~ Chapter 12 ~

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That night my dreams were filled with disappointment from my pack brothers and sister, I sat up in bed and gently ran my hands through my hair, releasing my hair from the hair tie. A shuttered breath escaped my lips, I mentally cringed at myself... I was a Lahote and we don't give into our emotion; unless it was anger.

I crawled out of bed and went over to my wardrobe to pick out one of my least favorites outfits, I just knew I was going to phase.

I decided to walk to Sam's to give me time to think. Things like; what would I say? I mean, I know Jake would of let it slip by now, and I can lie about it. As the whole conversation would of been seen through the pack mind. And what makes it worst is that it will show that Edward knows who my imprint is.... This isn't going how I wanted it to.

I wanted no one to know but that stupid mind reader had to speak up, didn't he. I played with the ends of my hair whiles walking. I ignored my surrounding just focused on the path ahead, I wasn't that far away from the pack.

What was Paul going to think most of all? We both always joke about Sam and Jared been whipped and head over heels for their imprints. I won't be like that.... I don't want to be like that.... Well maybe a little; I wouldn't mind getting to know him but if I did, I knew my imprint feelings would changed from friendship to lover.... Well unless he didn't want more.

However from the reaction I got from him the other day, tells me other wise; he seems interested in me as I am him.. NO! I'm not.

Oh great spirits, how am I ever suppose to live this way? Maybe Sam and Jared are right there is no getting away from it... Maybe I should accept it.

But what if he doesn't accept me?

I paused in my step as the house came into view, I took a huge breath and bravely walked forward; I knew Paul and Embry were here, as they had the night shift and usually go for breakfast straight after before heading home to sleep.

I stepped into the house and Emily was the first one up, she let out a squeal and rushes over to hug me "Oh my beautiful Taylor" She tightens the hug "Congratulations honey" She pulls back and looks at me with a wide smiles.

I coughed and rub the back of my neck, in nerves "I'm guessing Jake told" I looked anywhere but at the pack, which included; Sam, Paul, Embry and Jared. I'm guessing Seth and Leah took over from my brother and Em and Jake.... I guess he decided to stay away.

Smart move, but he's going to get the next time I see him.

"I would of like to have heard it from you Taylor not Jake" Sam says, I look to him, he was frowning at me "Why would you hide it?" He questioned walking closer to me.

"Sam's has a point" Paul growled "I'm your brother, you should off told me"

I flinched, I have never been at the end of his anger before "I'm sorry" I whispered and shook my head, I need to toughen up "I just felt confused by it"

"Why is it confusing?" Jared says, standing up and joins Sam.

"It's the best thing that can happen for a wolf" Sam added sending a loving smile to Emily.... Hm, I'm sure it is when your imprint is human and not a leec... Vamp... Emmett. I really need to get that under control, they already know I've imprint, they don't need to know it was a Cullen.

"It maybe for you Sam but I never wanted an imprint" I growled back looking to the ground, everything was just getting to me. I just wanted it to be over... Why couldn't I have imprinted on a normal boy instead of a couple of hundred year old Cullen?

I felt and hand touch my arm, my head snapped up to see my big brother Paul; he didn't look to pleased that was sure "I want to meet him" He growled "And give him a good talking to" My eyes widen in surprise, he was okay with it "He needs to be told how to keep my baby sister happy"

"Your not mad?" I questioned.

"Oh, I am" He nods before sighing "But I do know from Sam's and Jared's thoughts that it will be hard to be away from him" He strokes my cheek and smiles "Congratulations sis" He pulls me into his warm embrace "I can't wait to meet him" He whispers, fear shuddered down my spine.

He was going to go out of his mind if he ever did "I still don't want him" I spoke clearly pulling away from Paul.

"You can't fight it" Sam sadly says "Trust me I know" Emily walks over to Sam and gave him a side hug.

"I've done it for two days now" I says running my hands over my face and letting out a sigh "And I'm going to continue to do it"

"You can't do that Tay" Embry says with a sad smile "Think about him, you might hurt him in the process" I cringed at the thought of my Emmett in any sort of pain cause by me.... This was one of reasons why he was better off without me. I would just ruin his life.

"Who's the lucky lad then Tay?" Emily giggled, excited for some girl talk, I just shook my head telling her I didn't know his name; all to hide the truth.

"I have no idea" I chuckled a little, looking away from the group hoping none of them saw my lie but I wasn't that lucky as Paul glared at me.

"Why lie Taylor Lahote?" I gulped and took a step back.

"I don't know what your talking about?" I snapped back, I took a breath to calm my nerves down... Deep breaths Tay, no one will find out his name.

"You really don't want this?" Sam asks, I shook my head no "Why? What is wrong?"

"When you find out who it is you'd know why" I spat/ growled at him.

"How bad can it be babes?" I flinched at him calling me babe, there was only one person that should call me that.

"Don't call me babes" I snapped at him, but soon regretted it as his face fell "Oh Em" I whispered and took a step to him; only for him to move back. Great going Taylor, just go ahead and lose your best friend.

"Oh, I'm sorry" He growled "Is Miss I don't want an Imprint Bitch better" A growled escaped my mouth "Cause I won't have a problem calling you that" My body began to shake..... Think of Emmett.

"Just.. Shut up" I snapped at him "Your suppose to be my best friend and your having a go at me"

"Yeah" He snorted "Well best friends don't keep secrets from each other" He came closer to me "Why is it that a leech knows your imprint but we don't"

"I guess life isn't fair" I sneered.

"Tell me about" He bends his head down so our foreheads were almost "The girl I'm in love with has an imprint"

The pack eyes widen at his in confession as did I "Wha..." But I was cut off by a pair of lips... Embry's lips. As I begun to enjoy the taste a sudden pain shot through my chest, making cry out.

"Get off her you idiot" Sam ordered as Paul pushed him away "Taylor?" Sam says, picking me up and places me on the sofa "Just breath, it will pass"

I took a shaky breath and released the pain, lessened but the shock stayed.... What just happened to me? Why did my chest feel on fire?

Edward POV

Me and Emmett were sat on the sofa playing video games, when all of a sudden my brother doubled over in pain "Carlisle" I shouted for our father.

Emmett screamed and held his chest, Carlisle sped over to us and laid Emmett on the sofa "What happened?" He asked looking over Emmett in confusion "I mean he's fine apart from the screaming"

"My ch..est" He mumbled, my eyes widen in surprise as did Carlisle, I watched as Emmett took several breaths "Taylor" He whispered softly before closing his eyes and going into a coma state for vampires.

"Who is Taylor?" Carlisle asked looking over at me then back to Emmett.

"She's one of the wolves" I answered, once again my fathers eyes widen in surprise. I closed my eyes in thought... Could this be an effect to that Imprint process Taylor thought about? Hm, I think some research is in order.

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