Chapter 8: Irene Rose

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I was granted three days from the Alpha himself to recuperate and say my goodbyes to both my family and fellow leaving pack members. In my mother's words, the mate celebration 'could have never been better, as you have found your mate. Even though, you know, he's well uh-but you found him nevertheless.' More than 12 members, both male and female have found their mates, we will be getting new members and losing old ones. 

Elena would be leaving in a couple of days too, luckily for her, her mate is kind and understanding and allowed her to stay for a whole week so he could meet our family and get to know us before they leave. Lucky her.

As for my mate, I haven't seen him, however, I have caught whiffs of his scent around the area so he must be staying in the guest rooms in the packed house. Several of his she-wolves have found their mate here and are currently residing in our pack house, some of them who are going to live in their own house. A few she-wolves have started their heat after a couple of days of meeting their mates and the males are started to get agitated. The smell was faint, but soon enough it would alight and become irresistible to the male wolves, I pray the she-wolves mates take them in time.

It was my second day, one more day until I have to leave and I was spending my time with my family. My family members were taking me out to the local human mall and decided to buy some things for the house and for me. Elena was taking it rough as she clung onto me bringing me into new stores with her mate and trying on new outfits before I left. Matthew, being the kind person he is, complimented Elena with each outfit she tried on, me as well as I was forced into clothes like I was a Barbie Doll.

My younger brothers always wanted to hold my hand, and always asked me if I would keep in touch after I left. Timmy would sometimes bring me to the toy section with Johnny, and he would scan the toys until he found one that he found amusing and asked me to buy it, whereas Johnny was randomly picking up toys from the store and started to play with them. 

Elena, went to a few stores with me asking me questions about my mate. She was a little curious, just like me, and wanted to know if he was kind and if he would protect me like princes do in books. My heart ached at remembering my mate, the bloated mark still making a scene as it was still purple and red.

The doctor told me my mark was the way it was because I was taken forcefully and the Moon Goddess was showing her punishment, not to me, but to Alpha Archer. It was going to stay like that until I had accepted him fully as a mate, or else it would stay purple and bloated until it happened. At this point and time, I did not accept him as my mate, it was obvious that I loathed him and did not want anything to do with him and honestly did not want to see him anymore.

My parents always told me that he visited me in the hospital or stayed by my side until I woke up, and I was out for two days straight and only made the slightest of movements. Of course, with my mate by my side, I started to heal quicker than expected and healed in two days rather than five. 

"Hello? Earth to Irene! You're zoning out!" Elena yelled at me in the middle of a clothes store. She was standing right in front of me with her hands crossed over her chest as she gave me the stink eye. Obviously mad that I zoned out while she tried on clothes. I blinked rapidly and gazed back at her, giving her a warning glare as I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking. You know, with leaving in a day and all. I haven't had time to think." I breathed out, her stiff posture relaxed a little and gave me a desperate sigh. "God Irene. I know you're leaving and all, but we have to get you new outfits. I mean how else are you going to seduce that big hunk of an Alpha." she said, which earned a growl from Matthew threw a possessive glance over to her. She looked at him back and gave a sly smirk. "Don't worry babe, you are more of a hunk than he'll ever be." she winked and walked back into the change rooms.

He relaxed and gave a beaming smile and sat on one of the ottomans waiting for his mate to come back with new clothes on her. After a few minutes, Elena came out with a slim red dress that hung to her curves tightly, showing every curve that she owned, along with her breasts. It was beautiful on her. From the waist up is held silver gems and crystals with an intricate design, it was somewhat see-through, yet the design on the dress covered everything up. The waist clung to her curves and ass as she turned around, and it was tight around the bust area until it flowed down freely from her waist. She looked amazing in it.

Matthew however, was giving off too much of his pride and lust as it radiated around the room. His eyes were dark as he wandered over every curve and ditch of her body. His arousal was too prominent and crowded the change rooms. Elena, who was very much aware smirked and walked over to him, swinging her hips back and forth as she approached him with a playful look in her eyes.

"Like what you see?" she smirked, standing proudly in front of him as he took her all in. He let out a shaky breath as he brought his hands up to her waist and grasped it with his large hands. He allowed it them to wander around her waist and trailing it up underneath her breast. His eyes focusing only on her own as she withered against his touch. It was a very intimate scene, one that I should have never encountered and I coughed rapidly, interrupting their moment and blushed sheepishly. "Sorry to interrupt this heated session, but can we continue to look for clothes? Please, Matthew, wait for her heat and don't fuck her yet." I commented as they shied away from each other, Elena walking back to the change room and closed the curtain behind her.

"You just wished you had the same with Alpha Archer!" she yelled and I blushed furiously and looked down. I did not want that with him. "Yeah! I wish he was dead too!" I smiled and leant back against the wall, looking over to Matthew who was red all over, a prominent bulge against his jeans. "Hey, Matt. Next time, please don't eye rape her in front of me. I'm her big sister, and surely don't want to see my sister getting it on, she's only eighteen remember." I spoke, which made him turn even redder.

The next day was my last day in my pack, my sisters were with me in my room as we chatted about random things while I packed my bags for the move. I didn't want to pack everything because somehow I would run away back here, and hopefully, Alpha Archer would get the hint and leave me alone. I was obviously reluctant to move, but I didn't want my pack to suffer for my tantrums, plus Alpha Archer allowed me to stay here for three days, granted it wasn't a week, but a couple of days, which I would take.

From our little shopping spree yesterday, I got new shirts, pants, shorts, lingerie (which I would not use because my sister bought the kinkiest ones), summer dresses and new shoes. Basically, new everything because I did not want to use clothes that some of Alpha Archer's fuck toys left. My sisters gave me advice on how to handle a beast like him, but I did not need them, I would deal with him my own way.  

My parents made a home-cooked meal for the first time in a week and we all gathered around the dining table with all my friends, even Christen, before we went to bed that evening. All my siblings slept in my room and we had a long talk during the whole night, with Elena and I pulling an almost all nighter, which we stayed up until 4 o'clock until our eyes gave out.

Soon enough it was morning, and I dreaded to even wake up.

A.N I haven't updated in a couple of days, and my reads have already doubled like wtf??! Thank you so much!!!!!!! So I updated, and yeah. Thank you so much!


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