~ Chapter 24 ~

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I ran deep into the woods, not caring about how far I went. I just wanted to get away from my so called best friend. I knew we both shared feelings for each other at one point; we both knew that one of us was going to imprint one day. It just so happens to be me first.

It could of been worst, I mean we could of been together just like the whole Leah, Sam and Emily situation. Thank the spirits Sam told us to stay friends, I wouldn't been able to handle that kind of drama. It just enough with Embry been upset at me now; but he doesn't have a right to be.

I sighed and began to slow down, I heard the faint thoughts of my pack brothers calling for me; I just ignored them and continued forward until their thoughts went away.

I finally stopped at part of the treaty line and laid next to the river, with my paws over my eyes to stop the tears from falling. When did life get so hard, it was always simple. I would go to school, come home, eat dinner with Paul, maybe hang out with friends and hook up with a few people from my year.

Now I have to deal with school, patrol, my pack brothers and Leah, killing vampires, not aloud to hook up with anyone because of my imprint. My heart ached a little, I wasn't rejecting him it was just complicated; he's a vampire and I'm a wolf. He's frozen forever, I will have to stay as a wolf. And let's not forget I won't be able to have children from him.

Which confuses me a little, our imprints are meant to be the best match for us, help us be stronger; this also includes passing on our genes to our pups. How was that going to work if he can't have children? It made me wonder if the spirits were mistaken.

Could we really have a vampire/wolf hybrid?

However with the amount of time I've been spending with Emmett those thoughts seem to disappear and everything seems right with the world.

My ears perked at the sound of a branch snapping, my head shot up and I began looking around. My eyes narrowed at the sight of a blurred figure. . . . Vampire.

I quickly stood up and prepared myself for the attack, went the send of honey hit my noses. My tail began to wag as I let out an excited bark before rushing over to the line. I collided with my imprint; causing him to hit the ground "Taylor" He sighed with relief as I began licking his face in a greeting "Alright" he laughed "Alright!!" He says pushing my face away.

I let out a huff and jumped off him and back onto my side of the line. I titled my head in confusion at why he was here? Emmett picked himself up of the ground and held out one of his shirts "Go change and then we will talk" I bowed my head and took the clothes between my teeth and went to change.

I inhaled his scent as I pulled it over my head. My heart raced in excitement, I was wearing my mates clothes. . . This was so hot, my wolf purred in delight.

I rushed from my spot and straight into Emmett waiting arms. I buried my head into his neck inhaling more of his scent. All thoughts about Embry and the fight went away, all that mattered was my imprint was holding me tightly in his arms "Oh Emmett" I whispered softly, his arms tightened around me.

We finally parted and stared at one another, tears formed in my eyes; Emmett raises his hand and stroke away my fallen tear "Why won't he let me be happy?" I whimpered out.

"I don't know babe" He answered, making me look at him in confusion.

"Wait" I narrowed my eyes at him "How did you know I was here? And how do you know who I'm talking about?"

"Let's just say Jake and Isabella have big mouths" He told me, staring at me deeply.

I snorted bitterly "Jake told her" I snapped "What else has he told the wannabe vampire?" I growled out making Emmett chuckle.

"I thought the same" Emmett admitted "If he's not too careful he will give away a secret only your tribe are meant to know" He gave me a smile "Then Bella will tell Edward"

"He's not meant to be telling anybody" I shot back my body began to shake "She isn't even suppose to know about us in the first place, she isn't an imprint" I really wanted to go back and bite Jake; he is the next tribe leader. If he can't keep a few things away from one girl who he has a crush on then the whole tribe is doomed.

My thoughts and shaking stopped as soon as my lips were covered by Emmett, I let out a small moan as his tongue entered my mouth. Before thing could go any further, a growl ripped from behind us.

I froze in my imprints arms, taking a deep breath; I look at Emmett giving him a look before turning around coming face to face with Jared.

An Unlikey Imprint (Emmett Cullen LS)Where stories live. Discover now