The truth

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We arrive home and I see Kelly has fallen asleep, allowing me to carry her back home. When I pull up into the parking spot Kelly starts saying something incoherently, while sleeping.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so stupid. Its all my fault."

Just as start to wakes her up she stops. Was she having a nightmare? About what? Whatever's she been through I have to know, I cant stand not knowing anymore.

I pick her up bridal-style and walk towards the elevator. While in the elevator she stirs in her sleep a little more, just getting me a little worried. I lay her on the bed and take off her shoes and her jewelry, except the heart necklace. I start to think of what my father said to me, about telling her my feelings.

I have some business to take care of, so I go into my office. I see a miscall from Ros, my private investigator.

"Sorry Jesse this is a bad time, but I must inform you that my team and I have been digging into Sandra's past more, and we must inform you that she has no ties to Andrew and that her stepbrother is Kelly's manager, but he has clean record. And by some research there not close at all. Even though Sandra has no ties to Andrew still be on the look-out for a while, just for the sake of her still having a violent past. I will call you tomorrow. Have a good night. Ros"

I take a sigh of relief that she has no ties to the death of Andrew, and I will take her advice on keeping security up for a while.

Next a text from my sister.

"JESSE!!!!!! You've gotta girlfriend. And I actually love her. She's not a bitch. I must say I thought this was fake but its obvious you care for her deeply, and this makes my heart swell in joy. Even though I hate you you deserve to be happy. I can't wait to tell my friends especially Alexa, the one that has had a crush on you since....ever. I can't wait to see her face it's going to be priceless. Anyway much love from your hot sister, Isabella."

Next text from Michael.

"Damn bro, your girl is hot. How does she even like you, you're a jerk. Anyway hook me up with one of her friends or even one of your model friends."

Why is everyone so hype about me having a relationship. At least they like Kelly. For Michael a little to much.

I start reading some paperwork. Oh shit I forgot about the deal with Mr.Fransisco. I have to get my act together. Well that won't be hard anymore now that I found Kelly. I want to stay with her forever. Wait did I just say. That I want to basically marry Kelly. For some reason it didn't sound crazy but soothing. My imagination of having a family with a loving wife, kids, big house, can this all come true. I always thought it was just an imagination and not for me. But once again Kelly has changed my world and what I thought would happen and what not.


I wake up quickly. I don't know why I have sweat on me. Waitt. Did I have another nightmare. Shit. Did Jesse witness it. Where is Jesse? I don't want to be alone right now. I get up and look for. Not seeing him in the living room or kitchen, he must be in his office. I peep through the crack of door, and I see him. He looks very stressed so I just watch him. He looks up.

"You're up." He says. I don't know why I feel so shy, like I've been caught doing something wrong. All I could do is nod. He gets up and takes my hand and leads me back his bedroom. We sit down on the bed, and he faces me. I'm looking down, I don't know why I feel guilty. He lifts my chin for me to look at him.

"I want to know." He says low and softly.

"Know what?" I ask.

"Everything. These nightmares. Why'd you cry when I took you the fair. Why you almost teared up at eating waffles. Why you were homeless. Everything. It kills me to see you hurt." He says so genuinely.

Should I tell him or let my guard up? I let my hear decide.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"My parents including my sister died a little more than a year ago in a car accident. They were my everything, the only family I knew. When I left to go to college I moved pretty far which my mother wasn't so comfortable with, but I didn't care at the time. When I finished college I wanted them to come see me, little did I know I would never see them again. They were hit by a truck driver not paying attention and they died on their way to see ME. They were going through financial troubles with paying for my college and when they died they had little, so I had little. I was living in a motel for about a year until the money ram out and I was on the streets. I thought it was a good idea to sleep at station and I met Matthew there and he has treated me like a daughter ever since." I didn't realize I was crying. The saltiness running all over my face. I look up him and his eyes look glassy, he rubs away my tears.

"I'm so sorry." He says deeply, and he takes me into his embrace a warm hug. This is what I need.

I start sobbing at this point. "It's all my fault, if I never asked them to come,....or move so far, they would still be here." My heart was pounding out of hurt.

He makes me face him. "None of this is your fault. Don't ever think that." He says in all seriousness. All I could do was nuzzle the crook of his neck.

"I love you Kelly." He murmurs. I couldn't respond all I wanted to be was in his arms. He pulls away from me and goes into his closet and pulls out his sweats and a 2 tshirts. Ie tosses one to me and I undress not caring about him staring at me, and put on his shirt that fell in the middle of my thighs. He thens pulls me into his embrace and pulls me to the bed and we fall asleep.

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