~ Chapter 8 ~

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It has been two days since I blew up on Bella, and I have yet to apologized; which wasn't going to happen anytime soon. I was right about it been hers and that leeches fault even the pack agreed, well all but Jacob but he is too loved up with the pale face that he doesn't notice how much of a pain she is.

My brothers are hunting the redheaded leech; whiles I stayed close to Forks in case the leech decided to make a quick escape toward the town "Boys?" I spoke up "Anyone there?" I asked, getting a little worried that no one was answering.

"Taylor" Sam replied, I gave out a sigh in relief.

"Is everything okay?" Once again the mind link was quite "Sam?"

The leech jumped over Harry as did Embry" Paul spoke up "Not only that the leech lover decided to take a tumble off the cliff" I groaned and rolled my eyes, I couldn't care less about her.

Harry on the other hand "Is Harry okay?"

I heard a mental sigh "Sis, Harry had a heart attack and died" I whimpered and fell to the ground, my paws covered my eyes to stop the tears from falling. Even if I didn't know Harry as well as the other in the tribe, he was still on the council and a great deal to the pack.

I lifted myself of the ground, my legs shook as the grief was trying to show but I couldn't let it. I was a tribe protector I had to be strong "Where are you guys?" I asked looking at my surrounding "I'll come to you"

"No" Sam ordered loudly, making me cringed "I want you to follow Jake to Bella's house make sure she's safe" He says making my cringed.

"My pack needs me not some leech lover" I spat at him, I went to take a step forward but paused as Sam shouted at me.

"TAYLOR!" He snarled, I whimper and bowed my head "We will meet you back at the Clearwater's"

I sighed and turned on my spot "Be safe and please try and comfort Sue until I get there" I teased and sprinted to the edge of the forest to wait for Bella's red truck or Jake's blue truck.

I didn't have to wait long as the smell of Jake entered my nose; Bella's truck sped passed me, I quickly chased after it, I tried to keep myself hidden but the amount of trees were lessening as were got closer to Forks "Who is following us?" Bella asked before Jake could answer she asked answer question "Is he all white? Looks lovely"

I rolled my eyes, I guess she didn't believe me when I said I was a one of them. Jake let out a laugh and shot me a quick look, I turn my attention to the path ahead of me, the trees were coming to an end "What's so funny Jake?" Bella innocently asked.

"That's Taylor" Bella gasped "She told you she was a wolf" He paused a moment "And She's white all over but has black ear and snout, weird marking but she's by far the best looking" He laughs.

"I quite like your rusty red colour Jake, I doubt she looks better then you" She sneered but I doubt Jake heard her tone.

"Well, you haven't see her probably" He shot back "And I doubt you want to, like I said earlier she doesn't have the best of tempers"

"She wouldn't hurt me" Bella says smugly making me roll my eyes.

"I wouldn't push your luck with a Lahote" Jake warns, a sickly smell perked my attention as Jake pulled up at Bella's, I gave a low growl warning him.

"Wait" Jake warns "Taylor's on alert, she smells a bloodsucker" I tuned out from them as I smelt honey, it was sweet but not too sweet. I watched as Jake walked into the house shaking a little. I howled calling for my Alpha.


"Sam, Jake gone into Bella's there's a leech in there but it's a Cullen" I reported back "He shouldn't be there right now"

"Go get him out of there" I nodded my head and told him I was on it, I shifted back and changed into a tank top and short that I had tied to my legs.

Embry's idea. Not a bad one either, I wrinkled my nose as the leech smell got strong; but so did the honey sent. I barged into the house to see Bella talking with the pixie vampire, whiles Jake was getting stared down by the bloke "Jacob Black" I warned rushing over to him gaining everyone's attention "What were you thinking?" I growled.

"Who's this?" The pixie asked.

"Oh, this is Taylor Lahote" Bella stutters "She the first female werewolf ever" I growled at her, did she seriously just tell the vampire we exist once again. I knew she couldn't be trusted.

"Really, she doesn't smell like one" The sound of his husky voice made my heart skip a beat, Pixie came over to me, making me shake, she took a sniff then backed away.

"No she does Emmett" Pixie says, I felt a hand on my shoulder I turn to look to see Jake giving me a calm down look. I shook my head and roughly pulled away from Jake, I snarled lowly looking at Bella before taking a quick look at Emmett, I stared into his golden eyes and froze.

Me and Emmett together, walking along the beach, us having our first kiss; then to proposing and the wedding and us living our lives out together as Vampire and wolf...... NOOOOO!!! I screamed to myself, I growled even more and looked away from the problem "Taylor outside now, go to Sam and your brother" He told me, I nodded my head in agreement, I needed to get out of here before I show my love for the leec.. Vam... Emmett. Oh for the love of God I can't find it in myself to insult him.

The pack aren't going to be happy to learn about this, well neither am I. I don't want it, I'm gonna to fight it. It can't be hard, I mean he's not aloud on my land and I'm not aloud on his.

Oh why did I have to Imprint on a vampire, or imprint at all, this wasn't going to be easy to hide but I will and no stupid claim between us is ever going to change.

"What was all that about?" My imprint asked.

"I have no clue" Jake answered confusion laced in his tone, I ignored there conversation and shifted; instead of heading toward Sue's I went home.

I needed to be alone to think things through.

A/N: Finally Emmett has entered the story what do you all think?

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