Swiftness's Adjustment

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  Two weeks had passed since that first trip into Edgar's workshop. For that period of time, (f/n) had been retrieving the items he needed from the colored boxes, while he worked on various toys. He had even finished the doll with the musical box. Curled brown locks and blue eyes adorned her head now, as a petite nose and smile highlighted the rest of her face.

To add to this, she had traveled over to the workers' house at the back of the main house several times. She would pick up orders and deliver them to Edgar, while also handing Howard the plans for the next toys. (F/n) knew that it would only get busier as the holidays continued to approach. Already the Halloween toys that were on the shelves of the store were going rapidly. The (h/c)-haired girl could only imagine what it would be like once it was the month of December.

In addition, she would have to make errands to the kitchen to refill his glass of water or some other beverage, so he wouldn't have to get up from his work. At other times, she would be forced to stay up well past midnight. Occasionally, this meant staying up until four in the morning. Honestly, she didn't realize how taxing all the running would be. Maybe, it wouldn't be so bad if the house weren't so huge. Sadly, that was something she couldn't change.

Still, she had expected to get to know the workers and the main house staff better, yet their relationship was still the same. Howard would talk to her, but whenever she tried to make friendly conversation, he would sigh and walk away. As for all the others, they would only answer questions regarding work. After they responded to her question, they would go back to being silent. If she inquired about anything besides work, they remained silent; acting like she had never spoke. Overall, it just created a rather cold atmosphere in the house for her. The only person she could actually have a conversation with was Edgar.

Thinking back on this now, while she sat on the bench in Edgar's workshop, she decided that she needed to get out of this house for a day or even a few hours. The only trouble was to get around Edgar. If she ever made a suggestion to go into town, he would insist on going with her. Such insistence nullified the point of heading into town. She just wanted to be away from the house and be alone for a little bit.

Granted, there was the time when Edgar traveled to the store to check the stock. Edgar had asked if she wanted to come, but she always decided against it. To her it seemed awkward to return to the place that she had been fired from. Technically, she hadn't been fired but was just secretly moved up in the system. Still, she just found that she didn't have the desire to return to the store. Besides, she did get to spend her day in a workshop, filled with toys, after all, so giving up the toy store wasn't too big of a deal for her anymore.

With this in mind, she had thought of going into town, while Edgar went to the store. There were multiple obstacles in the way, though. One, the only car driver would be in town with Edgar. Second, she would have to walk to town in the dark, and walking would take hours. Most likely, Edgar would spot her on the road on the way back from the store. Three, she didn't want to walk such a long distance in the dark, especially by herself.

Perhaps, she could see if there was another car in the house's garage. If there was, she could find the keys to the car and sneak off. She did have her driver's license after all, which she stored in her crème-colored crossbody. That crossbody was stored in the dresser with her clothes, since when Edgar had the maid move her clothes into her room; he had considered the crossbody a part of her clothes.

Captured Creation (Yandere Male x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt