We Meet Again

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It's finally the day, I have to meet this stupid rich girl. I've never met her, but I'm pretty sure she was.

As I got out the car, waiting for my blind date, again my thoughts went towards Kelly.

Until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a woman with brown curled hair, tan skin and brown eyes. Theres no she was beautiful, but she wasn't Kelly.

She was wearing a black, tight dress, showing a lot of cleavage, which she didn't have. It made cringed.

One thing I never liked in women, was trying to show off everything and be who they weren't.

"Hi, I'm Sandra, my parents set me up on a date with."

"Ok." I started walking, I was not interested.

She started jogging in her heels to catch up with me and grabbed my arm.

Whatever, let me get this date over with.

A waitress asked the name of the reservation and I said "Johnson"

"Follow me" the waitress said, and she directed us to a table.

I could sense Sandra's eyes checking me out.

We arrived at out table and I sat down without pulling out her chair. I know it was rude, but I didn't care.

"So, how was your day", Sandra asked.

"Fine." I retorted, I wasn't in the talking mood.

Until our waitress came,.... it was Kelly.

She was in as shocked as I was to see each other. The woman that has been invading my dreams and sleep, I finally see her again. And she was my waitress?

"Uhmm, Hello, my name is Kelly, I will be your waitress today, here are you menus."

Before I could speak she scurried away.


"Hey, Kelly can you take care of table 53, please." Natty said.

"Of course, I'll take care of em, I'll even bathe and dress them." I said with a smirk.

I walk up the table and I felt two eyes on me, and I look up and I see

Omfgg... Jesse.

I'm to shocked for words, I must've looked like a fool. I immediately snapped out of it.

"Uhmm...My name is Kelly, and I will be your waitress tonight, here are your menus." I say then I scurry off towards the chef's hallway.

I don't know why I was breathing so heavy, but I felt like I ran a mile. I have to get myself together, quickly.

Come on Kelly you have to get yourself together.

I quickly composed myself and walked over to the other tables I was attending to.

Until I had to come back to table 53 to collect their menus and get their orders.

As soon as I walk up I notice Mr.Johnson's eyes on me. He looked bored talking to his DATE.

"Have you decided on drinks and your orders or do you need more time" I said with a smile.

"I would like a glass of wine Pinot Noir if you have." Said his date, her voice sounded to screechy for ears.

"And I would like Risotto" again she said.

"And for you sir." I said. He couldn't stop staring.

"Sir?" I said again.

"Eerhh, yeah I would like Chardonnay with spaghetti alla chitarra." Jesse said.

"Coming up", I said while looking down and soft.

At least 20 minutes past and every time I looked over at Jesse, his eyes never left me. It was uncomfortable.

Their food finally came and I had to carry it to them. His date seemed really talkative, while he was distant. I placed their food on the table and my hand and Jesse's hand brushed together.

I instantly pulled away, feeling electricity on where he touched me, and I blushed profusely.

About an hour passed and he gestured for his bill, which I put on table, not wanting to brush hands with him again.

He paid, and got without waiting for her, leaving her dumbfounded. She got up and started running towards him, trying to catch up with him.

It was quite funny to me and all the other waiters and waitresses.

"Did you know that man," Natalia asked.

"Why, you ask," I say, trying to ask nonchalantly.

"He kept staring at you, the whole night." She said excitedly. "He's totally into you."

"I met him once, and briefly." I lied.

"Well, it seems to me, he couldn't stop staring." She said with a smile, showing her perfect teeth.

"Whatever." I said trying to not smile, but didn't work out in the end.

My Billionaire man?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora