The Messenger's Hostage

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  "I'm quite glad you pointed that out, (f/n)," he responded with a huge grin still on his lips. Before she could even ponder what his next action would be, Edgar swiftly moved his left arm from her torso to the backs of her knees. Likewise, he placed his right arm under her back. A few seconds passed before he stood up and lifted her up.

In reaction to this, (f/n) gasped in surprise until her shock was replaced with another scowl. "Put me down or I'll scream," she threatened, since it was the best she could do at the moment; she didn't have her phone after all.

"Please don't, I only wish to show you your new job. Why are you so resistant?"

"I wonder why? Maybe it's because you got me fired from my last one, which I loved. If you wanted to inform me of a new job position, you could've just let me know instead of getting me fired. Moreover, why isn't the head of labor telling me about this job? Why had they left out that detail in the letter?"

"Always asking me questions," he simply muttered, as he began to walk towards her front door.

Clearly seeing what he was doing, (f/n) began to push her hands against his chest. Like her previous struggle, this one ended in failure as well. Edgar, however, stopped only a few seconds later. He sighed before carefully setting her on the ground. Of course, he swiftly wrapped his right arm around her waist and pressed her into his chest. While her words became muffled due to his clothing, he pulled out his phone and called his chauffeur to come pick them up.

When the call ended, he placed his phone into his left pants' pocket. "Now, we'll just have to wait a few minutes, since it would seem he's closer to us this time." Receiving only a few inaudible words in response, he smirked and ran his left fingers over the back of her head in a stroking manner. "You know you wouldn't be in this position if you had just agreed to come with me."

A louder answer came this time, but he still couldn't understand her. Thus, he just laughed a little at this until he returned his attention to listening for the car. Like he stated, it arrived in a couple of minutes. Glad at this fact, he picked her back up and received another yelp of shock. Regardless, he unlocked the door but grabbed her keys from the kitchen before leaving. After he closed the door behind them, he locked her house for her. Next, he descended the steps and headed into his car.

Of course, she attempted to scream on the way to the car, but he prevented her from doing so each time. The first time was when he was locking the door. He had seen her part her lips, and so he proceeded to knock her head lightly into the door. She could tell that he could hit her harder against the door and that he was just giving her a warning. Thus, she waited until they were away from the door.

On the second time, however, he pressed her head into his chest again, which muffled her cry for help. It was frustrating, though, that no one on the street tried to help her. She tried to make it evident that she was struggling against the male, but he had too tight a grip on her. So, she ended up in the car with him and was now on her way to goodness knows where.

Crossing her arms over her chest and leaning back into the seat, since Edgar had finally released her, she focused her attention on him and asked, "Well, at least tell me where you're taking me? Likewise, don't answer, 'to your new job.'"

"I'm not going to disclose that information. It would spoil the surprise, but I believe you'll like it."

"Can you then answer my two questions from before? Don't tell me that you're good friends with the head of labor too."

"Well, I do know them quite well, but I'm not stating that information either. (F/n), you should know not to ask me questions. The likelihood of me telling you such information is very low."

"I don't care. I'll ask you anyway. Perhaps, they'll get to you, and you'll reply out of irritation. You may think you're all mysterious, but I'll figure you out."

"First you slap me, yell at me, fight me, and you're now are interested in figuring me out?" he questioned, looking over at her with amusement in his visible emerald green eye. "I must say that's quite the change. Do I really conflict your emotions so much, (f/n)? If so, I'm quite flattered."

Rolling her (e/c) eyes at this, she glanced away from him and peered out the window. She heard him let out a light chuckle, which caused a light tint of pink to dust her cheeks. At least she was looking out the window and not at him in that moment; she didn't need any more teasing from him. It was frustrating to know that she did blush at his laugh, though. Right now, she was supposed to be pissed off at him, yet here she was being embarrassed.

