Chapter Fifteen

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Ariana sat cross-legged before the crackling fire, expressionless and staring.

            It’d been a week. A week. Not a word had arrived from her brothers. She wanted desperately to know what was happening. What House had Aberforth been placed in? Had he made any friends? Did he like his teachers?

            Did he forget about her?

            She couldn’t remember the last time she and Aberforth had been separated. She knew that sometimes it annoyed him, to have to stay behind to watch her, but she’d always assumed he understood the circumstances. There was a horrible knot in her stomach as the idea of an Aberforth who was happy to be free of her came into her head.

            She spun around on the couch, her skirts shuffling. “Mum?”

            Kendra’s voice was muffled as she replied from the kitchen. “Yes, dear?”

            “Has the owl come yet?”

            “No, not that I know of.”

            Ariana frowned and turned back around. She tried to push thoughts of an Aberforth who hated her away. Aberforth loved her, he would always love her, he would always be there for her, and he would never hate her.

            My brother would never hate me, she thought hopefully, sitting back against the couch.

            Time passed slowly without her brothers to play with, to talk to. Kendra would occasionally start a conversation that ended quickly. She’d offer to give Ariana sewing supplies, to which she’d politely decline. Ariana remained unseemly silent for days, until finally she got what she wanted.

            “Ariana!” Kendra called from the kitchen.

            “Yes, Mum?”

            “Letter for you!”

            A bolt of energy went through her, and she burst from her spot and the couch and darted into the kitchen where her mother was holding out a folded piece of parchment with the words “To Ariana” inked on in scratchy handwriting.

            She snatched the letter from her mother and tore it open, taking in the little black words her brother had scrawled out sloppily.

My beloved sister—

Albus told me to start it that way. Doesn’t it sound too formal? I think it sounds too formal.

Ariana, I wish you were here! The castle truly is magnificent! I hate Albus for not preparing me for its beauty. I swear I was the laughing stock of the first years, for I could only stare at it dumbstruck for the longest time. It is gorgeous and if only there were a way for you to see it, I would go to the edges of the Earth to ensure you could.

Ariana: A Harry Potter FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now