Chapter 2

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Shaken from her experience a few hours earlier, Evanora finally mustered the courage to slip out of the door into the alleyways that surrounded the port. For those who knew the way, this maze of clustered pathways could be navigated blindfolded, yet for the rare few unfortunate newcomers it was a spiralling labyrinth of your worst nightmares with the power to distort your imagination.

Evanora was confident in her way, stepping quickly and with a trusted certainty, but she never allowed herself to forget the stories she’d heard about those who lurked in the murk of the alleys.

Shivering, her hand found her dagger. Immediately she felt safer and her strides lengthened as she stormed the streets towards her destination. This route was seemingly imprinted on the soles of her feet; she had walked this path on so many similar nights that she no longer needed to consider directions.

Part of her nightly routine revolved around a certain wall at the entrance to a boarded alley. Upon this wall were plastered countless posters of wanted thieves, murderers and pirates. Detailed descriptions announced each one and tempting rewards promised handsome riches for their capture. As she walked past, Evanora had no time for the thieves and killers, yet she read the name and story of each and every wanted pirate.

That night, in the dim light of the waning moon, a new poster caught her eye, causing her to stop in her tracks.

‘Kade Skyler.’ It read. ‘Notorious pirate and First Mate. Bountiful reward- dead or alive.’

Accompanying the description was quite a flattering image of this pirate. He was young, only a few years older than Evanora or so it seemed, with windswept hair, wild eyes and a definite air of adventure.

Now Evanora did not know what made her do so- maybe it was his sparkling eyes or the recollection of her dreams- but she reached out to the poster and ran a tentative hand along the jawline of his face.

“Mister Skyler, you don’t know how lucky you are.” she whispered, a sighing smile gracing her mouth alongside her words.

She stood staring at the young pirate for a little while, imagining the adventures she could have had if she was born on a pirate ship, free and unbound. This pirate really was quite attractive too, in an untamed way not much unlike her own.

When a twig snapped suddenly behind her, Evanora spun on her heel and hurried onward. Remembering her encounter with the figure in the shadows she cursed at how very vulnerable she had just been.

As the alleyways widened out into the square, the sudden frantic bustling of people nearly took her by surprise. It was the middle of the night, but the pirate port never ceased to thrive.

“Father, where are you?” Evanora whispered into the crowds. Of course, she knew where he’d be. She always held fast onto the hope that he would have found the sense to stumble outside so she wouldn’t have to go in.

The door to the Rusty Cutlass tavern was always open, but far from welcoming. Evanora hated the hungry eyes that ravaged her body as soon as she stepped inside. Wolf whistles of drunken old men rang clearly through the racket of punch-ups and clinking glasses. It was always the same and never a pleasant experience.

“Evanora! Come for a pint have we, little missy? Drinks on the house for the daughter of my favourite customer!”

The drawl of the vicious landlady Marlena Whyte suffocated Evanora, as did her cloud of toxic perfume. The landlady was patronising and as drunk as any of her customers, drinking for the sake of escape from her miserable life. Evanora did not feel sorry for her; she could not stand the woman. She resisted the urge to tip the beer Marlena offered straight down her revealing scarlet minidress.

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