Annoyingly, though, his laugh sounded so harmonious. To her ears it was music, and she just wished to rid herself of her feelings for him. Countless times it seemed that he teased her, yet her feelings remained present. They refused to disappear. She had even promised herself to never like Edgar again after receiving the letter. Now, here she was with a promise already broken. Realizing this, she rested her forehead against the car window and watched the scenery go by.

This didn't last long, however, since she found herself being pulled back. In moments the back of her head was resting on Edgar's lap. Her cheeks turned a slight red hue, while she went to sit back up. He only pushed her back down and stated, "I don't want you to see where we're going anymore."

Sarcasm lacing her voice, she mumbled, "Yeah, cause that would make it even less like a kidnapping." Speaking a little louder, she asked, "Are you going to cover my eyes too?"

"For once you predicted my next action, (f/n). I doubt you'll be able to do so in the future, though," he voiced before he secured his left arm around her arms and waist. Utilizing his right hand, he covered her eyes. His actions were quick enough that she couldn't make any attempt against them.

"Perfect. I always dreamed of being in the dark about where I'm going," she continued in a sarcastic tone, as she tried to get comfortable in her current position. "Anything else that you had planned for the trip there?"

"Well, now that you reminded me, there is something," he uttered before going quiet.

Raising an eyebrow at this, (f/n) desired to see what he was planning, but his hand blocked her view. Soon, though, she felt something unexpected. There was a warm sensation against her lips. Her eyes widened, even though they were covered. She didn't know what to do; she wished to kiss him back, but at the same time she didn't want to let him mess with her again. Fighting with both sides, she didn't realize that the feeling had ended. Due to her inner turmoil, she had successfully avoided kissing him back.

Regarding Edgar, he wasn't pleased by this. He craved a better reaction, one that involved the flushing of the skin and the feeling of her lips moving in sync with his. Instead, he was granted a seemingly lifeless one. Her cheeks were tinted red, but it wasn't like the last time he kissed her. There was no passion on her side. Rather, it seemed like her mind was somewhere else. What could draw her attention away from his kiss?!

As for (f/n), she felt his grip loosen somewhat to the point where she could push his arm off. After doing so, she used her now free hands to move his hand off her eyes. It was surprising to see him not doing anything to stop her. Thus, she looked up at him, and he looked less than amused. If anything, he appeared to be in a state of utmost vexation. His visible eye was narrowed somewhat and a pronounced frown decorated his lips, while his arms returned slowly to his sides.

Thinking that it would be safe to sit up, (f/n) proceeded to do so. Unfortunately, she was quite wrong in this assumption. Before she could even sit halfway up, she was roughly forced back down. Furthermore, her head seemed to bounce off his lap a little before falling back down. After she muttered an, "ow," she glared up at him to see a scowl on his face. She nearly shrank further back into his lap.

He looked menacing. Did her lack of response anger him that much? Well, at least he now knew how she felt when he messed with her emotions. Still, he looked like he could kill her then and there. Frankly, though, she didn't want to look at him anymore, so she went to turn her gaze from him.

After only moving her head a little bit, she felt Edgar grab her chin and turn her head back to face him. The anger hadn't left his gaze yet, and he still appeared quite hostile. "Why didn't you kiss back?"

Despite the fear currently coursing through her veins, she managed to retort, "Why did I hurt your feelings, Edgar? Did I ruin your composure?"

Not giving her any answer, he removed his hand from her chin and ran his right fingers through some strands of her hair. His gaze lightened back to his neutral expression, and he said, "You were just getting back at me, weren't you?"

Well, in truth she just didn't want to have him play anymore games with her; she wasn't trying to get back at him. Personally, she hadn't even thought of that until she saw the look on his face. Still, his latest statement and his enraged response implied something interesting. "Edgar, do you worry about losing me? Is that why you were furious?" For a moment she could see something fill his gaze before it immediately disappeared. That emotion could potentially be nervousness at being discovered.   

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