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I start rubbing the heart necklace Jesse gave me awhile ago. I've never too it off since he gave it to me. I believe it was my charm telling me to go back to Jesse and it brought me back to Jesse, hopefully this time it brings him to me.

The burst open to another 2 men, but they didn't have that evil look in their eyes. They had more of a sympathy look, like they looked sorry for me.

"We've been ordered to kill you." One says. My heart drops to my stomach. My eyes begin to water. I feel numb. Noooo.

"Pleaseee.. don't. PLEASE. I'll do." I start to sob.He cuts me off.

"I don't kill innocent people, were taking you." He says, blankly.

I'm shook, to my core. My mind running a million thoughts in a matter of seconds. They start to take off the chains, and it feels like I've lost 100 pounds.

"Don't move." He orders.

I listen, because where else am I gonna go.

He then lifts me up and places me in a chair and ties me up in rope. The rope is hard and brissley. He puts some rag over my mouth for me not to scream. They lift me and carry me to a van. And inside I see the devil herself. She smirks at me and ask you brought her. Just her voice alone makes me sick, I decide to block out everyone.

The van starts taking sharp turns, making me knock my head on the window. Everyone keeps looking back, nervously. WHAT GOING ON? I decide to look back and I see a familiar car, that looks like one of.... JESSE'S? Jesse? Am I imagining things. I would pinch myself if my hands weren't tied up. I try to squint to see if it was him, but the van keeps taking turns.



I try to open my eyes, but I wince. Pain is all I feel. I look down, and I see a piece of wood IN MY leg. What's happening? We've crashed, by the looks of the van and me we skidded of the road, and landed on its side, tossing me and that motherfuker of a driver, who also tried to rape me. Sandra and the two others are still inside.

Darkness is starting to take over me, all I now see is Jesse running to me. I try keep my eyelids from closing but.....



The lousy van crashed!!!!! With Kelly inside!! Jesus, lord if anything happened to her, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I stop my car, and run outside to find Kelly. I see her tied up to a broken, chair and its leg is stabbing into her leg. Oh no! Jesus Lord!

I run to her immediately and put her head in my lap. Oh how hood it feels to touch her skin. I feel for a pulse. I find one. A weak one. Oh no Kelly not now. A tear has slipped from my eyes and land on her face. She looks beaten up. I feel empty inside, even though Kelly is here. It hurts me to see her like this. LOOK AT WHAT YOU CAUSED. If only... if only I could've gone through this instead of Kelly. I'd rather be shot 10 times just to protect Kelly, my sweet Kelly. More tears slip through my eyes.

"Come on Kelly, you can't give up now. I'm so sorry.." I say to her.

"I'm so sorry." I repeat. Finally ambulances and police cars start coming. Finally. Kelly has to be alright.

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