Deception's Message

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  Since (f/n) had first started to learn about toy making from Edgar, three weeks had gone by. Over the course of those weeks, she had finally started to get the handle of making some of the toys. Granted, they were the simplistic ones like the stuffed animals. She had been able to craft a few toy soldiers but carving wasn't exactly an easy thing to master. So, her toy soldiers were small and had a few unsmooth edges. Of course, Frederic hadn't learned of how long it was taking her to make the toys due to her false reports. Apparently, he was satisfied with just showing him a few stuffed animals and saying that everything was going well.

While she had been deceiving Frederic and was continuing to do so, Edgar, in his free time, had been calling several of his contacts in order to guard his place in the company. (F/n) didn't know what strings he had been pulling, but he had told her on multiple occasions that everything was going well and not to worry. In addition to this, Edgar had still made her leave his workshop on a day to day basis, so that he could work on the doll.

At the moment, though, (f/n) was sitting in the workshop and was working on making a new toy soldier. She only had a few minutes left before she would need to leave so that Edgar could on the winter holiday doll. Regardless, she was being incredibly careful not to mess up the edges like on the last ones. Edgar was relaxing on the bench by the window and was just observing her as she worked. It was a little stressful to just have him looking at her, but she knew that he was waiting to see if she would need help. So far, she didn't require any.

Thus, as she moved the blade of the chisel carefully across the wood, she made sure to the give the soldier a rounded left shoulder rather than a jagged one. When she had successfully accomplished her task, she moved onto the right shoulder. As the wood molded to the chisel's touch, she felt the blade get caught in the wood. Cursing at herself, she was relieved to find that there was still quite a bit of wood to carve, so it wouldn't cause any damage to the soldier's shoulder.

Once the stress of chiseling had finished, she set the blade down on the workshop desk and examined her work. The shoulders were perfectly rounded. Smiling to herself, she peered over at Edgar to see him stand up and walk over to her. He took the toy soldier from her and inspected it from various angles.

"Nicely done, (f/n). This is a great improvement from your last one, though; you forgot to carve the soldier's head," he commented before setting the toy down in front of her on the desk.

"I know, but I'll be working on it tomorrow. So, there's no rush to finish it today," she responded, as she ran her right fingers over the smooth surface of the wood. She added, as she drew her hand back onto her lap, "I suppose that I should leave, so that you can work now, and go talk to Frederic about the progress of his plan."

"Before you go, (f/n), I want to mention that everything will be ready in a few days time. The auction for the doll will occur as well as my brother's announcement to expand. So, some of his business connections will be there. With this in mind, you'll only have a few days left to deal with my brother, so I thought to give you the good news."

Standing up from her chair, she smiled at him before replying, "Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep the meeting between him and me short." With a little more excited tone, she continued, "I'm looking quite forward to seeing the doll, though. Just being able to view its form, covered with a sheet, for the last six weeks hasn't been easy."

Captured Creation (Yandere Male x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang