The Letter's Fate

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  Soft flesh met his own, when he closed the distance between them. It was as though he was kissing velvety roses that were waiting just for him. Delightful notes of blueberry tantalized him, as he ran his tongue over her bottom lip. He sought more of the wondrous taste, and he wouldn't let her go until he had some. To his elation she gave into him and parted her lips slightly. Thus, he took the opportunity presented to him and explored her mouth with total rapture.

As if to add to his hungering desire, he tasted something other than blueberries. Hints of vanilla dashed across his tongue, as he made sure that she had no dominance in the situation. The combination of flavors reminded him of the blueberry-crème lollipop the company made. At this thought, a smile touched his lips before he pulled away.

Licking his lips to get the last of the flavor, he commented, "You're very sweet, (f/n)."
Of course, this sent a wave of red over the girl's cheeks, as she glanced at the floor. "I should probably head home, Edgar. Still, can you please tell me something truthfully?"

"You should know my answer to that, (f/n)," he replied, heading over to the French doors in the dining room. "Like you said, you should probably get home. It is getting late after all, and you need your energy for work tomorrow."

"Yeah," she responded, slightly dejected at his reply.

With this in mind, Edgar opened the French doors for her and followed after her. After closing them, he walked her over to where the Lincoln dropped them off. He dialed the number of his chauffeur, and soon enough the man had arrived. Both went into the car, and the chauffeur went in the direction of (f/n)'s apartment.

During the ride, Edgar and (f/n) were lost in their own thoughts. (F/n) couldn't get past how wonderful that kiss was, but she couldn't feel entirely happy about it. She hoped that Edgar would confirm his feelings for her or at least ask her to be his girlfriend. Perhaps, the kiss was that confirmation, but she never knew with him. At least she had enjoyed it for that brief moment of time. Would they ever share another, though? It would be nice if they did. Granted, she knew that she shouldn't get her hopes up.

Edgar, on the other hand, had no qualms about the situation. Rather, he was quite pleased by the results. He would be even more ecstatic when he executed the next part of his plan. (F/n)'s expressions would surely be a treat to see. Likewise, it wouldn't be that long of a wait. Starting tomorrow, he would leave quite an impact on her life.


That night, after she had been dropped off by Edgar's chauffeur, she hustled into her apartment and quickly shut the door behind her. She could finally breathe; she was no longer stuck in that car with Edgar. Part of her wanted to jump for joy, and the other part desired to just curl up into a ball. Frankly, she wished that he wouldn't be so vague. Was it really so hard to answer her questions? On the flip side, it added an intriguing and alluring aspect to him. There was one thing she was certain of, though, and that was the passion she felt in that kiss.

Bringing her right fingers up to her lips, she found herself smiling at the memory. She proceeded to push herself off the door and lock it. After doing so, she headed over to her kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. With the drink in hand, she went to her bathroom to take a shower for the evening. Once she finished this, she changed into a new pair of undergarments and put on her pale pink pajamas.

Hopping into bed, she turned off her light pink lamp, which was on the nightstand with her clock, and slipped into unconscious. As she did this, Edgar was on his way to the toy store. There was something he needed to do before he went home. When he arrived, he unlocked the shop and headed inside.

Going behind the checkout counter, he took out a spare piece of paper and a pen. He began to write a letter for (f/n), which would hold a huge surprise for her. Moreover, he would make sure to write her name across the envelope, so that the other workers would know not to open it. If they did unseal the envelope and peek at its contents, he would find out and get rid of them immediately. It would be tempting to open the letter, though, since it would be sitting right on the counter. Likewise, it would prove their loyalty to the company if they avoided such an urge.

Upon completing the work of writing, he sealed it in the envelope and set it right by the cashier register. Tomorrow, he would make sure to be in close proximity, so that he could view her reaction. Afterwards, he would make sure to get her into his permanent hold. It wouldn't be too hard of a thing to do. After all he did have his connections. Thus, with the letter written, he went back outside and headed home. There, he would take care of the other arrangements.


Currently, (f/n) was sitting upon her brown sofa in her living room. She would need to head to work in ten minutes. Concerning this matter, she slightly dreaded it. Of course, she would enjoy working in the toy store, but she was worried about when the store closed. What would she say to Edgar after last night's dinner? No longer could she act completely normal around him. They had shared that heated kiss last night, and she couldn't just easily revert back to their old relationship.

Personally, she just wished to stay on her sofa and relax the day and night away in her comfortable pajamas. Granted, she had already changed into a navy blue sweater, simple grey skinny jeans and black ankle boots. Sighing at this fact, she lazily turned her gaze back on the television screen, since previously she was staring up at the ceiling. Regardless, the show that was on consisted of nothing too interesting. Somehow, it was still the most attention grabbing channel on at the moment.

In the next few minutes, however, she found herself glancing over at the silver wall clock in the room. Her (e/c) eyes just watched the seconds tick away, while the television added background noise. She barely heard the chattering of the characters on the show. Their voices soon matched the rhythm of the clock and made time seem to slow down.

Still, when the clock struck a quarter to four, she shut the device off and grabbed her maroon jacket as well as her crossbody. It was time to head to work and get it over with. Well, get the evening over with. There was the possibility, however, that Edgar would finally be straight with her, which would be a welcome change from his teasing. Thus, she made her way to the store, not noticing the male in the coffee shop watching her.

If she had looked over that way and spotted him, she would've seen the evident anticipation in his visible emerald green eye. His thumbs were gliding over the rim of his coffee cup, as a small devious grin spread across his lips. Sadly for her, she didn't witness this expression, and she was walking into a well laid out trap.

Each footfall brought her one step closer to it. No one could warn her to stop, since no one knew of her fate. They didn't understand the situation she was about to be thrown into. One's perspective, however, could change this. Instead of marching into a setup, they could view it as parading into bliss. She could either fall into the depths of eternal despondency or ascend the steps of exaltation. Between these two viewpoints, another's opinion truly didn't matter. Only her viewpoint would decide what road she would travel.

Soon, she arrived at the store and saw Matilda inside. She headed in and waved at the auburn-haired woman, though; she didn't receive a greeting back. Instead, her coworker gave her a worried gaze. Raising an eyebrow at this, she approached the woman, who was holding an envelope in her hand. It was still sealed, and it was addressed to her. Matilda handed it to her, and (f/n) stared at it questioningly.

"Do you know who left this?" (f/n) asked, quite confused.

"No, but it's never happened before. Well, it has happened recently I suppose, and that's why I'm concerned. You shouldn't be receiving that letter, (f/n)," she responded, as she sent a quick glance over the store. No customers required her assistance just yet.

"What do you mean? What happened the last time?"

"I'd rather not say, and I hope it's something different. Why don't you go to the backroom and unseal it. I'll wait here until you've read it," she answered, giving a sympathetic look to (f/n).

Now becoming anxious herself, (f/n) went to the backroom and leaned against one of the desks. Bit by bit, she broke the seal on the envelope. Matilda made it seem like this letter may be the death of her. What could be contained inside that would cause such perturbation?

Fingers pulling back the flap of paper, she took out the letter. She set the envelope aside and unfolded the letter. Elegant penmanship covered the object, and she wondered what message could come out of such beauty. She inhaled and exhaled before she read over the first line. Whatever the contents of this note were, she just hoped she wouldn't suffer immensely from it. Wishful thinking told her to be optimistic, but Matilda's words pointed to quite a negative scenario. Perhaps, her coworker was wrong, and nothing bad would come of this message.  

Captured Creation (Yandere Male x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora