Part 21

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Are you ready for Sam finding out? Because I certainly am :)
I devote this chapter to my beautiful Andrea-BooksDreams, who is one of the best persons in the world. I just want you to know that you are my Sammy and you can always count on me. Okay now chick flick moment over, sorry guys 😘 Enjoy!

The first thing they noticed was the noise of a clearing throat. "Ummm....guys?", Sam asked with a monotonous voice. His expression was absolutely blank. Dean looked in the direction of the door, finding Sam. His face fell. The smile was replaced by shock and fear. Dean Winchester was not a man who fears a lot, he killed monsters since he was like four years old without the blink of an eye. But standing here in front of his baby brother and maybe losing him because of who he loved was a thing he just couldn't take. "S-Sammy?", Dean stuttered out. "Care to explain?", Sam responded, his eyes fixed on Dean's hickeys. Dean let his hand wander to his neck to cover them, but Sam had already seen them, eyes locking with Dean's now, waiting for an answer. Dean let out a breath and looked to the floor. Cas stood up and lay his hand on Dean's back. "You don't have to...", Cas started but Dean cut him off. "Yes I do", Dean said and smiled at Cas sadly. " and Cas... we are...uhm...I mean...", he pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath, let it out and looked into the eyes of his brother. "Cas is my boyfriend and if you have a problem with that, then I can leave. I will, if you are being happy then. I want you to be happy, Sammy, I really do, but I can not spent another day without him, I can't. I love him too much", Dean said with all the strength he got, his eyes getting a little glassy, while Sam's got wider with each word. "B-boyfriend?", Sam stuttered out. "Yes", Dean said and grabbed Cas hand in his as if to prove it. "You love him?", Sam asked " like love  love him?". "Yes I do", Dean answered and looked at Cas.  Almost immediatly his face softened and a smile appeared on his face. "Dean, I...", Sam started slowly moving into the kitchen. "As I said I will leave", Dean looked to the ground, mostly to hide his tears. "Don't you dare", Sam said in such a harsh voice, that Dean let go of Cas' hand. Dean looked up at his brother with clenched teath, desperatly trying to hold back his tears. Sam got nearer until he stood right in front of him. Suddenly his face changed into the biggest smile Dean has seen in a long time on Sam's face. Sam pulled him into a huge embrace, Dean slowly hugging back. "Dean, I am so happy for you! The both of you. And so proud! You have never told anyone you loved them before. Except family of course. Dean... wow!", Sam exclaimed as happy as a child on christmas day. Kevin, who just sat there and followed the drama released a breath he didn't know he was holding. Dean tried to breathe and let out a sob in the process, the tears now flowing. And Cas just smiled over his whole face. "Thank you, Sammy", Dean whispered and Sam let go of him to look him in the eyes. "Are you kidding? That's the best news ever" "You are not freaked out or angry?", Dean asked hesitantly. "Why would I be?", Sam asked confused. "Because Cas is a guy", Dean said. "Isn't he a celestial being, to be correct?", Sam corrected him. "Told you so, at least I used to be", Cas said turning to Kevin. "Are you fucking kidding me?", Kevin rolled his eyes and Cas laughed. "And why would I be angry with you? Because dad was homophobe? He was also a shitty father, so why would you think I'd react like him. You know I accept Charlie..." "Yeah but Charlie is not your big brother" " Dean, I will love you no matter what. And I will certainly not love you less because you finally found someone you love. I don't care if man or woman or ex-angel. When they make you happy, I am happy. And to be honest I couldn't wish for someone better than Cas", he smiled at the ex-angel, Cas smiling back. "Oh my god, I am so relieved", Dean said, smile coming back to his face. They all sat down around the table. " long?", Sam simply asked. "One...", Cas started but couldn't finish his sentence. "Yesterday? And I thought I may have not noticed anything sooner", he smiled but Cas shook his head. "One week?", Sam asked shocked and looking at Dean "how could you keep it a secret that long?". "One month, Sammy", he said quietly, smiling insecure. "MONTH?", Sam exclaimed. "How... I mean... how come I haven't noticed? Why didn't you tell me?" "I was afraid", Dean admitted again. "How long do you know?", Sam asked