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A week has past since me and Jesse's whatever we had ended. I decided to keep and wear the necklace because it didn't feel right not with me. Even though he gave it to me, he probably has no sentimental value to him.

Living with Natty has its benefits and... not so much. I never forgot Matthew and I would visit him everyday.

"Kelly can you see me in my office, please" Mr. Greene says, interrupting my thoughts.

"Of course." I was nervous. Was firing me.

"Take a seat." He says.

"I unfortunately don't have the best news. Don't worry you're not fired." He says, with a smile. He has a pretty smile. "Because of all the new people we have hired we unfortunately have to cut down your days working and this affects your paycheck. Your new days will be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9-6 and Friday and Saturday 1-10 p.m. And Fridays depend

"Okay, thats not as bad as I thought. I thought I was getting fired." I say, slightly chuckling.

"On another note, are you free Thursday?" Mr.Greene says, kinda of nervous.

I smile and say "I'm free everyday. At least that's what the Constitution says."

"You're funny, how about a coffee date." He says more relaxed.

"Date? Hmmmm.. sure" I say teasingly.

"Back to work." He says jokingly. "Yes sir" I salute and walk back to my shift.

I wasn't gonna lie. I'm still somewhat depressed about Jesse, but I need to move on. And what better way to move on than get someone new. Even though he isn't as hot as Jesse.


Thursday morning. I have my date this morning with my manager. At least not my boss. It was at a cafe not to far away from Natty's apartment.

I took a shower, pulled my hair in a ponytail tail and threw on Natalia's black leather jacket. Borrowing her clothes was a benefit from living with her.

I reached at the cafe first and ordered coffee. Waiting for Mr.Greene my mind drifted to Jesse. I wonder what he's doing. STOP IT.  STOP IT KELLY.

"Ermggghh" a cough interrupted my thoughts.

"Good morning Kelly" Mr. Greene said.

"Good morning Mr. Greene."

"Call me Jason" he said. Hmm Jason Greene.

"Well Jason, how are you." I say.

"Good and by the way you will not be working tomorrow." He says.

"Is that all you talk about. Work?" I say, if he's gonna hang with me he's going to have to loosen up.

"No not really." He says, kinda of geeky. Was he a geek in highschool.

We had a good date, if you want to call it that. I didn't agree with all the stuff but at the end of the day he is still my manager and I kept my mouth shut and nodded.

I headed back to Natty's apartment and sat and watched Netflix the whole day.


My mother was worried sick about me skipping Friday dinner, but I didn't want to stress about it.

Sandra told my mother we're together even I told my mother we weren't. My mother was getting annoying so I called her and told her that I do not like nor see a future with Sandra. My mother was understanding about it, but I could tell she was devastated about it.

My phone went off.

"Dear Jesse
           Stop telling your mother were not a thing, when we are. I see you broke waitresses heart now you must accept me into yours, I've already put you in mines. Think of Andrew, that was  tragic.

I must call Ros, my detective friend.

"Ros I need you to get me a report on someone. Sandra Patterson-Greene . Yes. And check if she has any ties to Andrew. Thank you" I liked how down to business she was. Theres was no maybes or I don't think so, it's always straight forward.

Sandra was getting stranger and stranger, almost crazy. I don't want her near Kelly.

I have still not gone back to my apartment, I don't want any reminders of Kelly like that. My maid was surely worried but I told her she could continue clean but not to change the bedsheets. When I do decide to go back to my penthouse I want the smell of Kelly there. Is that crazy. Yes. She's making me crazy.


A few hours later Ros calls back.

"Hey Jesse, I got a background check in Sandra Patterson-Greene , and she's something. Though we haven't found anything yet, connecting her with the death of Andrew, we will continue a thorough search. We will have her report hand deliver in what should be a couple of minutes."

"Thank Ros." I say and with that she hung up. She was right a couple minutes later there was a knock at my office door.

Opening the file.

First Name: Sandra                                       
Last Name:Patterson-Greene
DOB: 04/15/1993     POB: Saratoga, New York
Gender: Female        Phone #: 646-***-5896
Address: 38 East 61st Street
New York, New York,
United States
Occupation: n/a    
Marital Status: Single
Drivers License plate:27A-58O
Parent info:
Father: Albert J. Patterson- deceased
Mother: Blanch D. Greene(maiden-Deboroah) remarried Jackson T. Greene
Stepfather: Jackson T.Greene- deceased
Criminal History
Assault and Battery 2013 on unknown. Charges dropped.
Speeding Ticket 2015&2016- paid
Assault and Battery 2016 on unknown. Charges dropped.
Questioned for attempted murder- never followed through.
     Issued by : Ros Berry

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