfortable in your relationship. Castiel, I am sorry. I am happy for you, the both of you. Really. I just have to get used to it", Claire explained and Cas smiled while a tear rolled down his cheek. Claire's eyes were already red from crying. She jumped off the bed and hugged Cas. Then she pulled Dean into the hug as well. "Even if you are not my father, you are still like one for me", Claire whispered and Cas hugged her even tighter. They all made their way back to the others. Jackie still looked sorry about what she did. "Everything's alright guys", Dean exclaimed and everyone smiled. Claire finished breakfast when suddenly there was a voice behind them. "Hello, boys!".

I had time to update, yay! I hope you like it 😚

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