Kevin. "Since two weeks", Kevin answered truthfully. "How come you told him and not me?", Sam demonstrated. "I walked in on them", Kevin explained. Sam turned to him with a look of pity in his eyes. "Aw I'm sorry man, guess you are scarred for life", Sam apologized. "Come on, we were just kissing, don't be a baby", Dean demanded. "I think we were glad the bunker has thick walls", Sam jokes. Cas tilts his head in confusion. "It was a joke about our sex life", Dean explained blushing slightly. "But we don't have a sex life", Cas stated still confused. Dean smashed his head on the table while Sam and Kevin said "what?" in perfect unison. "God, please kill me now", Dean mumbled into the table. "It's been over a month and you haven't had sex yet? Dean you really do love him, don't you?", Sam asked curious. "I already told you", Dean said, still  refusing to look up. "I don't see why this is so hard to understand for you", Cas said totally serious. "Well, Dean is more the one night stand and no feelings attached kind of guy and not the say I love you but don't have sex yet guy. I guess you changed him", Sam stated and Dean tried to hide into the table in embarassment. Cas expression went blank. " I am truly sorry, Dean. I didn't mean to change you", Cas apologized and that made Dean lift his head from the table and look into his boyfriends eyes. "It was a good change", he said and smiled at him, then looking at his brother. "We take it slow, okay? It would be my first time with a man...", Dean explained, blushing. "And my first time ever", Cas said and shrugged his shoulders, earning shocked glances from Sam and Kevin. "What? I was an angel of the lord", Cas justified himself and the faces showed understanding (I ignore the fact that my precious baby lost his virginity to that bitch April, because this is my story and I can do whatever the fuck I want). "But we see, you have enough things to do", Kevin wiggled his eyebrows, turning his attention to the hickeys again. "Still not funny", Dean rolled his eyes. But Kevin and Sam already started laughing. "You did that?", Sam asked Cas, surprised of the ex-angels actions and to be honest also a little bit impressed. "Yes I did and I am really sorry", Cas told him, turning his attention to Dean. "No, you are not", Dean accused him, trying to hide his smile. "You are right, I am not. It was a lot of fun", Cas smiled at him seductively and closed the gap between them, their lips meeting. It was just a short kiss, but enough to make Dean smile again. "You are forgiven", he whispered to Cas. "You two really are cute", Sam told them and they smiled. "Hey Dean. Now that you came out of your closet there is space for something else", Kevin said to Dean, hinting at their conversation about moving in a room with Cas. "Space is already taken", Dean told him and everyone looked at him confused. "Cas already moved into my room. We haven't slept seperate since  we got together", Dean explained. "And you haven't told me?", Kevin pouted. "I was busy getting hickeys", Dean said and they all laughed. "So when I accused you of watching porn, you were just hiding Cas?", Sam asked, remembering the morning. "Jep. And when you told me you'd go help Eileen, he was standing behind the door. I thought you would never go out of the room". "I'm sorry", Sam laughed. "I am happy you know it now", Dean said and smiled at his little brother. "Me too", Sam smiled back. "Yeah me too, I thought I was going to die with that secret", Kevin joked and everyone laughed. Dean took Cas hand, happy to hold it whenever he wanted from now on. Dean and Cas smiled at each other and Dean pecked Cas on the lips, neither of them seeing the happy look in Sam's eyes, but both of them knowing that Sam was happy for them. Dean turned his attention back to Sam. "So, how is Eileen?", Dean asked him and a dreamy smile was plastered across Sam's face, giving Dean all the answers he needed.

Another update! I am so motivated at the moment. I think thaz was the longest chapter I ever wrote.
Okay, so I hope you are all happy with how Sammy reacted. He is just an awesome brother (beginning of season 8 excluded) and I just had to make him love the fact that Destiel is happening, because I think that this is exactly how Sam would react if the writers ever have the guts to finally make Destiel official.
Also, have you seen the latest episode? I think they are truly trying to kill us now...
Please tell me what you think in the comments. Thanks for reading.

Nothing stays a secret forever (Destiel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon