~ Chapter 17 ~

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It's been two days since Victoria attacked and I had the dream; all thoughts on the matter of my mate been killed causes me pain. I know it wouldn't happen as it is our number one rule to never harm an imprint. . . . But they didn't know who he was yet, maybe it was time to come clean and take the crap and teasing from them.

I sighed as I pulled my shirt, the pain was only bearable. My body is taking a little longer to heal then normal, Sam says my injuries must had been worst then we thought. I would have to agree with him there, I mean I did pass out in Embry's arms; bet he loved that. He still doesn't seem to get that I belong to someone else, wait until he finds out it's a Cullen.

Oh shit, I really didn't think of that. The only person I was focused on was my twin but how will Embry feel, the guy likes me and kissed me; causing pain to both me and my imprint. Which I still haven't torn into him for yet. . . . At the end of the day it has nothing to do with him.

I walked downstairs in Sam and Emily's house and entered the kitchen "Hey" I whispered taking a sit at the table.

"Hey sweetie" Emily came over and pulls me into a side hug "You feeling better?"

"Much" I smiled up at the women, Sam smiled at me and places a brotherly kiss on my forehead "Sammy!" I whined.

"Taylorr!!!" He whined back with a chuckle "Well kid you up for a pack bonfire?"

I nodded my head "Totally!" I shout in excitement, I love our bonfires. We do them every other week, without the elders, we joke about, tell stories and even sometimes the pack get me to sing to them. It was a great way to get to know one another "It will be Seth's, Leah's and Jake's first" I piped up.

"Yeah, it will" He smiled down at me, Sam walked out of the kitchen a moment before re entering "Time for patrol" He sighed.

"If I could, I would of done it for you" I told him, I really wanted to get back out there. It made me restless not been able to run wild and free as my wolf.

"I know" He says bring me into a hug "Only a couple more days hun" Sam pulls away and goes over to Emily and places a sweet kiss upon her lips. I watched as he moves his lips to her scared cheek, making her giggle, I sighed sadly at the couple. . . . Will me and Emmett ever be like that? Or will it be different.

"You'll be happy with your imprint soon enough Tay" Emily says knocking me out of my thoughts "Have you spoken to him at all sweetie?" She asks taking the seat next to me.

I nod my head "A little" I replied with a small smile, as my thoughts went to him and the time we have spend together.

"When are we going to find out who he is?"

I sighed at the question and ran my hands through my hair, I couldn't keep him a secret forever, the truth will come out soon. Maybe leaving it too long with cause more of a problem instead of coming straight out with it. . . I really don't know what to do.

"Soon" I told her, Emily smiles, she stands up and goes over to the cupboards, taking out a load of ingredient for baking.

"Want to help?" I nod and sprang from my chair and together we baked enough food for an army. . . . Well I guess we are an army of wolves.

By the time everything was done it was almost time for the bonfire, who knew time flies by so quick when you bake. I picked up a glass and filled it with water and downed the whole glass "Well that was fun" I commented, looking over at Emily to see she was covered in flour; god only knows what I looked like "I'm going to shower and changed"

"Ok" Emily replies putting the cakes and pies into boxes "Thank you for the help" She smiled.

"Anytime" I give her a quick hug and went upstairs, there was no point in going home as I already had a nice pair of shorts and tank top already here to wear.

An Unlikey Imprint (Emmett Cullen LS)Where stories live. Discover now