Chapter 5: Irene Rose

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I instantly froze after I heard my mate's name, Alpha Archer, one of the most feared Alpha's, yet something gave off a weird taste as I tried to recall something important about him that I forget countless of times. I couldn't help but feel weird as I knew his name, but he never knew mine, almost as if he didn't want to know my name. 

I shrugged off the thought and stared at my mother, who still, covered her mouth in awe as she regained her posture and I knew she was deeply affected by the power that radiated off him as he stood there with unseeing eyes, his eyes did not meet my father's and I faltered at the lack of sight that he seemed to have. Alpha Archer's eyes looked at my father, but his eyes never meeting him, and it occurred to me one thing that I should've remembered when I first met him.

"You're blind." It was something that I blurted out and it made me look at him, a wolf without his eyesight is vulnerable and weak, yet he turned out to be a strong and feared Alpha, obviously meant that his other senses doubled and now I understood everything. Alpha Archer's face whisked around and stared at me, well, looked at me and gave me a somewhat sympathetic frown and kept his gaze on me. 

"Yes, I am," he said, he heavily sighed and turned his attention back to my father who gave him a stern gaze and then switched back to me. 

"Let me guess, as my daughter is your mate, you would want to take her back to your pack, claim her and never let her mother and I see her again." my dad stated, and I paled at the thought once again. I couldn't leave my pack. My friends and family were here, I wouldn't leave them even if he was an Alpha, I would never leave them. My mother paled at the thought too and looked at me with a worried expression and then back at Alpha Archer, whose gaze was hardened and his stance stiff at my dad's immediate guess at what he would do.

"Of course, she is mine." and there it goes, the 'mine' thing. The thought of being called an object sickened me, as well as the thought I would never see my parents again, it hurt to know that I would never see my own pack ever again.

"Excuse me?" I breathed out, trying to calm the anger that would soon radiate from me and into the air. Saying this,  was an act of defiance towards him as an Alpha and I knew instantly that this was not going to end well and I had sealed my fate. Both my dad and Alpha Archer looked at me, my wolf growling at me for stating that I was not his, and it made me get mad at her for being inconsiderate to my feelings. Alpha Archer was obviously displeased at my act of defiance and disrespect and I could feel it in the air, his anger radiated off him and I felt as if I could hear his wolf growling at this point. 

I boldly looked into Alpha Archer's eyes and even though he couldn't see me, I still took the advantage of it and stared into his baby blues. "I am not going with you, you cannot simply take me away from here," I stated, feeling a new amount of strength as I bravely gazed onto him. In the corner of my eye, I could see that my dad stood there, mouth agape as he watched everything unfold. I could feel his pride simmering out from him as his eldest daughter stood his ground. Some members of the celebration looked on as they felt the anger of an Alpha in the room and watched him and I having a stare off, even if the Alpha couldn't stare back at me.

The little emotion in his eyes was visible, it was swirling with anger because he didn't like the fact that I told him I wasn't his and I wasn't going with him, a sign of disrespect and Alphas hated disrespect.

"You will go with mine, whether you like it or not. Mate or not, you will go with me to my pack," he said sternly, reaching out to grab my left arm, drawing me closer as he gave me a hard expression.

 "You can't make me" I spoke, feeling my arm being squeezed tightly. This was an act of dominance over a female, or if anyone who disrespects a higher rank and the more I disrespected him, the more his grip tightened on my arm.

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