Chapter Eleven

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“Kendra, dear!” Honoria cried in a low droning voice. Her arms sprung open to reveal the furriest dress the Dumbledores had ever seen. “And the darling boys!”

            Honoria was a funny woman, short and plump with her brother’s twinkling blue eyes shining out from behind cheeks that reminded Albus oddly of a large rodent. Her pudgy hands groped for Albus and Aberforth, dragging them toward her into mounds of fur.

            “It’s so good to see you, Honoria,” Kendra said quietly, but with a rare smile.

            “If only I’d been able to visit all of you earlier, you’d already know what I’m about to tell you,” Honoria said, and, letting go of the boys, thrust her hand forward to reveal a golden ring bearing a huge red stone roughly the size of Ariana’s fist.

            “You’re engaged?” Ariana asked, standing behind Kendra as if she didn’t want Honoria to see her.

            Honoria did see her. “Oh, look at you, Ariana! So grown up! Come, come and give your auntie a hug.” She held open her arms again, and Ariana reluctantly stepped forward and was folded into her arms.

            Ariana, squished into the fur, squeaked as it tickled her nose and cheeks. Honoria, keeping a hand on Ariana’s shoulder, stepped into the dining room and explained, “No, I was engaged, for quite some time actually. But, alas, the wedding was continuously pushed back until I just gave up on the man. He was a brilliant businessman, he was, and ridiculously wealthy, but that didn’t make up for his hairy heart.” Her nose crinkled in disgust. “There’s nothing worse than an engagement to a man with a hairy heart.”

            “Well, there’s always a marriage to a man with a hairy heart,” Kendra said with a grin, and Honoria gave her what would’ve been a dirty look if her own smile hadn’t transformed it.

            “He didn’t really have a hairy heart, did he Mum?” Ariana asked with genuine concern.

            “Of course not, darling, it’s just something people say,” Kendra replied.

            “There was a story about a man with a hairy heart in my book,” Albus said, “The Tales of Beedle the Bard—”

            “Yes, yes, that’s where the reference comes from, dear boy,” Honoria said, waving him off. “So, Kendra darling, do tell me how things have been since you’ve moved to Godric’s Hollow.” She looked around. “That is where I am, right? Godric’s Hollow?”

            “Yes, Honoria,” Kendra replied, “But we don’t have much time to talk. You see, the boys and I need to go to Diagon Alley—”

            “Oh, yes! The boys will both be going to Hogwarts this year, won’t they?”

            “Yes, they are, Honoria and that’s the problem. I need to take them and—”

Ariana: A Harry Potter FanFictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora