~ Chapter 23 ~

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Emmett's POV

I had not stopped smiling, since my mate left; Rose thought it was sicking but I just ignored her. However it's kind of hard to do that when she's every where you look. I swear, she taunting me and trying to ruin my mood.

That is not going to work. . . . Jason needs a medal for putting up with that drama queen. It's like what Taylor told her we don't pick our mates; fate does. It does upset me to know that my mate will get crap from imprinting on me but they will just have to learn and live with it. . . . Just like Rose.

"How was it then Emmett?" Edward asks, I turn my head to look a him with a smirk on my lips.

"You already know the answer my dear brother" Edward laughs and ran his fingers through his hair "But thank you for asking"

"No problem" He replied with a smile "It's nice to see you happy even if it's with a wolf" He sighed and looked out the window "She's not all that bad"

"She's amazing" I sighed dreamily thinking about MY Taylor. The way her silky brown hair blows with the wind, her Bambi doe eyes shine with mischief but above all her cherry flavored lips.

"Man, you whipped" An amused Ed spoke up, his eyes held a hint of mischief.

"Your one to talk" I sassed back "Bella, my sweets. . . . Your my world" I teased him "I can't live without you, but I don't want to change you"

"Emmett" Ed growled and tackled me to the ground, I smirked up at my brother. He may be fast but I was stronger; using my strength I lifted Edward off me and pinned him to the ground.

Edward groaned and tried to get the upper hand, but I held him tightly "I don't think so brother" I chuckled, My head snapped up at the sound of a truck pulling up. . . . Miss Isabella Swan had arrived.

"What are you doing?" She screeched, rushing over to us, I winced at her voice; she could get annoying sometimes. My thoughts earned a hiss for Edward, rolling my eyes I let go of my brother and stood.

"Hey Bella" I grinned widely, she looked at me in confusion.

"What is up with him?" Bella asks pointing at me but looking at her boyfriend, who had tensed at the question.

"Nothing" I replied quickly "It's just a great day"

"Huh" She says, her eyes told me she didn't believe me, she turns her attention to Edward "I got a call from Jake" That sentence alone made Edward hiss; he hated the wolf for trying to steal his Isabella.

"What does the mutt want?" He spatted, I hissed lowly at the word, my mate was one of those werewolves, Edward hearing my thoughts send me a 'sorry' look.

"He is not a mutt Edward" She shot back "He told me that Taylor is starting to spend time with her imprint" I rolled my eyes... Why was Jake talking about his pack? It made me wonder if he would ever give out any important information about the wolves; all for a girl he didn't imprint on. Someone that shouldn't even know about them.

"That's interesting why?" I asked her, not seeing the point of knowing something I already did.

"Oh right" She began playing with the tips of her hair "Jake said that she was in a good mood, smiling and everything" Her eyes shot to me, making me tense. Has this simple human found out our secret? "Anyway" She spoke up looking back to Edward "Embry started having a go at her and said he loved her and that she was choosing the imprint over him" A dark look crossed her face "Poor Embry"

It took all my strength to hold me back. He couldn't believe that Bella had took Embry side, it was useless to fight the pull. It would only make us both unhappy.

"It's not really a choice Bella" Edward says talking a step towards his love "It's like me and you" He sighed running his fingers.

"It's different" She spat "Jake told me about it"

"Jake hasn't imprinted" I snapped "He wouldn't understand" Edward sent me a look, telling me to calm down.

"He has read Sam's and Jared's thoughts on the matter" She shot back "But for some reason Taylor shuts them all out" I sad smile played on my lips for my mate. . . . She only doing it cause she's afraid.

"Thoughts are different then the feeling" Edward says to her "Embry's Imprint will be out there somewhere" Bella nods her head but I still don't think she understands. The way she talked about Taylor, it almost sounded like she didn't like her.

Who wouldn't love my Tay. I watched Edward roll his eyes and shook his head, not agreeing with me 'Come on she's not that bad' I thought to him, showing him the time I spend with her.

"I guess not" He sighted in defeat.

"What?" Bella asked pulling away from her boyfriend, with her eyebrow raised. She really likes to know everything.

"Nothing" Edward smiles and places a kiss on her forehead "Is that all your mutt told you?"

"Oh, Taylor ran off in wolf form after snapping at Embry" Her eyes stayed on mine, like she was waiting for my reaction. She really couldn't know. . . . Right? "The pack can't get hold of her" She narrowed her eyes at me, once again I tensed "Well, all apart from Sam"

"He is the Alpha" I butted in, looking towards the front door, I wanted to go and search for her. Taylor was upset and as her mate I needed to be there to comfort her.

It took everything in me to stay put 'Can you please leave with her' I shot my thought to Edward 'I need to find my mate' My eyes pleased at him, Edward gave me a small nod, he was about to talk when Bella interrupted.

"Or maybe he knows who it is" I growled in annoyance, why was she so interested? And by the looks of Edwards face he was thinking the same "Oh, well" She muttered "We will ALL find out in the end" He eyes flickered to me before she grabbed hold of Edward "Bye Emmett" Edward let her pull him out of the room.

I sigh in relief; she was finally gone, that girl knew something; or maybe she was just testing my reactions but I couldn't dwell on the matter now.

I had a mate to find.

A/N: Just posted another story it's a Charlie and the chocolate factory Love story, check it out if your interested and do vote and commet :D

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