~ Chapter 39 ~

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Last night played into my dreams, making me toss and turn most of the night untill I felt a presence beside me. I let out a slight purr and snuggled into whoever was in my room. I woke up this morning thinking it was my brother, however when I looked up I saw the handsome face of my mate, a smile spreads across my face. I snuggle closer into my mates arms, hiding my face into his chest "Morning baby" He greeted me.

"Morning" I tell him back, though my reply was quite, I knew he had heard me with his enchanted hearing. I took a deep breath inhaling my mate scent then removed my self from him. I turn to lay on my side, my hands interlocked with his "This is a nice way to wake up believe me" I started, my eyes locked with his "But what are you doing here?"

Emmett raises his free hand and cupped my cheek, his thumb lightly stroke my cheek. The actions of my mate caused shivers down my spine like always "It was your brother's idea"

I raise myself on my elbows "Really?" I asked him, that didn't sound like Paul but then again if it would make me happy; I know he would do anything to make that happy.

Emmett nods his head "He said you would need me" He says to me, a look crosses his face "He didn't get into much detail about what happened" He paused a moment, he leans forwads and places a kiss on my forehead "What did happen Taylor?" He asks, I lower my gaze to our hands, I felt Emmett's finger under my chin, he slowly raises my head so that we were face to face "Does this have anything to do with why you weren't with the pack during the chase off Victoria" I nod my head and let out a sigh, tears formed in my eyes as the fight with my alpha/brother replayed once more through my mind.

He made me look weak infront of my pack brothers and sister. . . . He made me feel weak.

"He wouldn't let me go" I croaked out. Emmett frowns in confusion at my statement "He said I had to go back to Emily's"

A tear escapes my left eye, Emmett reaches forward to wipe it away "Hey, ssh" He whispers to me, bring me on his lap, my legs went to either side of him and he pulls me to his chest. I buried my head in to his neck as my sobs filled the room; I was surprised at myself for letting myself cry. I have only ever cried infront of Paul and Sammy "Who sent you back and why?"

"Sammy did" I tell him, lifting my head up, my eyes met his "He said that Victoria always seems to hurt me everytime we chase her"

"He is just looking out for you baby" Emmett replies, brushing away the piece of hair that had fallen out of my pony tail. I knew he was right but I just let myself let it go. . . . Maybe we could of caught her if we had one more wolf chasing the bitch.

"We didn't even catch maybe if-"

"If you were there it could of made a diffence" Emmett says cutting me off, I nod my head at him "Oh, baby" He cooed.Emmet leans towards me, my eyes closed as his lips meet mine. It wasn't a passionate kiss, it was a comfort type of kiss. . . . Something I need right now. I stared at my imprint with a warm smile, I am glad Paul invited him, he was the only one that could cheer me up. I am glad that Paul can see that and not be mad that I didn't go to him for comfort like I did in the pass.

"I'm glad you came" I tell him, Emmett rubs my cheek with his thumb and gave me a wide smile.

"I'll always be here when you need me" He says, leaning towards me, his forehead rested on mine "And I will always protect you" I opened my mouth to make a comment but Emmett gave me a be quite look "I know you can protect yourself" He sighs "How about we protect each other for the rest of our lives"

"Deal" I say, I knew I was blushing right now.

"Deal" He repeated and claims my lips, pulling me down on top of him. I felt his hands on my waist, I let out a small moan as I felt them move up my body. I pull back and stare at my boyfriend, I let out a laugh and plant my lips back on his, things began to get heated, I let out another moan, my mouth still attached to his; his hands tug at my shirt just a he was about to take my shirt off.

A growl ripped throw the air and it wasn't me, we paused and stared at one another in fear "Get your hands off my sister Emmett" I turn my head to see Paul standing in the doorway shaking in rage. . . . Oh shit.

An Unlikey Imprint (Emmett Cullen LS)Where stories live. Discover now