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I gave my speech for the Christmas party and I tried to interact but I couldn't. I had to get my mind off Kelly.

I decided to go to a club my friend owns, its new, fresh and that means a whole lotta women, hopefully to get my mind of Kelly.

I pull up to the valet and it was full. Actually full was an understatement it was packed. Do I really want to be hear, with all these people. I don't feel like interacting with human beings at this moment.

I decided to go. It smelt of alcohol and a lot of it.

"Jesse! I'm glad you can make it!" Yelled Nicholas.( the owner)

"I decided to come, I need to get mind off things." I say, and by things I mean Kelly.

"Well you came to the right place. Follow me I'll give you a private booth." He said with a wink.

Watching the people dance from above was depressing. I would usually be on the dance floor or the bar but, I didn't feel like it. Why did I even come here? 

I feel my phone vibrate and its my mother.

"Yes mother I'm kinda busy." I say in a monotone voice.

"Jesse are you in a club? I'm glad your letting yourself have fun, you've been down lately. Anyway next Saturday we are having a dinner and you must come or I'm coming down there and dragging your ass here. Oh and bring a date." And with that she hung up on me. She was very insistent person.

I look down and see Nicholas dancing with some girl. But someone catches my eye, a blonde. She looked hot. She was by the bar drinking and drinking away.


I basically run down the stairs to get to her. When I hit the landing I stop myself. If I go to her I never letting her go, and therefore put her in danger. At this point I don't care. Wait. What do I say. Just be calm, and casual Jesse.

I walk up to her and tap her shoulder.

"Jesse!!" She screams " long time no see!"

I could smell the alcohol off her breath, she has to be drunk.

"Your drunk." I say. I don't want to leave her now that I know this, some sick man can take advantage of her.

She gasp "How rude. I am not, and I will prove it to you." She gets up and points to my chest. "Stay here." She gives me a smirk and walks away.

She walks to the dance floor and starts grinding on some guy. The guy instantly reacts by reciprocating her actions. Was she doing this to me one purpose! To make me jealous, cause she's sure in hell winning! She's looking directly at me to with those eyes.

I can't watch this any longer, I am growing mad.

I pull her away.

"Hey, I wasn't done with her!" The guy yelled. I gave him that glare. The glare that says talk to me any longer and I will kill you. He immediately backs off.

"Heyyy whata yaaa doinnn.." she slurs. It slightly turns me on but I have to get her out of here. My friend Nicholas is still dancing with who is apparently her friend. I sit her down at the barstool hoping she would stay still.

"Nicholas tell your friend that I'm taking Kelly home." I say. He smiles and winks.

"Have fun." He winks. I'm gonna let that slide, only because it really does look that way.

I turn around and thank GOD she's there, but she's flirting with the bartender! I must stop this!

"How much did she have?" I ask the bartender.

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