~ Chapter 10 ~

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My heart raised as the smell of honey got stronger, I let out a little yap and titled my head, my eyes narrowed on the male in front of me; Emmett Cullen.

We both stared at each other, none of us made a sound. I eyed him up and down a couple of times, and liked what I saw, I felt my paws move forward toward my imprint. I growled lowly at myself and quickly stepped back... Damn I'm letting the Imprint control me.

I look back up at Emmett; he looks at me in confusion "What do you want?" He asked looking my wolf form over, his eyes lingered on my ears and snout. A small smile worked it's way upon his face, on the inside I was beaming he liked my wolf form "Your Taylor aren't you?" I nodded my head in confirmation "You smell different from the other" He mumbles keeping him eye of me "I wonder why?"

I bowed my head and rushed off into the bushes, and phased back. Time to face him as my normal self. I stepped out of the bushes to see him still there "Hello Emmett" I coldly say, I kept all emotion of my face.

"What do you want.. Mut.. Taylor?" I shivered in delight at sound of my name escaping his lips, he too couldn't insult me.

Stupid imprinting, I scowled at myself... Don't show emotion Taylor, keep it plain and simple. I'm here on pack business that all... Nothing else.

"I come here on the behalf of my Alpha Samuel Uley" He nods and folds his arms over his chest "He wanted me to remind you and the other Cullen's of the treaty that was place here many years ago" My once cold tone softened as I walked closer to the line.

I was face to face with him, any other wolf would have phased but not me. All I could smell was honey and it was rather frustrating.

Once over, I would off loved been this close to one of the Cullen's to rip them apart.

I stared deeply into his almost black eyes, looks like someones hungry. I cringed at the though, him and blood. I'm going to be tasting blood every time I kiss him.

NOPE, no kissing between us. I sighed to myself, I wish my life was simple.

"And the biggest rule of them all, No biting a human" I narrowed my eyes at him "Including those who wish of it" I took a step back "We will declare war upon you all if such a thing happens" I held back a whimper at the though of him getting hurt. Not like it would happen, my wolf will go in protective mode and then the whole pack will know.

And the biggest law in our pack is imprint can't be harmed by anyone in the pack. The stupid Cullen is lucky because of me, he is pardoned from been torn apart by the pack and he doesn't even know it.

"We know the treaty Taylor" He shot back with a smirk, oh man he's not making this easy.

I turned my head, hoping to hide my red cheek. However, I knew that had fail as my imprint chuckled. My head snapped back to him, I gave him my best glare; yet it did nothing, he just smirked wider "And we know the price of biting a human" He whispers softly, his eyes lingered on my lips a moment before he regains focus.

"Sam wants you to tell your coven leader to gave him a call once all is settled" I quickly spoke back. It was amazing how one person and make me feel weak, just by been up close to them.

He nods and take a step back, I mentally whined in protest, I wanted him close to me again. It just felt so right, no matter if we are enemies.

I let out a growl, I need to leave... Like now. The pull is getting to me, I can feel it. It was everything that Sam and Jared had described.

How could they stand it?

"I have to go" I says walking backward, but my gaze stayed upon him.

"Wait" He took a step forward, so he was on the line "Answer me this"

"Anything" I whispered softly, my voice shuddered with emotion; which I was so going to regret later.

"Why do you smell different?" He asked, I closed my eyes and gathered my thoughts on what to say "I mean Jacob smelt like wet dog" He twitches his nose, making him look cute... No, not cute Taylor "But you don't"

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out" I snapped harshly, before wasting no time in phasing in front of him. I snapped my jaw at him in warning before taking out in to the forest.

I could not help but feel guilty for my actions at the very end, will I always feel like this.

An Unlikey Imprint (Emmett Cullen LS)Where stories live. Discover now