Chapter 93: Third Person's POV

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a.n pls do not comment or bother to start writing about 'i stopped reading' or 'i'm gonna stop reading' bc of something like there are unnecessary chapters, plot twists. this is my story and it is not for everyone. i cannot change this story as i have completed it and i get annoyed when people do that. i like involving plot twists and i know this book drags on and on, but idc, because it is my book, you decided to read it, not me. like yeah 94 chapters, who cares? there are other books longer than this. fkn deal with it .

i'm sorry if you hate this book, but the question is, why tf are you still reading it and complaining? but, then again, thank for the reads boo



   Irene had screamed her entire being out, tears spilling out of her eyes as she called out for Archer. He didn't come. So she cried even more. She felt herself being prodded and touched, she could feel the numbness, but that was it, she didn't feel anything. Fear had swept up in her veins as she couldn't feel her pups, the thought alone made her scream. She was covered in blankets, eyes closed as the doctors did their magic. They were afraid something was wrong with the pups, so they chose to cut her open in order to retrieve the babies. 

  Their blood dropped as they only heard tiny heartbeats, slow and weak. And they could only hear two.

  Archer sat on the hospital chair, already hating to distinctive smell of chlorine and antibacterial wash. His family was trying to comfort him, but he didn't budge or say anything, he just cried. A once mighty Alpha from the start was torn in shreds in a hospital room, waiting for his future to arrive. He felt dead inside, but no matter what, he'd try to stay strong for Irene. She needed that hope, it was all they had.

   He couldn't imagine a life without Irene, he couldn't imaging his past without Irene. She was there, a frequent person that should stay there until death do them part. He wasn't going to allow her to leave, but if she did, he knew he wouldn't keep the beast at bay. His body shook with fear and desperation, it reeked off him like fish odor as Venus lowly growled, anger bubbling within him as he watched Archer cry. Venus was afraid for Crescent's life, he loved her too much to ever let her go, but he couldn't communicate with her, she was in too much pain. He felt it all within him, as Archer did with Irene.

  He cried just like Archer did, he felt like Archer did, but he felt more angry than anything. If they die, Venus will come out, whether or not he will wreck havoc on the pack was unsure. But, he will come out. Archer can't control that. Losing a loved one will take a toll on you, it will give you so much guilt and regret, wishing that you spent more time with them. Archer just wanted to be with his mate, but as he heard the screams, he didn't know what to do. He guessed the medication didn't work as well as he thought.

     Another couple of gruesome hours later, Archer remained in his seat, thinking of the worse as the night time came upon them. He was rigid as he heard the distant sounds of the hospital continuously moving, he had lost all touch of the world as he waited anxiously for the doctor, or for Irene. Before he knew it, he felt immense pain in his heart, it choked him, gripped him as his airways were blocked off and he shriveled in his seat. Gasping for air as the immense pain swirled within him, something was wrong, oh so terribly wrong.

   He was scared, frightened as it gripped him, like something was pushing his chest down as he heaved onto the cold floor, reaching for air as his muscles tightened. His family rushed to him as they watched Archer look like a fish out of water, his face red and in pain as he held his chest where his heart was. The doctors rushed to his side, checking on him, but as they stared at him for a little bit. They knew nothing was wrong physically, but emotionally something was killing him and they shook their head, tears in their eyes as the backed away and bowed in deep sadness. Whatever happened, it was either his mate or him that was causing pain.

The Blind Alpha | ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora