The Cage's Perfection

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  The promised afternoon snack turned out to be another trick of Edgar's, since the chefs only made one for him. Thus, when they arrived in the dining room and took their seats, the waiter from before just brought out one piece of red velvet cake. He stood there rather awkwardly, though, when he realized there was another person sitting at the table. Furthermore, there was a bit of fear in his brown eyes.

Edgar, however, just waved him off, after indicating that a second dessert didn't need to be brought out. With this in mind, (f/n) leaned back into her chair and rolled her eyes. Of course, Edgar would pull such a move. Granted, the two of them sat in silence, while (f/n) just watched him eat the sweet. Personally, she would've left the room if it weren't for him ordering her to sit back down. At this she would've retaliated, but the male reminded her that she was his assistant. Part of that job description happened to entail sitting with him at all meals; it was rather infuriating that he didn't mention that fact earlier.

Regardless, (f/n) waited for him to finish and was quite pleased when he set down his fork on the glass plate. Due to Edgar having completed his meal, she stood up from her seat and proceeded to head over to the dining room doors. Edgar soon joined her, and they headed back up to the second story. On the way up, (f/n) made sure to keep some distance between them. She honestly didn't know what to classify their relationship as. It was beyond just being a personal assistant, but it was also less than being his girlfriend. Maybe, it wasn't, though. This could just be his weird interpretation of dating, but she highly doubted it.

Having reached the second story, (f/n) continued to follow Edgar. They passed by his room door and continued onto the next one, which Edgar halted his movement at. (F/n) suddenly began to dread the possible location of her room. She could almost guarantee the next words that would come out of his mouth.

"Here we are," Edgar stated casually.

"Why am I not surprised?" she stated out loud with an audible sigh.

"Well, I did have to give my assistant one of the finer ones in the house. Besides, I need my assistant close by in case I need anything at night. For example if I have a moment of sudden inspiration, I might require you to get up quickly and assist me with my work in my workshop. Having you farther away will only waste time, so this is more efficient."

Of course, this wasn't his real reason for having her room next to his. It would provide a few seconds of efficiency, but that was only a bonus to the situation. In reality, he just wanted her to be only so far away from him. Placing her in a room five doors down simply wasn't acceptable. His older brother could take interest in his muse, and he couldn't allow that possibility. No, he had to prevent his brother from seeing his perfect flower. Thus, he would have to keep a watchful eye on her, so that she wouldn't wander into the upper east wing.

"Yes, because the few second difference will really harm your work."

"It might, and I don't want to take that risk. Now, are you going to allow me to show you your room, or are you going to keep trying to convince me to give you another room? I can guarantee you that the second option will not end in success."

"I was never stopping you in the first place. You're the one with your hand on the doorknob," she commented in a matter-of-factly voice, as she pointed her right index finger towards the doorknob and his right hand.

"Oh, I just wanted to make sure that you were ready to see your fantastic room," he responded before turning the knob.

(F/n) could tell, though, that he hadn't realized that fact. She smiled a little at this, since for a brief moment in time she could see embarrassment on his countenance. Personally, she thought it was rather cute, since he had blinked a few times, as an "oh" expression covered his face. If only she could've taken a picture of it. Annoyingly, the male had left her phone back at her apartment.

When he had opened the door, however, he stepped aside and permitted her inside first. Going into the room, she stared in awe. Like his room, this one was spectacular. On the left wall of the room, there was a queen sized bed, with a royal blue crushed velvet bed frame and headboard. Black sheets and pillows covered the bed, while a black wooden nightstand was on each side of the bed. Lilac walls with thin black stripes complemented the magnificent galaxy ceiling. One could see countless galaxies, nebulas and comets in the ceiling's scenery.

In the center of the ceiling, a chandelier hung. This chandelier had blue crystals cascading downwards, while blue fairies hid among the crystals. Furthermore, black, blue and purple chiffon curtains were draped over the headboard of the bed, as white lights sparkled within the curtains. Likewise, a lilac dresser, opposite the bed, rested on the room's black floorboards. Lastly, a black wooden door was next to the dresser.

