Chapter 72: Alpha Archer

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A.N I'm thinking of ending the book soon, thoughts? We've come so far together and I don't want to end it... but all good things must come to an end. Please share this book with everyone you know. I really want to get in the top ten... thanks everyone for going on this journey with me.

Can we get up to 390k reads??

   "I love you," We whispered together and I felt all the weight lift off my shoulders and tears prickling my eyes as those three words painfully gripped my heart and mind in a delicious way. I felt happiness seep through me as we said them together, my heart feeling happy at her words. I could feel her happiness radiate mine as she tiptoed towards my face and planted her warm lips against mine. I held her close, feeling my brain thump slightly painfully in my mind, but I disregarded it and continued to kiss the life out of her. The passionate kiss made my knees painfully weak as her touch sent shivers and goosebumps down my spine. I felt light, but then I felt my brain pound and my heart beat stammered in my chest as I felt my brain squeeze into a puddle. I broke away the kiss and held my head in my hands, groaning in pain. I saw that her pink aura turned back to a shade of what could be the worry as I walked back slowly, almost tripping the process as my brain started to painfully thumping against my head. One hand was steadying my hand, squeezing it in hopes to ease the pain. It spread like a wildfire throughout my body as I tried to ease the pain.

   What was happening to me?

  "Archer?" Irene screamed out panic lacing in her voice as my back hit the wall, I stumbled around, my head screaming in my pain as my vision was flicking back and forth from different images that I didn't seem to remember.My heart thudded in my chest as I screamed out painfully, my eyes feeling watery as I tried to keep my balance, my feet tripping over each other. I felt two dainty hands hold my cheeks as my eyes struggled to regain vision, flashes of the color worry came in front of me and I instantly knew it was Irene's.

  "Baby, stay with me, what's happening!" she screamed out, her voice filled with pain as I groaned out, my head hitting the wall as I felt my balance slipping from underneath me. 

   "I-I don't know," I gasped, my brain squeezing painfully as I felt sweat drip down my forehead, the room getting twenty times hotter as I shut my eyes painfully, praying to the Goddess to take this pain away.

     "Listen to me, listen to my voice, stay awake baby, stay awake," she pleaded, her touch soothing some of the pain as she gripped my forearms, trying to hold my heavy body up as I felt myself shift forward and onto her shoulder. She struggled to hold my body as I winced in pain, the pain in my head and heart too much for me. I could tell Venus didn't know what to do as he ran around in my head, howling to the Moon Goddess as a plea for help. 

   "Goddess, Archer, what the hell is happening?" she cried hysterically as she tried to move me somewhere else. I could feel her body tremor under mine. I felt her tears stain my neck as she heaved me towards the bed, fear, and panic lacing through my veins at my mate's alert state.

   Before I knew it, her body couldn't carry my weight anymore and her legs gave way, she fell on her knees as I felt my head hit against a carpet. I groaned in pain, the throbbing in my head increasing. I scream out in pain as it engulfed my entire body, hot flames rushing through my veins as my breaths came in small pants. I was a sweating mess, I rolled over on my stomach as gripped my head painfully.

   "What the fuck," I groaned out as I felt my stomach twist in a burning pain. Irene's hand frantically went over my body, checking for any injuries, her touch easing the pain a little bit which I thanked her for that. I can't believe this is happening to me, this is what I get for confessing my love for her. Goddammit, Archer.

   I howled in pain as another wave of hurt crashed onto my body, my fangs elongating as if my wolf was begging to come out so that he could ease my pain. I could hear him mentally roaring at me to let him free, he wants to take my pain as his own, but I couldn't let him be in pain, he didn't deserve it.

   I could feel the tears stream down my face as I continued to howl and scream, Irene's frantic cries couldn't be heard anymore and all I could do was feel her touch. My body seemed heavier by the second, my body slowly turning numb as it seemingly gave up trying. I groaned out as black spots clouded my colored vision, rolling around again as I could feel myself blacking out before regaining unconsciousness. I could feel myself shifting, but then shift back into human form, it felt as if I was halfway through a shift before I turned back into human form. This was an unnatural thing to happen and the Goddess seemed to show no mercy before I blacked out again with a small whisper on my lips.

    "Irene," and I blacked out again but never waking up.

        "Archer, baby, please wake up, please, I love you goddammit, come back to me," a faint voice called out to me, I felt like groaning, my body feeling like it was crushed a thousand times. I couldn't move a single part of my body even if I wanted to, my eyes closed as I try to reach out for the voice.

   "Wake up, please," it said again, this time with more force and emotion that stirred something inside of me. It sounded familiar, but my mind was clouded and I couldn't put a name to the voice or was it face? Wait... I couldn't see, to begin with.

    I desperately wanted to wake up to the soothing voice that called out to me, their voice laced with pain and emotion that I felt the need to wrap them in my arms and hug them to death. I screamed at my eyes to open, to at least see the colors of someone who was talking to me. Maybe then I'll remember who it is.

    "Archer, I know you're not dead, please, come back," they said and then following with a lot of sniffles and sobs. 

   "Goddess, I love you, wake up," they cried again and my heart clenched in pain, I didn't like hearing them cry, whoever they were. I willed my body to feel something and before I knew it, I felt the tender touches of two dainty hands pressing against my face, something wet against my cheeks and sparks dancing across my body. I could've moaned at the feeling, it felt so pleasurable.

   I had to know who it was.

I forced my eyes to part open, blurry patterns dancing across my eyes as I saw a bright light hovering over me and a shadow looming. 

   "Archer?" the voice said, relief flooding their tone as a felt a thumb brush over my cheeks.

  I blinked several times, my voice hoarse as I groaned in pain, the blur turning into something else. I saw a face, a beautiful face, I think it was a face. She was gorgeous, spots dancing across their skin, hair cut just above their shoulders and bright eyes sparkling with tears. She could be one of the most beautiful people ever to exist. I felt my mouth gape open as she held my face in her dainty little fingers, caressing my face as she cried.

   I relished into their touch, feeling an incredible amount of warmth bursting through her fingers as I closed my eyes and let her touch send me somewhere else. This stranger has magic fingers.

   I felt my wolf prodding in my mind whimpering to me for some odd reason, I told him to back off, I want to savor this moment with whoever this person was, their touch electrified me. But then, my eyes snapped open as I realized what was happening. Hair? Skin? Bright light?

  I didn't see colors anymore, this time I could see.

  I didn't see colors anymore, this time I could see

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