The Toy Maker's Disguise

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  Staring at the male to the right of her, (f/n) tried to wrap her head around what he just said. He couldn't be the owner; the owner looked completely different from him. The owner had appeared on television, and they weren't Edgar. They had light brown eyes and light blonde hair. Granted, Edgar could've just worn a disguise. Another option could be that he hired an actor to play the part of the owner when in public. With this in mind, she replied, "Why does the owner look different from you?"

"Well, I'm glad that you remembered that slight detail, but that man isn't really the owner. He just handles the business meetings and finances. Furthermore, he appears in public for me, allowing me to stay in the shadows. He's permitted these responsibilities, since he's skilled at those tasks. There's also the fact that he's my older brother."

(F/n) just stood there with her mouth hanging open slightly. "So you make most of the toys in the store?" she asked, when she composed herself somewhat.

A smirk graced his lips, as he stated, "Why yes, I do. I would say about only half of the toys, though. I have the other workers make the other ones. Does this change your opinion of me, (f/n)? Do you admire me even more now?"

"I guess I do," she muttered before realizing what she just said. "I mean that I ... well I ... it's just that the toys you create are quite magnificent. That's what I meant to say!" she nearly shouted after attempting to correct herself. Still, there was a slight red tint to her cheeks, and she was now glancing away from him.

To her it was very surreal. For all this time, she has been talking to the very owner of The Tinkerer's Treasure. She was speaking with a figure she always looked up to. Likewise, she had called him all of those names. Granted, he deserved them in those situations, but he could've very easily fired her then and there. Still, she had insulted a man, who could've been called her idol ever since her childhood. Wait, the store had been around from her childhood. He couldn't have been making toys since the store opened. "How old are you, Edgar?"

"An interesting question to ask your employer on your first day of a new job," he responded, which earned an inaudible reply from (f/n). She was most likely saying some curse word under her breath. "I'll answer, though, since I know your age. I turned twenty-five this past February. Is that too old for you, (f/n)?"

"What?! No, I mean ...," she started before stopping herself. He had set another trap, and she fell right into it. She felt like she was digging a bigger grave for herself. Honestly, could she even date her employer? He did confess to her earlier, but still it felt weird. Suddenly, she felt like she couldn't say half the things she wanted to. In a day he moved from a coworker to the individual, who got her fired, to her boss. Could she even insult him now if he pissed her off?

While she was having an inner debate with herself, she didn't notice Edgar step closer to her. In the next moment, he rested his right fingers under her chin and lifted it, so she would be forced to look at him. His action caused her to react like usual. Thus, the red on her cheeks increased, as she found her gaze locked with his. "(F/n), I'd like you to act like you usually do. If you close yourself up to me, this arrangement will be quite boring. I want you to be my personal assistant because I like you. If I didn't find your personality enjoyable, I would've never given you this position. Now, why don't you hug the person you admire?" he finished with a teasing tone.

Glaring at him, she slapped his hand away from her chin and muttered a few incoherent insults at him. "Fine, you're a jerk, who happens to also be the person I admire. Honestly, of all the things to happen," she answered, speaking quieter towards the end. "Still, who was the owner, when you were younger? You couldn't have been making the toys when the store first opened fifteen years ago."

"Ah, you're quite wrong on that point. I've been making the toys, since the beginning of the store's existence. Until my older brother turned twenty, though, my father did his work. That's beside the point, though. We need to show you your room," he replied, turning away from her and walking towards the large black wooden front doors.

"No way! That's unbelievable, how did you manage that?" she further inquired, as she trailed behind him.

"Are you going to interview your employer, now?" he questioned, clearly amused by her seemingly endless amount of inquiries. "Regardless, I'm done answering your questions for today, so just follow me for now." After saying that, he opened the front doors and stepped inside. He closed them after (f/n) stepped inside.

Once she was inside, however, she stood amazed at the interior of the mansion. Black and white checkered tiles dominated the foyer floor, while a wooden grand staircase, painted white and black, ascended to the second story of the mansion. Hanging from the ceiling was a stunning white chandelier with metal flowers, in hues of lime green, fuchsia and orange, wrapped around it. As for the walls, they were covered in wallpaper, which featured scenes of fairies in the woods. These fairies had dresses in the same colors as the chandelier. In the center of the foyer and under the chandelier, a black wooden round table sat. On top of the table, a fuchsia vase, filled with candy flower lollipops, rested.

Walking up next to (f/n), Edgar uttered, "I hope you like your new home so far, (f/n)."

She hadn't even seen most of the house, and she was thoroughly blown away. Everywhere she looked there was exquisite detail put into the place. After viewing the dining room from the previous night, she should've expected the rest of the house to look just as magnificent. Still, it felt odd just packing up and living here. "Edgar, are you sure about me living here? I mean I know that I'm supposed to be your assistant, but I don't about this."

Unexpectedly, she heard the male chuckle lightly. She looked over at him and saw an amused gleam in his eyes. "I offer you the opportunity to live with me, and you're hesitant about accepting? Technically, you have no say in the matter. Having an assistant that lives away from me will be too inconvenient. Regardless, I thought you would be thrilled about the idea."

"Just because I like you doesn't mean that I want to live with you right off the bat," she mumbled.

"Is that so? You want the job, though, right?"

"Well, yes..."

"Then, it's already settled. You'll live here, and there's no use in arguing about it. Besides, I want the person, who likes me so much, to stay close to me. I can't have you running away on me," he teased, as he began to go up the stairs.

"Hey! You're putting words into my mouth. I said that I like you. I didn't say that I like you a lot," she countered, racing up the stairs after him, since he had somewhat of a fast pace.

Abruptly turning on his heel, he caused her to almost run into him. Raising his visible eyebrow slightly and leaning forward a little bit, he touched his nose to (f/n)'s. "You're the one, however, who kissed me back and who persistently kept asking me how I felt about you. I think you have more than a little crush on me, (f/n). Besides, your tomato red face right now isn't helping your case. So, would you like to change your previous statement?"

"It's not my fault that you're so close to me," she argued, taking a step back but forgetting that she was on stairs.

Thus, she felt no ground underneath her. Rather, air greeted her feet. She didn't plummet down the stairs, however, due to Edgar quickly wrapping his left arm around her waist and hoisting her onto the step he was standing on. His right hand gripped the stair railing, which kept his balance during the rescue. Using his arm, he pulled her even closer and moved his face centimeters from her own. "Please, be more careful. I don't need to lose my assistant."

"Maybe if you respected my personal space a little..."

"I thought you liked me invading your personal space and having my lips against yours, though," he interrupted, as his visible emerald green eye sparkled with mischievous delight.

The (h/c)-haired girl would've normally countered his statement, but her words became jumbled. Perhaps, it was because she did enjoy the feel of his lips on hers. Thus, only awkward stuttering left her lips, but she still managed to push him away from her. Out of his hold, she practically stomped up the stairs and basically shouted, "I thought you wanted to show me my room! I can't exactly show myself to it, since I don't know where it is!"

Laughing quietly at her childish way to hide her embarrassment, he merely went up the stairs after her. He caught up to her quickly. She responded to this by looking down at her feet, while her fists were slightly clenched. Likewise, there was still evidence of a blush on her face due to the settle pink color on them. Honestly, she was too adorable, and he looked forward to having her around all day. Of course, he would be gone during the time when he needed to check the store's stock. Otherwise, though, he would be near to her, and that's how he wanted it. Having her so close would be quite the treat.    

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