There was something odd about the placement of the door, though. Frankly, she loved the room, but the door just bothered her. Walking over to it, she gripped the blue crystal handle and opened the door. Inside was the bathroom to her room, but her attention was focused on the other door in the bathroom. It was directly across from her door. Curiosity overtook her, as she went over to the second door and proceeded to open it.

Upon doing so, she was met with Edgar's room. After shutting the door, she commented, "You've got to be kidding me. I'm not sharing a bathroom with you, Edgar," she voiced, turning abruptly on her heel to face him.

An amused and challenging smile graced his lips, as he answered, "You don't have a choice in the matter. I won't invade your privacy, (f/n)."

"There are no locks on these doors. I think some element of privacy is comprised because of that. Besides, you could very easily open your door and walk in on me getting undressed. I don't want that happening, nor do I want to walk in on you. This situation is just asking for something to go wrong. Then again you would probably want that to happen," she finished in a quiet vexed tone.

For Edgar the bathroom arrangement was merely a bonus, just like the time efficiency. He couldn't give her the room on the right side of his, since that was the library. Thus, the only other bedroom right next to his was the one with the connected bathroom. Still, he could mess with her even more now. Keeping this in mind, he walked away from the room's main door and towards (f/n). She tensed when he entered the space of the bathroom. In a few more seconds, he extended his right arm out and made it seem like he was going to grab her left arm. Instead of doing this, though, he moved his hand around her and gripped the doorknob of the door leading to his room. With his hand on the knob, he turned it and opened the door.

Brushing past (f/n), he brought his lips down to her left ear. "You really shouldn't be so tensed around me, (f/n). I wasn't going to do anything," he whispered before he entered his room. With the door still open, however, he added, "Dinner will be ready in an hour, so why don't you get a shower ahead of time. I'll have one of the maids lend you some of their clothes for the night."

Shutting the door before she could get a word in, Edgar maintained a neutral expression. When he had lowered his lips to her ear, he could hear her heart beating rather quickly. It was delightful to have such a reaction from her. Her quickened heartbeat had made him want to rest his lips upon hers, but he had managed to resist that temptation. Due to his self control, he had seen a puzzled expression on her face. In that confusion, however, he had also noticed that there was disappointment and that was what he wanted to see. After these thoughts, he proceeded to find a maid, who he thought would have clothes that would fit (f/n).

Regarding the girl on the other side of the door, she quietly cursed herself for thinking that he would kiss her. Her thoughts were clearly not helping her, but in her defense she never knew what he would do. This applied even more in the cases where he was merely a few inches or less from her. Her heartbeat would increase, and red would dominate her cheeks. Likewise, her mind would wander to certain scenarios, and she wished she could control those thoughts. Granted, she understood that the likelihood of quelling her mind's thoughts was minimal if not zero; she liked him too much. Despite his infuriating ways, he was entertaining to be around. Earlier today she had been enraged by just seeing him, yet here she was staying in his house. She had been deceived by him multiple times, but she couldn't seem to get him out of her mind. (F/n) didn't want to have a business-like relationship with him; she desired for something more. Granted, she already had that. At least she thought she did, but Edgar could throw a curveball at her anytime.

Combing her fingers through her (h/c) locks, she exited the bathroom and glanced over her new room. It truly was mesmerizing to look upon. She absolutely loved the fact that she could gaze up at the stars every night. They weren't the real ones, but they were still beautiful. It was as though she could just drift away and forget about her often frustrating situation for a few moments. Still, there were highlights in that storm of exasperation.

Moving her eyes from the ceiling and to the rest of the room, her eyes landed on the nightstand on the right side of her bed. There on top was a piece of red velvet cake. "That scheming jerk," she mumbled with a small smile on her face.    

Captured Creation (Yandere Male x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant