Where she'd go?

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I woke up, comfortable for once but then looking up I saw the most beautiful, handsome man I've ever seen.

He had brown hair , brown eyes, chiseled jawline, perfect cheekbones, and by the looks of it he was very muscular.

We just stared at each other until he said " Are you alright?" He sounded genuinely worried which I don't know why but made me blush and his face relaxed and I said " yeah, where am I, who are you, what happened" and before I could say anything else he stopped me and said " you are in one of hotels, I am Jesses Johnson, and you were attacked by some thugs and I saved you."

When he said that he looked proud and suddenly flashbacks started coming back to me and I said " Owwww" , out of my pounding head and embarrassment.

He looked alarmed and said "are you alright , do you need a doctor?" I said no instantly "no I just need," I stopped talking when he started walking towards me.

Then suddenly the door knocked and he opened it and he received a bag looking like its from an department store, but looking at the clock it read 2:37 a.m.....what store is open at this time? He said, sternly " I got you some new clothes, but for now you can wear one of my shirts to sleep in."

I was shocked....did he really just say that.."umm.. no thank you, I cant accept these and I should go".

I honestly don't know where to go, but I said it. His faced turned confused "why can't you accept these?"

" ummmm.. because.. umm I don't know you,and I can't repay you," I really wanted the clothes though. "Thats nonsense, it's final, you're taking them." He looked pissed off so I just nodded "umm... thank you Mr. Johnson, but I should leave though I don't want to bother you".

And with that I got off the bed, and almost stumbled getting off, until I felt two strong arms around me lifting me up back onto the bed.

"No, you need to rest", said Jesse. He was looking at me, like he wasn't joking so I listened and when I laid my head onto the pillow, everything went dark.


God, she was light, but I was glad she listened to me when I told her to sleep. She must've fell into a deep sleep, because she didn't feel me remove her worn out converse and I shocked to see a hole in her sock......shit.

Was she poor, who does she live with, is she homeless, explains why she was out in the streets at 12 a.m. I looked back at her, and she looked peaceful, and radiant ,....god she was beautiful.

I stopped thinking when I heard my ringtone. I looked to see who it was, Fuck...it was one of those desperate models calling, I obviously denied it.

Looking back at the clock it read 3 p.m, jeez...it was late. I hesitantly laid on the other side of the bed, not wanting to wake her up, then i fell asleep.

My Billionaire man?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang